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Everything posted by niceguyhomer

  1. [quote name='RussFM' post='30556' date='Jul 12 2007, 07:34 AM']Not considered rack mounting your AKG? I used to have one, I mounted it on the right hand side, and didn't cause any problems with the fan on the GK.[/quote] Hi Russ, I need a new compressor and wondered about buying a half rack unit (Presonus Blue Max) to mount on the right of my rack unit (see above) cos I'm pretty sure it won't reach the fan but are you sure that a half width space is enough not to cause problems?
  2. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='30467' date='Jul 11 2007, 09:36 PM']Can I be nosey and ask why you've changed cabs please? Aren't Epifani's sposed to be the dogs dangleys? I can't keep up! [/quote] Do you still live in a cave and sleep on straw?
  3. Looking good Spiderman
  4. Fair enough muya - good luck with the sale
  5. Just trying to be helpful here muja - check the link. [url="http://www.basscentre.com/cat/product_info.php?manufacturers_id=18&products_id=1290"]http://www.basscentre.com/cat/product_info...roducts_id=1290[/url]
  6. We've played most places worth playing up here - I haven't got contact details but you can google 'em and go from there; The Griffin - Newton-le-Willows The Queens Arms (Chorley) The Railway (Chorley) The Hop Inn (Blackpool) The Hop Pocket (Chorley) The Black Bull (Preston) The Red Lion (Longton - nr. Preston) The Rose & Crown (Leyland) The Queens (Leyland) The Swan (Hindley Green) Dickie Doodle's (Kendal) The Station Tavern (Lytham St Annes) Uncle Tom's Cabin (Blackpool) The Imperial Hotel (Morecambe) The Woodman Inn (Burnley) The Commercial (Briercliffe - Burnley) The Sun Inn (Briercliffe - Burnley) St. Oswald's Club (Coppull near Chorley) There's plenty more but my mind's gone blank.
  7. Thanks Dave - it's definitely solid and built for the road - unlike me Got high hopes for it and I'm looking forward to trying it in different positions - ie; side-facing speakers pointing up / down etc. Should come in handy on those dodgy hollow stages you're talking about elsewhere.
  8. Picked mine up from Andyonbass at the weekend - haven't gigged it yet but first impressions are it's bloody heavy (after my Epifani UL310) but I've bought a sack trolley to move it so no problem and it sounds nice at room level. It's solid and well made, built like the proverbial tank. Full post gig report at the weekend.
  9. A few changes to report on the rig front - still got my GK1001RBII head, I've added a Korg DTR1000 tuner and stuck it all in an SKB 4U shallow rack unit. The blanking plate is there to hide the gap needed because the head's fan is on the top of the amp. On Sunday, I picked up the cab - a Schroeder 410R from Andyonbass but haven't gigged it yet. First impressions after my Epifani UL310 are...bloody hell it's heavy and f. me it's heavy. I can't remember if it's 1400 watts or 1400 kgs but - it sounds nice at room level and by all reports should sound marvellous live.
  10. Dave - you can borrow my car mats for free if you like
  11. After playing Andyonbass' Recurve Single Cut I really want one - but this is looking interesting too Dave. I've broken the ice with Alan but I'm going to wait a few weeks and see if my GAS subsides. TBH - the build time puts me off a bit but I suppose what's worth having is worth waiting for eh?
  12. Thanks for the heads up 1976. If I don't start making sense soon, I'm gonna put myself in a home
  13. DOH! Sorry :wacko:
  14. That BBE jobby's had some very good reviews - found them for £54 here; [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BBE-Opto-Stomp-stomp-box-BRAND-NEW_W0QQitemZ320128838258QQihZ011QQcategoryZ22669QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViwItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BBE-Opto-Stomp-stomp...VQQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  15. Hello Steve, Being and old tw*t, I realise old school = vintage but I don't know what that means in terms of compression. I understand 'old school' when it comes to tone but I don't understand the concept of old school compression. I think it'll be at least 3 weeks before I stop kicking myself for selling the Multicomp.
  16. Forgive my ignorance but what do you mean by 'old school'?...and what sort of nick is your pedal in?
  17. Yeh yeh...I hear what your saying Joe and I agree but I have a real problem getting my head 'round the notion of spending £130+ on something I sold last week for £75. It's not the money, I just think if I get something else I won't feel like a tw*t and want to decapitate myself.
  18. A Stingray A Sterling GK amp Korg tuner Cab Compressor Loads of leads / cables 40ft extension lead with 4 sockets Residual Current Device Boss Power Supply Tape DI Box 2 microphones Pliers Screwdrivers Wire cutters Allen keys Maglite torch Fan Towel Spare strings Sunglasses Marker pen Spare batteries Money
  19. Like a complete tow-rag, I thought I could get along without a compressor and sold my EBS Multicomp. Big mistake. Anyway, I'm gonna buy something new this week to replace it and wondered if anyone had any experience of Mr Squishy. The reviews I've read seem favourable and at £95, it's £40 cheaper than the EBS.
  20. Weird thing about the Sterling neck is that although it is thin at the nut - like a Jazz bass, I don't get hand cramps when playing it whereas I did with all the Jazz basses I owned (4).
  21. I'm glad you showed up Alex - very helpful advice as always.
  22. I have the same problem at certain venues with hollow wooden stages. You get a hollow boomy sound that no amount of eq'ing seems to help that much. The experts might rubbish this but in those circumstances I take the car mats out of the car and stick 'em under the cab - seems to help.
  23. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='29268' date='Jul 9 2007, 06:28 PM']You've got a Sterling, eh? Ooh...I'll keep a lookout for that in the For Sale section then. Surely only a matter of days, eh? Haha. [/quote] I have and it's a beaut...and no you can't have it. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=2010"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=2010[/url]
  24. I've got one of each and the main difference for me is that the Sterling has more mids than my 2 band Ray and punches through the mix a lot better. It's also more versatile tonewise and has a higher output than the Ray but the Nordstrand pup installed might have something to do with that.
  25. Aja hit the spot for me. Mind you, so did every other number they played.
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