I have just had some work done on my MIJ / MIM Fender Precision, & one of the jobs was having a 70's logo put on. My friend who did the work for me had to sand the headstock due to a shadow of the previous logo that was still visible. The new logo was put on & clearcoated but now, the face of the headstock is a bit lighter than the back & sides of the MIM neck. Is there any way of darkening the face of the headstock without sanding it & tinting it again, i.e sunlight, sunbed ,etc.
I will post pictures this weekend so you will see what I mean, the idea behind it was because the MIJ body was battered I came up with the thought of turning it into an early 1970's Precision Bass, and bought the logo, CTS pots & orange cap,cloth wire, & jack socket and an F logo neck plate.
Thanks in advance