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Posts posted by Sibob

  1. Ok so a few tiny little updates!!

    The body refinish is underway, we're going for black with a nitro finish.
    A black scratchplate will set this off nicely methinks! :)

    Badass II purchased
    Hipshot Clover Ultralights purchased
    (both courtesy of board members)

    Neck will be a flamed maple neck/fingerboard made by our very own ChopdaBass, but have to wait for the body to be finished first!

    Still waiting on finding the Pickups! And i still have to get my hands on some other misc hardware bits (see my wanted section listing). Thanks to Nico who tryed to send me some bitsa control plate gratis, typically the Royal Mail decided to lose the jiffy bag!!!! ;)

    More updates soon i hope :huh:


  2. Hey guys!!

    My band First Signs Of Frost is supporting No Use For A Name, a Fat Wreck Chords signed punk band from the US. A slightly odd match up, but we're not complaining :)

    Its at Islington Academy on Sunday 6th of April.

    If anyone is attending or wants to attend, then get in contact. We have been provided with tickets to sell on at £10 as opposed to the £13/£14 through all the other usual sources. You need not admit any affiliation with us, even if you're going to see NUFAN, get your cheap tickets here :huh:

    I'll have a poster up soon!

    [url="http://www.myspace.com/firstsignsoffrost"]FIRST SIGNS OF FROST (me)[/url]

    [url="http://www.myspace.com/nouseforaname"]No Use For A Name[/url]

    Cheers All

  3. [quote name='Jase' post='151014' date='Mar 4 2008, 12:52 PM']Here ya go :)


    Lets try for an altogether better and definitly more musical application of the technique:
    [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=-wxurZAFJWA"]Adam Nitti[/url]

    I mean, I agree with the point that this technique is largely useless outside of solo playing (read: showing off :huh: )


  4. Just a covers gig in Reading O'Neills last night, but was brilliant, the whole band was clicking well, good energy!!

    Used my Precision for the whole gig rather then my Jazz as I'm starting to have a few problems with the raised pole-pieces on the jazz getting a bit sharp. I've been finishing gigs with really knackered tips of fingers......or indeed finger-tips!

    But the P was wicked, was loadsa fun and sounded awesome, really loving the Dimarzio!


  5. And I use the word 'Solo' quite wrongly :)

    Its basically a multitracked piece, all bass + drum machine, that i wrote for a shopping centre promo video. It goes for a minute and a bit then basically loops for another 3 with some very slight variations!.


    Its the second track on the player, The Art Of Selling Yourself Short, I named if for my own reasons.

    The other newish track is the 4th track, When The Water Rises Up, which was a Blues'ish session that I did!

    Cheers, Enjoy


  6. [url="http://imageshack.us"][/url]

    2 band East Preamp, Series/Parallel switch, Push/Pull active/passive volume knob, Bartolini P'up

    18 volts


    Tis a good solid bass, I have it in Drop C Standard tuning, so C F Bb Eb

    Some random nice flame in the fingerboard to!


  7. What make are the pickups and hardware?
    Is the body alder or basswood? Is it a handmade body or a replacement? (I ask because the neck pickup rout is the size of one that would normally be found underneath a pickguard, and if he made it as a Jaco Tribute, why would there be a pickguard?)

    If you're not aware of any of this, is there a way you can find out from the chap who made it?


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