Schultz and co. didn't buy back Fender from CBS until 1985, and even then initially imported the guitars.
But you're right, I just checked and I got my dates a little late , apparently the Corona factory opened in '85 under the new regime also.
I've never tried late 80's/early 90's Fender's, but I have heard people say they weren't the best, mostly guitarists I have to say. I think Beedster had a similar bass for sale, can't rememner whether he said it was a good'n or not!?
I've seen a pic of the bass in question though, and it looks nice. Hardware looks a little cheap perhaps, definitly similar tuners to whats on MIMs and Squiers now.
The guy who's selling it hasn't taken great pictures of it. I'll let the OP post the full link to the listing if he wants to.