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Everything posted by luckman67

  1. Thank you ezbass I will look at the site later.
  2. Yes I still can't belive how lucky I vas to get it for such a low price. It is definatly a keeper & where can I find replacement scratchplates for this type of bass. Now what will I find at CC when I go again.
  3. That's good did they ever get the scrote who stole it.
  4. Thank you Gentlemen for your kind remarks, it may be a while if I have the same luck again. And my nickname is Lucky and has been since I was a young boy, now I'm almost 43. I hope that it does not turn out to be stolen, sorry to hear about your Tobias bass.
  5. Here are some pictures that I took with my phone.
  6. A very lucky bast**d, I'm still grinning now.
  7. Yes it was from a Cah Converters shop, & not stolen. When I walked into the shop & saw the headstock and then the price I just had to get it. I have taken some quick photo's on my phone and will try and load them later. I can not belive that I got an American made bass for less than the price of either a Jim Deacon or Squier Affinity P bass. I hate to admit it but I've never been mad about the Musicman Stingray until now, my main bass love is my Ric 4003 which only cost my girlfriend £650 11 years ago. I am pleased with myself today.
  8. Just picked up a Musicman Stinray SUB that was going for £99.99. But as money was tight I swapped my secondhand Peavey Cirrus BXP for it, and walked out the door with an American made bass £60 and a cheap set of strings. I still can not get over my lucky find.
  9. I forgot how nice the Blue Boy colour looked. I saw one in Soundcontrol in Manchester years ago, though if I can get another one I would go for the Jetglo.
  10. I love the Rickenbacker 4001 / 4003 basses, and have done since I first saw and played one back in 1988 / 1989. Like Happy Jack I went from my '64 Hofner Violin bass to my '92 Ric 4003 & have never looked back. I have seen the Ric's at Dawsons & would love to get another I just have to convince my girlfriend that £174 deposit,and £174 for 10 months is ok.
  11. I have had mixed views with the precision bass,had a couple but never held on to them for long I always lusted after the Rickenbacker 4001 / 4003. That being said my girlfriend bought me a 1989 Squier precision ( Korean made ) and I do like that bass a lot. This has led me to want either a MIM OR HW1 precision,there is something about them & even though many of us leave them for other basses they still draw us back.
  12. Thank you for your answers Gentlemen, it looks more like I will get the CV Precision over the MIM & save some money.
  13. Can anyone tell me if the body of the Squier Classic Vibe 60's Precision, is the same thickness as the Fender MIM & MIA Precision bass. I own a 1989 Squier precision and the body is thinner than normal Fender basses.Recently I have really wanted a MIM or HW1 precision,but if the Classic Vibe 60's has the same body thickness then I would get one of these. Thanks
  14. MAXROSSELL I have a white Hohner profesional J bass fretless with tort guard for sale if your interested,there is a picture of it in the basses you own section.
  15. I have just found this thread and it reminded me of a bass that I sold and got back. Back in April 1998 my girlfriend bought me a secondhand Squier precision (made in Korea) for £90,I used this until August 1998 when she bought me a secondhand Rickenbacker 4003.My friend was always on at me to sell him the Squier so some time in 1999 I did. Over the next nine years I regretted selling the Squier as it was a present from my girlfriend and I felt guilty about selling it.So in December 2008 I got in touch with my friend,to see if he still had it and was willing to sell it back to me.Anyway my girlfriend (again) bought it back for me again for £90 and gave it to me for Christmas. I am keeping this bass now and also found out that it was made in 1989 almost vintage.So now my plan is to slowly upgrade it to as close to an American Precision bass as I can.
  16. Thank you zbigniew for your nice comments on my humble collection of basses.The Rickenbacker and the Squier Precision ( MIK ) were both presents from my girlfriend.
  17. My main bass now is a 1992 Rickenbacker 4003,even though I own other basses the Ric is number 1.
  18. If you go onto the RRF forum there is a thread there,about owners wanting a black TRC.
  19. That is a lovely Mapleglo,and one of the early two peice scratch plate models,you had a bargin there.
  20. I have played my Oct '92 4003 for the past 11 years, since my Girlfriend bought it me for my birthday for the sum of £650.Even though I own other basses including an original 1964 Hofner violin bass,it is still my main bass and the bass I judge others by. Yes £1600 + is a lot to pay for any bass so you would expect QC issues to be sorted.In all I would have another Ric in a heartbeat though it will be most likely secondhand.
  21. luckman67

    SX Basses

    There is an SX Jazz style bass at HW Audio here in Bolton,as they already have Jim Deacon basses it looks like they can get the SX range as well.
  22. Hello I am new here I have played my Ric 4003 ( Oct 1992 model ) now for the past 11years,and it is still the bass that I judge others by.Yes there are the odd QC issues and you wait aprox 2 years for new one so it is a shame when the odd one has a flaw or two. I do not think that the Ric 4001 / 4003 ever went out of fashion, they still have that magic about them like the Fender Precision & Jazz has always had.
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