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Posts posted by giblett123

  1. Yep, this one will have a gloss finish and gold fret wire, I reckon it'll be a real looker as well as sounding the business, I'm really looking forward to it and am dead chuffed with the way it's turning out.

  2. Shizznit, I see you have a Reidmar on your list, are they all they're cracked up to be? i sold off my big stuff a while back and want at some point to replace it, really fancy an EAD 212, not sure headwise, possibly a promethean but I love the EBS stuff.

  3. Sweet, will have a look, need something that won't sound like a "wasp in a jam jar" but is v portable, will use it for noodling at home as much as anything. I've flogged all my other stuff and at some point will get something a wee bit bigger, possibly a reidmar, not sure yet.

  4. Gday everyone,

    anyone know anything about these: EDEN ECX110N combo, just curious as to what kind of sound (e.g. hifi or trad) and how loud they are, I'm looking for a smallish combo for pit stuff, also looking at the 150 ebs 112. All info/opinions gratefully received!

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