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Everything posted by luckman67

  1. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1420558860' post='2650621'] What flats? If you want a pretty much guarantee no setup then use TI's the tension is akin to rounds. [/quote] Will check their site and see if they do a 45-105 set thanks for the tip.
  2. [quote name='Bobthedog' timestamp='1420548625' post='2650465'] I have just had D'addario Flatwounds of 55-105 put on my American standard Precision bass. They were put on by a local Luthier who did not need to make any adjustment to the truss rod. I went the route of having them installed for that very concern. [/quote] These are the one's I'm looking at though I would like to stay with the 45-105, or maybe the 50 - 105
  3. [i]I have asked the shop to set the action for me as low as possible and buzz free. I will see how it arrives with the Fender factory strings. [/i]
  4. Thanks for the reply will wait for the bass to arrive and see what's what.
  5. Hopefully next week I should be the owner of a brand new American standard Precision bass. This is my question I'm thinking of putting flatwounds on it still in the same gauge 45-105, could I just put them straight on or would I have to redo the truss rod due to the tension of the flatwounds? Thanks in advance
  6. Enjoyed that thank you.
  7. Just got back into playing my 4003 and after 15 years took the pickup cover off,what a difference also changed a couple of things to get a vintage look.
  8. Toying with adding Fender pickups and CTS 250k pots.
  9. While looking for something at home last week there at the side of the wardrobe, was my 1989 MIK Squier precision minus strings & were I left it a couple of years before. So bought some cheap strings from eBay for £5 & strung it up last night, & for a stock made Korean squier it sounded ok not bad for a 25 year old plywood bodied bass.
  10. [attachment=154627:002.jpg]I had a S9 MIK Squier Jazz about 11 years ago wish I'd kept it, it was a really nice bass. Still got my S9 Squier Precision though.
  11. [quote name='FlatEric' timestamp='1386663191' post='2302684'] Very well described! Great balance, luvverly neck and a bit more bark than you would expect! This is mine. A cracking bass in many respects. Cheers. [/quote] Very nice
  12. Same here got mine back in August 1998 a birthday present from my girlfriend, for the grand price of £650.
  13. I miss mine still remember the serial number & how heavy it was. The one thing I have always liked on the 80's basses was the headstock, I thought they looked great my favourite was the Sarzo bass.
  14. They are nice basses good luck with finding one.
  15. I have just missed out on getting a Peavey Foundation bass & I feel gutted about it. I have owned a few Peavey basses my first Pro bass was a T-40 which was stolen, and I've owned the far east versions of the Cirrus & International series. But recently I have had bad gas for the American made Peaveys, Foundation,Dyna, Fury etc. I've always had a soft spot for Peavey basses as they, were the only pro basses that were sold were I used to live. The daft thing is I already have a Ric 4003 & a '64 Hofner violin bass, but I'm going to save and look out for a USA Peavey only this time I'm keeping it.
  16. Thank you Gentlemen, I will do a bit of looking on the web see if I can find some pics.
  17. Firstly has anyone heard of this make of bass amp, it is a 60 watt combo with what looks like a 15" speaker. I would like your advice on the controls instead of bass,middle, treble etc, the 5 controls from left to right go 100Hz - 300Hz - 1kHz - 3kHz - 10kHz. Any help with this set up is would be appreciated.
  18. Sounded good, shades of Jaco in the sound.
  19. Stay with it they are an amazing bass to own, I love mine it's 20 years old this month & it's still a buzz every time I play it.
  20. I waited 11 years to get one there was just something about, the body shape & headstock and that shine on the fretboard. And my Girlfriend bought me a secondhand 1992 4003 back in 1998 from a local guitar shop, where we used to live for £650 I love it. It is 20 years old now and still plays great, even though the paintwork is a little worn in places. But as much as I love them I doubt that I would buy a new one I could not justify it, not now that they cost almost 3 times what mine cost. They are iconic & I think that is part of the allure of wanting/owning one.
  21. There have been better copies the Shaftsbury 4001 copy was very good. The Roc is not bad though it is a 34" unlike the 33.25" Ric,& the neck at least on the one I tried was chunky. The one thing that puts me off them is the placement of the treble pickup,to close to the bridge reminds me of the Hondo 4001 copy.
  22. Nice looking bass enjoy.
  23. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1348227277' post='1811073'] While we're here: Urban myths or true stories - Bruce Foxton's 'Rick' was a copy, and most of Chris Squire's recordings were done on a Jazz. ? [/quote] Foxton's first Ric was an Ibanez copy bouhjt for him, by his girlfriend at the time.I think that this is the same bass that ends up with the P pickup in it, for the Thats Entertainment video. Chris used a Jazz on some recordings he also used a Telecaster bass, that had a Jazz pickup installed so this could have given him a Jazz bass sound. Plus with all the effects Chris uses, he could play an Encore bass and still make it sound like his Ric.
  24. The upside down headstock is the C64 & C64S (sanded), which gives the right handed player the look of McCartneys left handed Ric which had a right handed neck. The original horseshoe covers were the magnets, which wrapped round the pickup.And the 4003 was just a modern version of the 4001, having the trussrods upgradded so you could use Rotosound or heavier gauge strings. Though a lot of the 4001's managed to work just as well with Rotosound strings, step forward Mr. Chris Squire. I waited 11 years to own one and it has been my main bass for the past 14 years, they are a great bass but they are not for everyone. I used to want a Warwick bass until I played one, hood looking basses just didn't like how it felt.
  25. My first bass back in 1987 was the Malin Sidewinder KB-24 , how sad am I remembering that. Either way mine was the white one and for what it was it was ok, it was only £87.50. I wanted the Squier JV Precision but that was £199 how I wish I could get a JV for that price now.
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