I really can’t understand why this beautiful bass is still here at what is an incredible asking price. I have a USA Classic 44-64 Precision. These are hand made, very high quality basses. If I had the money this bass would be on it’s way to me.
Wizard also produced a ‘trad’ version of their precision pickup. I have one of these but have not as yet fitted it to any of my p basses. The pickup is from the ‘Andy’ era but I don’t know anything about how they sound. I would imagine they will live up to their name and produce a nice rounded tone reminiscent of pre CBS precisions.
Thanks for the advice Russ. My son and his wife are now living and working in Turkiye. However, it’s still great advice for anyone in Melbourne looking to buy a bass.👍
I’m not great on the subject of ohms and all that. I did take advice from the guy at Barefaced before I added the 2nd 2x10. It gives plenty volume for what I do. I’ve included the photo of the back of the amp. The amp is a Fender Rumble 800. Hope others don’t mind me going off thread for a moment.
I’m trying to find out if my old Musicman SUB 4 is still out there somewhere. If you know anything please get in touch. Here’s the pics with the serial number X08353