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Posts posted by Sibob

  1. I think regardless of what music school you go to, whether you get a job/audition is down to three things, in this order:
    1 - Personality
    2 - Networking/connections
    3 - Whether you can actually play or not!

    Obviously if you can't play a note, you're not going to get hired, but i guarantee that you'll get further then if you can play 64th note walking jazz lines...but you're an asshole!

    I didn't go to any Bass music schools (A-level music thats it....on bass), but i'm gigging a lot more then some really awesome players i know, mostly because i think i'm easy to work with, i talk a lot to people, and i'm not a bad player! Certainly not the best quite obviously. I think it's the same with any art based subject, while you're studying the theory and application, others are out doing it and getting the jobs!

    I considered enrolling in BassTech a few times, but so many people i know come out of those schools playing/sounding exactly the same, i like where my playing style and sound is going, don't want to stifle that.
    Having said that, it is healthy to surround yourself with musicians who are better then you, it aids the learning process, what i try to do with all my projects!!


  2. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='101405' date='Dec 8 2007, 04:14 PM']Don't forget the original SGC Nanyo Bass Collections from the late-80's / early-90's.

    The SB325 remains a seriously good active 5-string, high-quality components, well made, and they sell for silly (i.e. cheap) money on eBay when they turn up.

    Bass Collections are also lighter than Fenders and their clones. An SB325 weighs slightly less than most 4-string Fenders.[/quote]

    +1 for the (first run of) Bass Collections, i had two 5 strings, 355 Model i think (it was active with soapbars) fantastic basses, you should be able to find them now second hand easily for £200! I don't know what the new versions of the brand are like so can't comment on those!

    With regards to restringing a 4 string BEAD, you've simply got to ask what you're going to be using the tool for, if you need a low B and a 4th octave high E, then it's obviously useless. But if you're doing riffing down low, then yeah cool!.


  3. If anyone ever asks to use my basses (no-one has yet) at an originals gig, i simply would say that they're in weird tunings, which they are (not weird but lower).
    But even if they were in standard, I'd say that! :-D

    That way you get to say no without the guy going around everyone say "he's a twat" lol

    Just call me a diplomat!


  4. I have 2 basses for each of my 2 projects.

    2 Passive basses for covers, main and backup
    2 active basses for my originals band, 2 different tunings

    if i had the money i'd have another 2 basses as backups for the differently tuned basses.

    One day :-D
    Probably when someone else is carrying my gear lol

    The only bass that isn't really doing anything at the mo is my Shuker EUB (see FS section :) )


  5. The recorded version of Dina Lam is on the album Munia: The Tale, theres a bit more instrumentation going on and he plays the main part on Piccolo rather then his Fodera, but it's still an awesome song.

    If you don't know his material, don't go buying his albums thinking its all solo bass stuff, it's mostly song based with only a few instances where he really steps out, perfect!!! An amazing musician and songwriter not just bassist.

    His live shows are bit more 'explosive' bass wise, i highly recommend them!! :)


  6. Hey all

    Further to the Apple MacBook that I sold on the boards on behalf of Holly (my better half), she's now found herself in ownership of the new Apple LogicStudio, which incorporates Logic Pro 8.

    Its fully boxed and as new obviously, but she simple doesn't have a use for it.
    The MacBook was sold to a friend of 99ster, so if anyone wants feedback etc, get in contact with him.

    We're looking for[b] £175+p&p[/b], or collected from High Wycombe/Swindon areas

    Theres so much gumf to write about I'll just give you the link:


    & Holly

  7. Actually, bit of a waste, just been told it's locked at the moment haha


    Try this instead in the meantime, pretty funny
    I know i gash up the timing at the end, no-one cringes more then me



  8. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWDHruhj4V0"]
    Check it out

    Yeah i know i play it wrong at the end, but I'm not really a chili's fan so i just play it my way lol.

    Although the video is a composite of about 3 takes, the audio track is a live, albeit multi-tracked, recording of one of those takes.
    I'm not sure why we did it, get better gigs perhaps, i didn't pay so i don't mind :)

    Its all pretty tongue in cheek


  9. [b]Previously Owned:[/b]
    1998-1999 USA Fender Jazz Deluxe 4
    Warwick Corvette $$ 4
    Bass Collection 355 5
    Bass Collection 355 Fretless 5
    Crafter Acoustic BA400 4
    Yamaha RBX260 4

    [b]Currently Owned:[/b]
    2003-2004 USA Fender Jazz Standard 4
    Lakland Skyline 44-02 Deluxe 4
    Shuker Electric Upright 4
    OLP ThingRay 4 (tuned C,F,Bb,Eb)
    Squier Bronco 4 (piccolo)
    Bitsa Precision w/Jazz Neck


  10. God knows why you'd wanna swap Ampeg for Mesa, but hey, different people different drinks! :)
    Have owned both these cabs before and they're fantastic! Very sexy rig

    Good luck!

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