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Everything posted by Johncee

  1. Thanks to all for the advice. Went for the cheapest Harley Benton, which seems very nice for the money.
  2. Lightly used for 1 month, cut for EBMM Sterling, 3+1.
  3. Anyone have any experience with these? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/153945749521?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=UIBzJOIHTQ-&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=CI1PpRHrRV-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  4. Hi wondering if someone could guide me through the relative pros/cons of Hx effects vs Hx stomp vs pod go? apologies if old hat! cheers john
  5. I like mojo, but that looks a bit too nitromorsy for me.
  6. Careful. That sort of thing got a British MP into quite a lot of bother recently.
  7. The neck dings are what would put me off.
  8. I think the origin of the sunburst guitar finish was to emulate the appearance of such instruments.
  9. A lot of people think that their old violins/violas/cellos look how they do because of natural wear and tear, when they were actually antiqued in the first place. It's not a recent trend - it goes back to the 19th century. Not saying this applies to yours, just making a general point.
  10. yes - reading the ad title I was literally " Bravewood: ooh, Sonic Blue ooooh, Jazz Bass, ooooh, Fretless, harumph" 😃
  11. My feeling is that investment potential is the only rational reason for paying through the nose for a vintage Fender. Mojo aside, I think modern repros offer much better value for money as playing instruments. Just my opinion, don't shoot me...😃
  12. I'd be happy to pay half of what it would raise at auction, but I suspect that would be beyond my budget, even if I remortgaged the house.😃
  13. Nice one! I find this fill the hardest part of the whole line.
  14. Just wondering what fingering people use for the fill after the intro riff? The one that goes C- E flat1- F- A flat- Eflat 2? I find it easiest to stay in first position, and only go up for the high E flat. Tabs and you tubers all seem to go up to the lower E flat on the 6th fret of the A-string. What does Norman do?
  15. Isn't it just a case of crap photos?
  16. Whether or not "relic-ing" in general is your cup of tea, this is just really poor work.
  17. Johncee


    The thing is, that's not hard to do. You just have to care about your work...🤷‍♂️
  18. Another thumbs up for Terry from me. A fine fellow to deal with.
  19. There are 2 versions of the version 2's 🤓. Original Version 2 has the block shaped saddles, "updated" version 2 has the round ones. Nice knobs on this one!
  20. Crikey, mate, you could've given it a bit of a dust for the photos...😀
  21. Thanks - I meant patch to no patch. Thanks to all who replied. Looks like setting up an adjacent empty patch is the way to go!
  22. Recently acquired a B3N and trying to figure it all out....Please forgive me if I'm being a simpleton😀 I'm happy with the straightforward use of the various effects, but struggling with patches. Specifically how to turn them on and off. I can get the patch up and turn individual effects within the patch on and off via the foot switches, but I can't figure out how to toggle the entire patch on and off. I'm sure I'm missing something really obvious, but any help would be appreciated!
  23. Bought Wayne's Sire P7 bass. Lovely guy to deal with, and bass is top notch.
  24. To me, the Yamaha seems a little louder. Comparisons are tricky when levels aren't matched.
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