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Everything posted by sdgrsr400

  1. Another option is to record fairly clean, and add the dist & effects later in the DAW. Maybe get hold of Guitar LE as per [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=53874&hl=LE"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=53874&hl=LE[/url]
  2. It would be nice to have a board for use of the bass community, where notes could be stuck up, categories could be e.g. 'bassists wanted / available / lessons'. Cards put on the board should be only by your agreement, then dated and removed when clearly out-of-date. You do have to monitor these to avoid the board filling up with junk flyers for gigs etc.
  3. New gadget for cleaning strings: [url="http://www.thestringcleaner.com/"]http://www.thestringcleaner.com/[/url] Some comments at: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=573160"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=573160[/url]
  4. [quote name='pigmaggots' post='573435' date='Aug 18 2009, 08:35 PM']I was also wondering why bands always seem to be in London[/quote] Coz it's where the talent-spotters are? Or were as allegedly A&R is being chopped by the majors due to downloading (see long thread...)
  5. There was an interesting thread about music shops here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=54737&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=54737&hl=[/url] - it might give you a few hints on the customer/retailer dynamic. On the regional issue, I'd say no surcharges for shipments to Highlands and Islands would be a good policy to have. Good luck!
  6. Dave Marks has the answer: [url="http://www.davemarks.com/"]http://www.davemarks.com/[/url] menu YouTube -> Bad Habits for Bass - watch all of these.
  7. The snag is you might have to raise the action to stop the extra buzzing caused by the lower tension, hence rather defeating the object of easier playing. However, every string is different so YMMV.
  8. I liked the look of the Marleaux in the BGM before last. And, the Peterson StroboRack appears to be the best there is, but £££
  9. I'm sure you'll be fine. But finish your degree!
  10. Very nice! Just enjoyed jamming along to U2 using your transcription.
  11. I have a sense that with a bass with good sustain one might say it is "less work" and it "plays itself" - as Lfalex says you can't put it back in (without compression at least). You can also roll up/down the volume knob(s) to simulate sustain effects.
  12. In the world of string instruments, there's recently been a scare that pernambuco, the beautiful red wood used in bows which mainly comes from South American rainforests, might be declared an endangered species and brought into the CITES regulations (like ivory). Major efforts have had to be made to demonstrate sustainability, and this does appear to have had some effect.
  13. Here's Lākland's own take on the difference between models: [url="http://www.lakland.com/skyline_vs_us.htm"]http://www.lakland.com/skyline_vs_us.htm[/url] They are not entirely clear on where the wood comes from in each case. From a marketing perspective, in the US there's invariably a product market segmentation into "hi-end", "mid-market", "entry-level" etc. if the manufacturer thinks there is an opportunity to gain sales by doing so. (Did I say Fender road-worn?)
  14. Plus there's the issue of "exporting jobs" from first- to third-world countries. Globalisation = exploitation: discuss!
  15. Phenomenal. A real labour of love - many thanks!
  16. +1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1...
  17. UPDATED LIST: 01. Silverfoxnik: Roscoe Beck V, Wal Pro2e, BC Rich Eagle, Fender Jazz V Deluxe, plus my recently acquired Eden Metro Rig 02. Merton: Status Retroactive, Mikey's Singlecut Fanned-Fret Prototype, LH500 and Barefaced Vintage 03. OBBM: StRay5, MB F1, UL212, something else. 04. Hamster: BFM Omni15 tallboy, Barefaced Compact, Fender P with Thumper & Villex PTB 05. Alex Claber: '87 Warwick Streamer, RIM Custom 5 with 36" scale and Q-Tuners, Avalon U5/QSC PLX3002, GB Shuttle 6.0, Barefaced Compact, Big One, Midget, Midget T, maybe Big Baby. 06. Johnnylager: Spector Euro 4LX, KSD Jazz, LH-1000, Barefaced Big Juan, DHA Custom Shop VT2-Twin-EQ-Bass with Tech Tube valves & whatever other effects I have at the time. 07. Happy Jack: Lightwave Sabre VL, Hofner 500/1 (1964), Hofner 500/5 (1959), PJB Bass Buddy + headphones. 08. MacDaddy. Custom Shuker (hopefully!) and possibly Hamer Blitz or Iceni Zoot. 09. Stingrayfan: G&L Tribute L2000, Yamaha BB614, Westone Thunder 1A, Hartke LH500, Warwick 4x10 10. Chris B 11. Cetera: Pre-Kramer Spector NS-2, Wal Mk1 Fretless, Fender/AllParts 70's Jazz, Tech21 Landmark600, GenzBenzNEOX212T 12. Andyonbass. ACG Recurve, ACG J-Type, Pair of BFM Omni 10.5's 13. Waynepunkdude Fender Jazz, SX P Bass, DHA-DI-EQ & Ampeg SVT 5 Pro 14. Jakesbass Alembic MK5 Deluxe, German Blockless Wonder 1880 Double Bass (and the '78 Jazz if anyone wanted a go) 15. 51m0n (& Plux if he's not gigging): Bergantino AE410, MarkBass sa450, Focusrite Compounder, Roscoe Century Std V, (If Plux isnt gigging) Berg HT210, HT115, Hartke LH500 16. Floyd Pepper - Markbass LMK, Bergantino HT112 & EX112, Stingray '91 2eq, Lakland DJ4, Stagg EDB, Epiphone Jack Casady and a Fender '54 RI Precision 17. davidmpires - Markbass F1, Barefaced Compact, Spector Euro LX 5, T-Bass by Status 18. peted - Warwick Thumb BO 4, Hartke HA3500, BFM Omni 10, Aphex Bass Xciter, Shuker Singlecut 6 fanned fret (if it's ready by then, but I'm not holding my breath) 19. Platypus - Alleva Coppolo Jazz 5, Celinder Jazz 4 fretless, Tecamp Puma 1000 + a cab of some sort. 20. Prosebass - Current Builds at the time, Hofner S7B, Laptop , sequencing software , + amp and cab 21. Monz - Stingray 5 (la bella flats) Matamp GT200, Simms-Watt PA 100, Matamp 8x10 + Whatever else I have bought buy then 22. Alien - Schecter Stiletto 4, Peavey Grind 6, Hartke HA7000, Alien Audio 2x10 + other toys. 23. EssentialTension: Lakland Skyline Decade, Fender Tony Franklin Fretless Precision (and who knows what else) 24. silddx - Warwick Corvette $$ 4, Warwick Corvette Standard Ash active fretless 4, POD X3 Live, (I am praying I won't have it by then, but I will bring the Kopo Lina fretless 4 if I do!) 25. Phil_the_bassist: MMSR5 w/JE preamp, Sandberg Cali JM, Steinberger synapse5 w/ extra pup, various fuzz pedals and envelope filters, whatever amp I happen to own by then. 26. Stingray5 - My StingRay5, StingRay fretless and Tune TWB-6 plus any other basses in my signature pic if people let me know. I also have an Aria AMB-50B acoustic bass if anyone fancies a go? Could also bring my GT6-B. Plus ('cos it's small) a BLX-80 combo. And some cans...? 27. Urb - 1 x Sei 5 String Single Cut - 1 x Sei 4 string Jazz bass - EBS and Boss pedals 28. dave.c - Spector Rebop 4DLX EX, Spector NS2000-4, Gibson SGZ,Hartke LH500, Hartke Hydrive 410 29. WalMan - Wal Pro1/Custom conversion, G&L L2500 US, MarkBass CMD121H, Epifani 1x12 (not the neo one but I can't remember the initials just at the mo), Bass Pod xT Pro, Marshall SuperBass 100 head 30. Bottle - Ibanez ATK-305NT, Gallien-Krueger MB2-500, EBS Pro-line 4x10 31. Nancy Johnson (Paul) - Waterstone TP-12 Tom Petersson 12-String bass. Tech 21 Landmark 300/Ashdown MAG 4x10/Ashdown MAG 1x15 32. Beedster: Fender, Fender, Fender, Fender, Fender, Fender..and Markbass! 33. Moos3h 34. pete.young: Burman Pro 4000 and a Dean Bromberg B2, which has an unusual Piezo bridge pickup 35. coasterbass: Mesa 1x15 RR, Mesa 4x10, Ampeg SVP and Eden WP100 preamps 36. sixshooter: 55P bass Sonic Blue Relic, 59P bass original Sunburst, 59P bass Custom Shop relic Mary Kaye, 79P bass original but upgraded Black, Modulus 6 Oteil Burbridger 37. Jean Luc Pickguard: couple of Ashborys, an NS-design CR5M & danelectro longhorn 38. Deaver: El Maya or the Prosebass Humbucker Fretless 39. Jack London: GK1001RBII and Simnett 40. ped: Vigier S2 fretted/S3 fretless, Roland Vbass, SWR 4x8/1x15, noname 1u poweramp if it doesn't explode beforehand, phone, keys, wallet 41. bythesea: Overwater Perception 5 42. Walbassist: Wal Mk III (spalted maple) fretted 5, Rick Turner Renaissance Bass fretted 5, Veillette Archtop Bass fretless 5, Brook Otter fretted 5 ABG 43. dannybuoy: Peavey T-40 & pedalboard 44. bassace: double bass 45. barneyG42: Status Series1, and possibly me Hartke 3500 46. Johngh: Fender MIJ Jazz 75 reissue. Shuker Headless 6er and Status S2 Classic 6er headless. 47. Clarky: Shuker JJ Burnel and Mesa Walkabout 48. Stylon Pilson: £10, a Hartke LH500 and a Barefaced Compact. And probably a fretless Aria Sinsonido 49. Xzantes: Conklin Groove tools 7 string fretless 50. sdgrsr400: Lākland Skyline 55-02 Deluxe, Glockenklang Soul II, Acme B2-ii Workshops update: 1. Alex Claber - Barefaced Bass workshop, looking also at acoustics and psycho-acoustics 2. Jakesbass - taster session along the lines of 'what is needed to be a pro player' 3. Ped - V-Bass introduction and severely cack-handed demo
  18. The two sheet music shops are good, agreed.
  19. An idea that crossed my mind is a "strings party": each person interested would bring along a set of (spare) strings to put into a pool, and could try out any other set in the pool. Basically you could try out alternative strings at zero cost. There are risks of mix-ups I guess, but I have heard of this being done in other contexts (students at music college).
  20. Hmm, have you looked around this site's for sale section? More mainstream guitars there. Here's another option: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=56917&view=findpost&p=564754"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...st&p=564754[/url]
  21. Hmmm, well for me now it's more SAS - String ... There's always another string set to try in the quest for ideal tone
  22. Yes. They often keep the shutters down, and you have to ring the bell to get in.
  23. I'm a 'maybe' coz I might be on holiday. If I can make it, the lineup would be: Lākland Skyline 55-02 Deluxe, Glockenklang Soul II, Acme B2-ii
  24. Well maybe what you need is a bespoke rather than a boutique bass. Buying an exotic off-the-shelf is a bit of a gamble as by definition they have moved away from the mainstream view of size/shape/materials/sound etc. Someone like Overwater would build a custom bass to your spec, and in the last BGM there was an article about Paul Everson who might be more affordable. Good luck!
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