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Everything posted by basshead56

  1. My recently acquired crack-converters bargain. Gave here a good clean, wiring tidy, new battery and some nice new strings. Got it to play Misfits covers but I'm going balder faster than Jerry Only. So, off she goes to a new home next week and I get a new Ampeg PF rig. Still a beauty of a bass!
  2. Kind of disappointed with these. Chopping an already middle of the road pedal into two lesser units. Also no D.I. on the preamp pedal... what's the point. Just buy the VT Deluxe D.I. or Deluxe (more authentically Ampeg in terms of tone IMO)
  3. Hi all, A mate has offered me his Mibass combo as a swap for a pedal I don't use. i reckon I'm up on the deal by far! I love this little thing and I think it will make a great rehearsal amp. Only trouble is i'm now keen on the idea of adding a second cab and I have found a MiBass 10 cab on sale at a nearby (relatively) music store - really cheap too. Trouble is, it definitely says 4ohm impedance on the back of the extension cab. I'm sure the combo's speaker is 8ohms, or am I wrong here? Would it work? Anyone here have any experience of adding a second Mibass cab to their combo? Any help appreciated Col
  4. Depends on personal taste really. I cant see the 2x10 PF cab sounding majorly different to your current cab, since they are basically the same bar the aesthetics (and functionality -storage), but I have never had the chance to A/B those options. The other cabs in the range are a 15 fliptop cab, a non-flip 12, 15 and 4x10. All of these will sound quite different to your current setup and each will have its charms. The Fliptop cabs are great because of the storage and transport practicalities and have an old-school tone, whereas the non flip cabs will have better low frequency response/tone shaping because of the porting etc. Personally, I love the idea of having one of the PF series heads (probably the 50T most of all) and the fliptop 15 or 2x10 - simply for rehearsals and small gigs with my bluegrass and rockabilly bands. I currently use a pair of Ampeg B100-R combos for those purposes and they are pretty epic sounding 15's. I love them to bits but they weigh a wee bit, so the PF series seem like a good option. But wont be changing anytime soon. My point being, I prefer the 15's for certain applications, but I also love the response of 10's, so for bigger gigs I bring out the old SVT and 8x10 Horses for courses...
  5. Does it have Made in Japan or Crafted in Japan written on the base of the neck at the back? Logo looks a bit wonky to me
  6. [quote name='TPJ' timestamp='1473168693' post='3127597'] Maybe have a look at the Innovation range of strings. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/177579-innovation-string-descriptions/page__view__findpost__p__1671072"]Here is a link[/url] that describes the different kinds. The Velvet Blues may work well too. Which steel strings did you try? IME, Spiro weichs can cover a lot of ground. [/quote] Cheers. Have had a look and could be keen on a set of the Rockabilly or Silver Slaps. Do you know if they can be cut a bit if they are a tad too long?
  7. Hi all, Have been playing my Baby for the last couple of years with weedwacker strings. Love the click, as it suits the mostly rockabilly-style slap playing required for one of the bands I play with. I use the hybrid (steel core/nylon outer) E and A as i found the regular ones were lacking in bottom end. I have regular weedwackers on D and G Lately however, I feel like I would like improve my playing all round and broaden my range, not just dumb slapping. So I want a set of strings that will let me dig in a bit more for pizz etc, but still give me a bit of click. it would also help my pedal tuner zero in a bit better when trying to tune my E string! I would like to avoid steel strings where possible as I am a noob and my limited experience of steel put me off (sliced me fingers!) Anyone got any suggestions for strings that will meet my needs AND suit the old transducer style pickup of the Baby bass?
  8. [attachment=226732:ray.jpg] My latest addition to the stable. Finally, a 'Ray I get on with. Can't put it down!!!
  9. Big rig - Ampeg SVT-CL into Ampeg 8x10 cab Pubs n Clubs rig - 2x Ampeg B-100R combos and a VT Bass Deluxe + pedal rig (or 2, depending on what band/instruments) Rehearsal/small shows - Ampeg B-100R and VT Bass Deluxe + pedal rig If I'm playing both Upright and Bass guitar, I also use an ABY switch. I am currently doing a run of theatre shows as part of the house band. With this, I am playing a couple of Fender Precisions into ABY, into my bass gat pedal rig which has a VT Bass Deluxe into an Ampeg B-100R/Desk. I also have my Upright going into its own, smaller pedal rig, into another B-100R/Desk. Sounds great
  10. So the Flea bass is around 880 pounds in the UK? I made some initial enquiries over here in NZ and was told stock was arriving in a couple of weeks and told around $2000 NZD (1000 pounds giver or take). That seems about right, given that gear is far more expensive down here. Got a call today from my local emporium and told they can get me one in two-three weeks (first one in NZ apparently) but the cost is $2700 dollars!!! Not a chance!!! Gutted
  11. Some naughty EUB and Ampeg filth... [attachment=221640:up1.jpg] [attachment=221641:up2.jpg] [attachment=221642:up3.jpg]
  12. Finally got my Baby back, and she's looking and sounding so pretty [attachment=221629:up1.jpg] [attachment=221630:up2.jpg] [attachment=221631:up3.jpg]
  13. I've got a 77, 3 x 78's and a 79. All off them bar one weigh a ton!!! ALL of them sound and play great. I have played many late 70's P basses over the years. I have come across a few over the years that didn't feel great in the hand and sounded underwhelming (to my mind anyway). Play it as much as you can before you buy it. If you can through your own amp/pedals/setings etc - even better!
  14. Not sure if this counts, but I own one of these and love it!!!
  15. I am hoping they reissue the Rocket Bass soon. They were cool. Still on my hit list from 15 about years ago!
  16. Three simple letters, VBA
  17. [quote name='gillento' timestamp='1452154602' post='2946967'] Ampeg B100R. quite cheap and sounds very B15 like apparently [url="http://www.ampeg.com/products/diamondbluebass/b100r/"]http://www.ampeg.com...bluebass/b100r/[/url] [/quote] +1 I've got two of these and LOVE them. They can sound big and throaty, or old school motown at lower volumes and just about everything in between. No hum or noise either, so good for recording with a mic. In the absence of a ton of cash/availability of an original B15 in good condition, I would suggest trying one. They come up now and then for reasonable prices. On a side note, I would love to get my hands on a B15R (Blue Diamond series, same as the B100R and 200R) from the late 90's/early 2000's to compare to the B100R as I have read on a few sites that it is a bit more similar to the V4b than the original B15N and that the B100R is an all-round better amp... hmmm... Would have suggested the Micro VR but the fan can 'whir' a bit at times. Not sure about the new Ampeg 20 and 50 watt valve amps yet as haven't got to try one but they certainly look like a good recording option, though price would put me off a wee bit
  18. First time in my life I can genuinely say without even so much as a tiny niggle, I am totally satisfied with every piece of gear I own. i will never buy another amp again. But if we are playing with house money, I'd line up a couple of old Ampeg B-15's. Even one of the late 90's/early 2000's B-15rs would be sweet.
  19. To my ears, nothing beats the Ampeg tone. I've played and owned/still own some stunning amps and some less-than-brilliant ones too. Ampeg-wise, I've had (in order) the B500dr (great idea, poorly executed IMO), the SVT 3 and the SVT 3 PRO. Now I have an SVT 4PRO, Micro VR, 2 x B100R combos and most recently - an SVT Classic rig. I loved both 3's but found the PRO to have a little more power, but preferred the tone of the 3 both were run through 2x BSE 410hlf cabs. (actually have had two SVT III's over the years) Then moved onto the 4 PRO atop a 6x10 - unbelievable air moving power and has lots of lovely middy Ampeg tone - love this rig! Bought the Micro VR and 2 of the 2x10 cabs - stunning wee rig and seriously powerful given it's size and weight - again, a solid Ampeg tone getting close to that SVT sound. The last few years I've been using mostly Mesa gear (aside from my two B100R's) - MPulse 600 and PH 8x10 but with a VT Bass deluxe in front of it to get the SVT sound and it did a bloody good job too. But last month saw me come full circle and get my grubby paws on a US SVT CL and 8x10 - something I've always wanted but never had the chance to own. I will never buy another amp again. EVER! The tone I've been chasing for most of my life is now achievable with just a P Bass and this. only slight drawback is it is big and very, very heavy. Given the fact that I am not strong as I used to be, lifting the b*st*rd is a mission - so not the most practical amp in the world - would love if it even more if it weighed the same as a 3PRO. haha But I digress, Sonic Heaven indeed. Excellent choice sir!
  20. The training must you complete...
  21. I had one briefly as a backup to my SVT 4PRO but never really had to use it. Good solid amps these. Great reputation for a reason. Nothing wrong with them in terms of volume. Tone-wise, they get into SVT territory, but nowhere near as warm or big. Definitely one-up on the 350H or 450H. But they weigh more than they should I reckon. There was a 400watt rack version aswell, similar styling to the SVT 2. These had proper heatsinks in them as well so they cool properly. I've never heard of one having any major faults (a couple of mates have them aswell). The knobs on some are quite flimsy though, so just be careful in transit. Don't know if this one you are looking at is the first of second gen as the ones I've dealt with were blackface with blue line styling. This one looks cooler than mine though as it has the Classic series styling. $350 may be a little steep for one of these though.
  22. [quote name='ColinB' timestamp='1445187414' post='2889429'] Sorry it wasn't your best ever weekend! [/quote] Alas, it was not to be. Still, I can console myself by basking in lovely, tubey goodness. That should warm the soul a bit
  23. So now I have a credit card payment I don't need but, I'll figure it out! I thought the pair of B-100R's I got earlier in the year was the end, but I decided to pull the trigger on a mate's rig. Finally got my hands on a US Ampeg SVT Classic and 8x10. Can't say enough about the sound. Just incredible!!! The downside is that I now have to sell my beloved Mesa Rig. Oh well, the heart wants what the heart wants...[attachment=202949:20151018_1812411.jpg] And on the weekend my band released our EP too. Now if Ireland can beat Argentina tonight, this weekend will truly rank as the best one ever
  24. The SVT and 8x10 is absolute garbage. I wouldn't waste another second dwelling on it. PM me your address and leave it on the curb and I will fly north and cart it off for you...
  25. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1443653122' post='2876707'] Old (late 60s/early70s), made by Matsumoku, not very common at all, and them ain't the original tuners. Jon. [/quote] Cheers Jon. Have you seen one before then?
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