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Everything posted by luckman67

  1. luckman67


    My own thought is that your buying into the history of Fender from 1946 to the present day, and in their advertising they do make it look good just my thought. Though I do like to see the Fender name on the headstock of either a Precision or Jazz.
  2. I agree you can have just as much fun on a cheaper bass, last week I got hold of a Frankenfender. A MIJ or CIJ body & a MIM neck it needs a bit of work doing to it,I'm going to return it to a P bass instead of the PJ it is now. Not sure a who made the P pickup but it sounds great all of this for around £150, can't put it down at the moment a great Fender bass.
  3. Thank you I spent a long time avoiding the Fender Precision, but ended up having really bad GAS for one strange. The logo is the transition type but from when, is it from 65 - 70.
  4. A couple of pictures of my MIM Fender Precision, I am looking into having it returned back to original spec. The active Basslines pickup sounds nice but I like the passive Fender sound.
  5. Back in September I started a thread (P bass GAS driving me mad) well tonight at 16:56 that was finally cured. I managed to get a 2008 ish MIM Fender Precision that needs a little work,the previous owner has added a Basslines active Jazz pickup. The neck is chunkier than that on my '89 MIK Squier Precision but,it's nice to finally own one I'll post pictures tomorrow.
  6. My May 1964 Hofner Violin bass, owned it since November 1988. And even though I stopped playing it in August 1998, I have a lot of memories with it both good & bad. The next would be my October 1992 Rickenbacker 4003,bought by my girlfriend in August 1998 the best present ever love it.
  7. Been there with the CSA & seperation issues and lost a few basses as well. Though I was lucky enough to get back my 1989 Squier Precision (MIK) back in 2008,after stupidly selling it back in 1998.
  8. I have just read this thread & at the moment I'm in the process of making my 1989 Korean made Squier precision a better bass.
  9. Thanks for that,I may look into having it changed so it's more Stingray like.
  10. How hard is it to rewire a SUB pickup & is there any diagrams on how to do it. Plus does it make any difference.
  11. They are a nice bass and have that Classic Stingray look for a lot less.
  12. REMOVED.
  13. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1143850' date='Feb 27 2011, 09:12 PM']They were so close to the real thing that it affected sales... so they had to nip it in the bud. There is quite a difference in tone to those that know the 2 basses well though.[/quote] That's how good the SUB'S are, & that's probobly why people are still after them now a USA (Stingray) for less than a SBMM.
  14. Well said & I would say that perhaps one day, they may even be collectable. Who would have thought that a 1982 Squire JV would be collectable,I remember seeing them in Dixons if only I knew then.
  15. I think Sterling Ball wanted to see if an American made instrument could be built cheaper,without a fall in quality and EBMM did that with the SUB. Another thought was that someone buying a SUB would upgrade to the Stingray. But the SUB was well made and very close to the Stingray,hardly suprising when they were built side by side in the same factory quality was always going to be good.
  16. Or could it be Stingray,the flagship model Made in USA SUB still made in USA ,cheaper version more like the Highway 1 Fender maybe? Remember when these came out the active version was around £679. The active 2 band eq on the SUB is the same as the stingray 4H. The pickup is wired differently to the Stingray,the hardware is not stamped & the body wood is poplar and slabed like the Classic Stingray. SBMM nice looking basses BUT made under licence in SE Asia.
  17. I have aprox 21 beatles albums,all in good condition the white album has the poster and 4 pictures of the band. And all of McCartneys albums from McCartney to Flaming Pie.All are in plastic sleeves & have not been played in 15 years. This is collection only as there is so many of them, I would swap them all for a MIM Precision bass body & neck plate and screws.
  18. I am offering my USA made 2003 Musicman SUB (Stingray),for a straight swap for a MIM Fender Precision. It is the red version with the active 2 band eq & a replacement MM 3 ply W/B/W scratchplate. I am in the Bolton area.
  19. Had tail lift on my '92 4003, bought a new tailpiece & added two extra screws now zero lift and still using Rotosound RS66 strings.
  20. I waited 11 years to get my Ric 4003, this August I will have owned it for 13 years my favorite bass love it.
  21. Just checked my emails from Musicman regarding the SUB bass, the 2 band eq on the SUB is the same as the 2 band Stingray 4. I got rid of the thin metal scratchplate,& bought a white triple ply one much better looking more of a Stingray look.
  22. Recently I have been thinking of changing the body of my '89 Squier Precision, I was looking at one from Axesrus for £130 has anybody bought one of these. The body on the Squier looks thinner than the MIA, MIM or even the Squier CV Precisions. The neck on my Squier is nice and as it's now 22 years old (almost vintage) I would like to build a better bass around it. Has anyone else done this and are the replacement bodies the same thickness as the MIA / MIM Fenders.
  23. +1 on the SUB great basses, slab body & the same 2 band eq as the Classic 4H.
  24. That really does look good.
  25. After loking at the picture I'm toying with having my SUB resprayed.
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