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Everything posted by luckman67

  1. It's amazing how much we all seem to have invested in our hobby / love of the bass guitar. When I first started to learn the bass guitar (23 years later & still learning) my first bass was a Marlin Sidewinder KB24,which cost secondhand £89 I thought that was expensive.
  2. A very nice find, I found a Musicman SUB at Cash Converters wish I had have found a Ric faker like yours though.
  3. It can be frightning when you sit down & look at your collection, and what it cost and then the worst one what it would cost to replace on a like for like. example aprox prices MM SUB £400 Squier £200 '64 500/1 £1750 Ric 4003 £1400 T.A.B £250 Total £4000 And remember this is just on the basses we own now,how much we would have paid over the years I started in 1987 & how much we lost on basses that I never want to know the answer to.
  4. This is not a nosey question,but I was just taking an updated picture of my bass guitar collection & what it cost in total. I now own 5 basses 2 which my girlfriend bought me & 1 which was a present from my 2 kids. When I added it all together I thought of some of the basses that I could not afford, with what my little collection cost i.e Sadowsky or Fender CS & many others. 2003 Musicman S.U.B. £99.99 1989 Squier Precision (MIK) £90 1964 Hofner 500/1 £175 1992 Rickenbacker 4003 £650 2009 Tanglewood Acoustic £220 Total cost £1,234.99
  5. My bass is an October 1992 4003,and is the one in my avatar. I bought the rickenbacker vintage style V/T pots the scratchplate is from a V63 & a friend of mine gave me his spare V63 treble pickup surround. I hope to finish off this project with a toaster & Horseshoe pickup, the half inch spacing on the neck pickup does make a difference in sound to me.
  6. Just bought some Rotosound RS66 45-105 strings, for my Ric bass today you can't beat the sound of a Ric with new strings.
  7. They are amazing basses I waited 11 years to get mine, an Oct 1992 4003 in Fireglo my favorite bass.
  8. The black guard looks good on a black SUB. My guess is that the diamond plate guard was a cost cutting thing to lower the price of the SUB, & to fit with it's sports utility image.
  9. Since I got my Musicman SUB back in April, I have loved the bass but not the thin diamond plate scratchplate. Anyway this week i bought a triple ply w/b/w scratchplate, EB strings and a new battery,end result a better looking & sounding bass & looking more like the Stingray.
  10. Shaftsbury maybe,all the one's i've seen had the lighter burst on the back of the neck. Nice looking bass though,liked the checkerboard binding.
  11. There was no inferior parts used if you look at the spec sheets for both the SUB & the Stingray, you wil see that each part is Musicman registered. The main reason for the SUB being discontinued,was that Musicman were loosing money on each bass. And as for the high secoindhand prices who would have thought that the Squier basses from 1982 would fetch £500+ now, when back in '82 they were about £199 & they were not American made. There are some good prices on Stingrays on ebay from time to time, I have seen a couple for around £780. I guess you just have to be in the right place at the right time to get a bargin.
  12. Yes it was the 4 string, but it is made in the same factory as it's more expensive counterpart using a lot of the same bits. Plus with it only being available for three years may add to it's high price on the secondhand market.
  13. I was at the Northwest guitar show today at Haydock race course, & there was a black SUB for sale for £500.
  14. I was just wondering if anyone had tried to make their SUB more contoured. I myself like the slab pre EB look as two of my basses have no real body contouring, my '64 Hfner violin bass & my '92 Rickenbacker 4003. My SUB is getting a lot of my playing time at the moment even though the neck is bulkier than my Ric,it does feel comfortable and easy to play.
  15. I would buy another SUB,have any of you who has one resprayed it or had the body contours put in.
  16. I was not rubbing it in i promise, but I still can not get over how EBMM made these basses & sold them for the price they did. I read somewhere that Sterling Ball was quoted that he might as well put a $100 bill,in with every SUB they made towards the end. I also think that the SUB bass will have a collectable value as even now on ebay prices are around £475 for one. I have seen Stingray's on ebay for around £780 but can't convince myself to get one as the SUB sounds as good IMO. Going to a guitar show on Sunday I will be on the lookout for a white 3 ply scratchplate.
  17. I really like my SUB & the fact that not only did I get it for a silly price,but it's made at the same factory using the same pickup & active 2 band eq as the Classic Stingray 4H.
  18. If the sound that YOU hear from your bass/amp, is what you like then it does not matter if you paid £100 or £1000 for it. One thing I have always belived in it does not matter if you play a Squier or a Sadowsky you will only ever sound like you fact.
  19. I am new to Musicman's since only buying my S.U.B Stingray last Saturday. Anyway I'm off work this week so this morning after reading this fascinating thread, plugged my SUB into my Ampeg BA115 combo and thankfully my G string sounded as even as the other strings. I did'nt know that the Stingray had this type of problem I thought that they were problem free.
  20. It does look good with a black pg.
  21. I am looking into changing the scratchplate,have you any pictures of yours with the black pg.
  22. Close I got it from the Farnworth shop,aprox 3 miles from Bolton Town Centre.
  23. Yes I doubt I'll find an Alembic when I go in next.
  24. I bought this on Saturday for £99.99
  25. I'll give them a call in the morning.
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