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Everything posted by davidmpires

  1. Is it the copy with the bass player for David Bowie?
  2. I couldn't see a mention on their website will have to go to WHSmith for lunch
  3. Thanks Cetera, that's my baby
  4. [quote name='peted' post='841937' date='May 19 2010, 12:37 PM']I have also used my H4 as an external sound card. You can then just plug your bass and headphones direct into the H4. Use the controls on the H4 to set the level of the bass signal going in (it has hardware monitoring so you'll be able to hear the bass through the headphones without having to launch any software on your PC). Then you just need to open the music on the PC in your favourite media player i.e. iTunes, Windows Media Player, Audacity. You then set the level of the music using the volume control on the windows desktop. Hope that helps.[/quote] That's what I did last night and the sound is quite good. Me likey
  5. I went home and tried the H4 and it works to play along or to record bass only. And with the effects built it it's cool, will be trying out with the Jamman during the weekend
  6. Thanks Commando Jack, that sounds good plus I can record a track on the jamman and then play on top. Will have to set up that tonight to see how it sounds.
  7. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='840922' date='May 18 2010, 02:42 PM']Then get a 1/4" to 3.5mm adaptor ;-) or a USB interface like the M-audio Fastrack USB interface. Come to think of it, doesn't your H4 act like a USB interface?[/quote] Think so, I posted about that at the top, will know for sure tonight.
  8. I don't have a soundcard with 1/4 jacks that makes it a problem
  9. I just read that my H4 can be used as an audio interface, I might be onto something here. cheers for the tip on the pod purple bob
  10. Hi everyone Now that I’m band less I thought I could use some of my free time. Not much as I have an exam coming up, a wedding and just joined the gym, but what’s left could be used to practice. So I’ve joined Marlowedk website www.playbassnow.com and donated £10 and got some transcriptions so I plan on working through them. I have some software in my pc to help me learn more. Guitar pro 5 which I use only to open tabs Transcribe which I use to loop and slow down parts. I have some hardware to help me practice such as a Jamman looper courtesy of Davo London, a Zoom H4 and a Tascam with the cd thing. Now up until now I put the songs on my pc and have to use two headphones to hear the bass on one coming from the amp and another one coming from my pc with the song I’m learning. Now I want to be able to use just one, what’s the best way to do it? And cheaper way. I want to be able to mix my bass with my pc so I only need one set of headphones and stop disturbing my OH with the sound of the amp. Any suggestions? Cheers David
  11. Loving the drummer
  12. My first thread here in this section I finally had the time to take a picture of my rig and basses together. I'm a happy camper....
  13. Me David Sevenoaks.
  14. Heard from the organizers they have the details I sent and a couple more contacts they should contact the bands directly now. At least the guy didn't sound too upset.
  15. Thanks to everyone who offered themselves to do the gig, I haven't heard from the organizers (they must be pretty angry at me) will let you know as soon as I hear. Cheers David
  16. Thanks guys It's not looking good at the moment
  17. I got one reply so far. Anyone else?
  18. Hi Following my band split up, we were due to honor our last gig. In Chigwell 29th May (bank holiday weekend) Unfortunately things didn't go according to plan and we not doing the gig. Before I tell the organizers that we can't make it I want to be able to give them some alternatives. So if you are in a quality band that plays covers and can play 3 sets plus putting music on before in between and after the gig let me know via PM and i'll give you more details. Thanks David
  19. Nicely put Paul and Bilbo. I think the video has no cotext to it so it is kinda your noodling in front of the telly, however his skills are amazing, I too would love to hear him play in a full band, I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy it.
  20. Long story short our drummer decided to call it a day and following from that I decided to go too as I've thinking about this but was giving it a bit more time to see how it would work out. The band might be needing a bass player and a drummer if they carry on, if that's the case I'll post something in here. Now me, I'll be bandless after our last gig at the end of May, based in Sevenoaks, Kent have gear (see signature), transport and I'm open to suggestions. Preferably I would like to play some funk rock pop good covers/functions band already formed, but as it stands i'm open to everything apart from playing metal this may be originals or not. Let me know what you need and I'll let you know if I am suitable and if it interests me. David
  21. Oh yeah That's great. Love it.
  22. [quote name='Clarky' post='823731' date='Apr 30 2010, 09:50 AM']Does anyone know of a good teacher in SW London (I am near Hammersmith). I seriously need lessons![/quote] Steve Lawson is in Catford, not really next door but well worth it and reasonably priced.
  23. Killer queen has one wicked bass line
  24. Pino was seen doing wedding gigs. Jazz doesn't pay well so they have to search for other avenues to bring money in
  25. [quote name='bigash' post='813803' date='Apr 21 2010, 02:31 PM']i have just contacted flynn amps in Glasgow regarding a new cone. They said they needed the manufacturer and model of speaker. When i told him it was an eden EC 1060XL he said no the maker of the speaker not the amp. I cannot see any other markings on speaker other than eden, and i thought i read somewhere that eden made their own speakers. if anyone can clear this up i would be grateful. cheers Ash.[/quote] Email Eden and explain the situation. I find that talking to the manufactures usually helps a big deal.
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