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Everything posted by miikebass

  1. Interesting. Acoustically it’s basically silent. Comparing to my P bass which rings out evenly across all strings Anything there I might be missing?
  2. I’m in Australia. So a bit of a drive. As mentioned I’ve had my guitar tech look at it. Could it be a pickup issue? I’m happy to pay for a decent set.
  3. Their claim that dead spots are incredibly common. How should I respond? Like buying a new car and being told not to use 3rd gear.
  4. Yep bought it online in June.
  5. miikebass

    GR i6 IEMs

    I’ve used AS10s for the last 3 years. Previously tried Shure, Sennheiser, Westone. None of them worked for me. I recently bought a set of GR i6s and they’re now my go to. As acebass mentioned above, volume is lower than the KZ but once I brought that up the overall clarity and bass response is excellent. I may be biased as I’m a GR addict, but these IEMs are brilliant.
  6. So, after years of buying used basses I splurged and bought myself a new Mustang Vintera. Was never super happy with the sound from day one. The A string isn’t as ‘alive’ as the others. And worse, the 4th, 5th and 6th frets on the A are particularly dull and ‘thumpy’. Hard to explain. Fretting the 5th on the A compared to open D are noticeably different. I installed flats soon after buying it. Have since refitted the original strings but still no good. Have had it to a guitar tech. He set the intonation and messed around with pickup heights. Not really any different. I contacted the seller. They asked about pickup heights. With last fret pressed down I have 3.5mm between pickup and bottom of the A string. They asked me to raise it a bit. I did. No difference. They also said basses generally have dead spots which involve a section of the neck producing a short sustain and less volume and is incredibly common. This is very annoying considering it’s a new bass and I’ve never struck this before on any bass I’ve ever owned. I’m thinking of swapping some decent pickups into it. Nortstrand or Lollar. Should I?
  7. Had the farty sound last night at a pretty loud gig. Noticed toward the end of the night. More noticeably Bb on the E string. Running Ampeg PF500 (gain at 2 o’clock and not clipping), Hartke 2x10, Gibson Midtown. I just removed the grille and checked the speakers. All looks good. Voice coils move smoothly. Was it just my settings? Gain a bit too high? Have I damaged my cab?
  8. I gig regularly. We have maybe 100 or so songs on rotation. Out of these songs I think I use my G string maybe twice. Tops. That skinny one just isn’t my thing. On the other hand there’s plenty of times I’d like a low D I’ve tried a 5 string before and it was messy. Too many strings to keep quiet. So anyway you know where this is going. I’m thinking of tuning my basses to BEAD. I realise the nut will have to be modded. I have a US Fender P and a 1980 Fernandes BO50 which is actually my favourite. Is there any reason I shouldn’t do this?
  9. Thanks for this. All good now. I took your advice and bought a set of KZ AS10s. What a game changer. Here I was thinking I had to spend big to get a good bass sound. My IEM bass is now clear. I’m playing lighter. I’m playing better. Also there’s an added bonus. I can now hear the kick drum. Thanks again for the advice and all the info you’ve put into this thread.
  10. Big apologies for not having read all 84 pages. Some great info here. 5 piece band here. Based in Australia. My issue is, and always has been, not hearing a clear bass tone through my IEMs. We run a QSC Touchmix 16 desk. I run a wired Behringer PM1 mini amp from an aux then to my in ears. Have used Shure SE215s. They were ok but not great. Currently use Westone UM Pro 30s. Slightly better but nothing like what I expect. I’ve tried mono. I’ve tried stereo. Panning vocals and instrument left and right. Tried every combination of ear buds. Big. Small. Foam. Rubber. Nothing gives me a bass I can hear clearly. All band members have our own personal in ear mix. I can have my bass turned up to a squillion and still can’t hear it over everything else. What works best for me is running all vocals and instruments through my right ear and leaving the left bud out and relying on my cab volume to hear the bass. Not ideal right? Do I invest in a 6 driver IEM? Current Westone IEMs are 3 driver. Or am I doing something completely wrong?
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