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About Hutton

  • Birthday 05/11/1957

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  1. Thanks for the advice Russ. My son and his wife are now living and working in Turkiye. However, it’s still great advice for anyone in Melbourne looking to buy a bass.👍
  2. I’m not great on the subject of ohms and all that. I did take advice from the guy at Barefaced before I added the 2nd 2x10. It gives plenty volume for what I do. I’ve included the photo of the back of the amp. The amp is a Fender Rumble 800. Hope others don’t mind me going off thread for a moment.
  3. Just acquired this rather nice Lakland USA series 44-60 with black hardware.
  4. Just added a USA Series 44-60 to accompany my USA Classic 44-64.
  5. That one is a really good buy for someone.
  6. I believe it’s called white limba.
  7. It is. Well spotted.👍
  8. I am well chuffed to have taken delivery of this ACG Graft 4 today.
  9. Very nice bass. I’m sure it would attract more interest if it was available for shipping.
  10. I’m trying to find out if my old Musicman SUB 4 is still out there somewhere. If you know anything please get in touch. Here’s the pics with the serial number X08353
  11. I know that. The info I offered was the luthier that changed the fretboard, why it was changed and the significance of the inlay. I also included before and after photos. I thought all of this info would be appreciated by the new owner. However, as I say I wish I hadn’t bothered and I will take this thread as a learning curve. Sorry for taking up bandwidth unnecessarily.
  12. I’m sorry I bothered. If I could delete the post I would. I was just concerned that’s all. I was in fact providing information on a bass currently for sale on Bass Bros that I had once owned. The info was all part of the history of the bass that had been converted from fretted to fretless by having the board changed. I thought that history was meant to help sell a bass and that sellers and new owners wanted provenance. But hey, I won’t do that again.
  13. I’m not actually buying a bass.
  14. So sad to hear this news. I did business with Nick and exchanged messages over the years. A great ambassador for Basschat and all things low end. Rest easy my friend.
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