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Posts posted by giblett123

  1. [quote name='Pete1967' timestamp='1333637625' post='1604641']
    At the risk of awakening painful memories that are beginning to fade... Jon would do it!
    [/quote]Yup but I think he's real busy at the mo, the two he's made me are sounding mighty good, can't put them down, not everyone fancies the pink one but it sounds the biz, mighty ballsy!

  2. G'day all,

    I'm after some advice and I'm hoping a few of you will be able to help. I have a graft ACG harlot which I have up for sale at the mo' but to be honest I fancy keeping it, I'm toying with the idea of having it defretted, anyone know anything about this? is it a disaster waiting to happen? do you know anyone who could do the work (I'll email alan at ACG too) are we talking new board or can slots be filled? All advice gratefully received!
    Nope, its not something I have the skill to attempt myself.

  3. Weekends fine Manraj, let me know which day and i'll stay in. Right... sound.... ideally I need to get some clips up and will do in the next week as soon as I can get access to something to rec on that'll do her justice, its kind of hard to describe, for me its nearer MM, sort of fat and v punchy but it does growl too, cuts through a mix really well.

  4. That harlot of Chris's looks lovely, fantastic top on it. The ACG's are really nice basses, no downside at all, great sound, build and look uber cool, I'm biased but I think they're well worth a punt!

  5. Yeah, wasn't sure which way to go with it but I like the flow of the grain on the zebrano, stripes are good! there will also be some cutaways so the purple heart will be visible in the lower horn and top edge of the body.

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