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Everything posted by Basska

  1. I got it about 4 or 5 years ago for £500 out of sound control. It's funny you say that! I've never seen anyone apart from the bloodhound gang bassist who has one. I think they don't make them anymore which is a shame. The action on it is superb and it makes a beautiful noise the only downfall is that it weighs like 16 or 17 lbs Chris
  2. and the belt rot i couldn't fit in Playing In Whitehaven, Glossop and Stockport this weekend if you'd like to see it all in action. I'll also have a new 4x10 courtesy of Prince Charles by tomorrow aswell Chris
  3. I'm pretty sh*t with the camera I have haha Heres some pictures of my rig tho Enjoy My babies
  4. You don't have to buy the cab haha. I'm only thinking about selling it, so really this is just here to gauge if my price range seems reasonable. Anybody think this price range seems reasonable? Chris
  5. Thanks dude, I'll keep that in mind for future. Phoned guitarguitar... it's not going to be here till tomorrow... LAME I just want to get my full stack up and running!!! Ashdown Little Giant 1000 with 500w going into Ashdown ABM BP1510TX and 500 watts going into a Ashdown USA 410H I'm hoping the contrast will create something beautiful :wub: Chris
  6. I've cleared my schedule as i've been told my new ashdown usa 410h cab should be arriving today courtesy of guitarguitar glasgow. It's 11:03 now and usually the post are pretty good at arriving about midday! I wonder if I'll be seeing my amp today another post as soon as I know Chris
  7. Hey freddy! Welcome to the party! Hope you enjoy the atmosphere. Everybody is real nice and helpful so don't be afraid to ask about anything Chris
  8. I recently got my hands on a Ashdown ABM BP1510TX Cabinet, 650W 1 x 15", 2 x 10" + tweeter bass cabinet and I'm thinking about selling it. It needs re-skinned and new wheels after going through the U.K and through Europe (which I plan on taking care of before I sell) but otherwise it's in perfect condition and it sounds beautiful! I'm thinking about £300-£400 You can check out the specs here: [url="http://www.ashdownmusic.com/bass/detail.asp?ID=16"]http://www.ashdownmusic.com/bass/detail.asp?ID=16[/url] Let me know what you think Chris
  9. Hello my Bass Chattin' comrades! It's a whole new year with a whole new set of gigs and I can't wait to get the ball rolling. 19 Feb 2010 20:00 3 Tuns Whitehaven, Northwest 20 Feb 2010 20:00 The Globe Glossop, Northwest 21 Feb 2010 20:00 Blue Cat Cafe Stockport, Northwest 25 Feb 2010 20:00 Bar Bloc w/ John Q Public Glasgow, Scotland 26 Feb 2010 20:00 Loch Leven Community Campus w/ AVA and John Q Public Kinross, Scotland 27 Feb 2010 20:00 Cafe Drummonds w/ John Q Public Aberdeen, Scotland 28 Feb 2010 20:00 Whistle Binkies w/ John Q Public (late show) Edinburgh, Scotland 28 Feb 2010 20:00 Creation Studios w/ John Q Public (early show) Glasgow, Scotland 4 Mar 2010 20:00 The Parish Huddersfield, Northwest 5 Mar 2010 20:00 The Crown Nuneaton, Midlands 6 Mar 2010 20:00 The Birds Nest Deptford, London and South East 7 Mar 2010 20:00 Retro Bar w/ Beat the Red Light and Stand Out Riot Manchester, Northwest 19 Mar 2010 20:00 TBC w/ The Upgrades TBC, Northern Ireland 20 Mar 2010 20:00 TBC w/ The Upgrades TBC, Northern Ireland 21 Mar 2010 20:00 TBC w/ The Upgrades TBC,North Ireland 27 Mar 2010 20:00 Mucky Mulligans (TBC) w/ A War Against Sound Perth, Scotland 2 Apr 2010 20:00 3 Tuns w/ A War Against Sound Whitehaven, Northwest 3 Apr 2010 20:00 The Rigger w/ A War Against Sound Stoke on Trent, Midlands 4 Apr 2010 20:00 Wagon and Horses w/ A War Against Sound Birmingham, Midlands 16 Apr 2010 20:00 Z1 Girvan, Scotland 17 Apr 2010 20:00 The Bruce Annan, Scotland 30 Apr 2010 20:00 TBC TBC Wales 1 May 2010 20:00 Kippertronix Mini Fest Powys, Wales 2 May 2010 20:00 TBC TBC Wales 16 Jul 2010 20:00 TBC TBC Wales 17 Jul 2010 20:00 The Old Bell Derby, Midlands 18 Jul 2010 20:00 TBC TBC 17 Sep 2010 20:00 Burgh Bar Dumbarton, Scotland I was going to remove all of the TBCs but I've decided to keep them and I will edit them as soon as they're when they're filled, which should be fairly soon. If anyone has any suggestion for the TBCs please leave a comment or PM me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible! Thanks guys! Hope to see you there! Chris and The Hostiles www.myspace.com/hostileska P.S If you like what you hear... For a limited time only I can send you a link to a free copy of our debut album 'Always Looking Forward'
  10. Your tour looks sweet! How come you aren't doing the UK leg of the Zebrahead tour? We're hoping to get the Glasgow date again. Played with Zebrahead at the Glasgow Cathouse last year. You're in for a treat if you haven't seen them or if you're not a fan, their awesome live show has converted many! chris
  11. my little giant 1000 was made in the people republic of china, my ABM BP1510TX Cabinet in england and the USA ABM 4x10 ( I should be recieving tomorrow) made in America. seems to me they have their fingers in a few different bowls!
  12. My bass is about midriff usually and pretty level most of the time. I have big hands and tend to use the full of my neck rather than making ridiculous stretches which I adapted to save my left problems and needed to. but thankfully I don't anymore unless I overplay which causes the odd strain. It's mainly my right carpel giving me hassle . Low is uncomfortable for my left unless I play the bass tilted up and high isn't comfortable for my right because my arm folds too much for me to get the speed I need . I'm 6'5 so high makes me look like a goon aswell haha. I really think I just squeeze my pick too hard. I say that because I only ever get the cramps during gigs. I'm knackered so I apologise if some of that didn't make sense haha Thanks Stuart! sweet videos. the dude has mad hand skills! Chris
  13. Cheers Yorks'. I think poor right hand technique may be the problem now that you mention it Funk. It's mainly my right thumb that cramps when I'm picking which causes me to change to using fingers until the cramp has subsided. I think I may be squeezing my pick too hard? Chris
  14. Lately I've been playing a whole lot of shows and been suffering cramps mid show causing me to struggle when playing mid set/song. I try and stretch my hands with a daily routine of movements but it seems to be to no avail. I've figured that it's probably my routine that's not good enough and I was just looking for some suggestions or examples? My general routine is just bend, hold and rotate but so far it's just given me cramp haha Any takers? Chris
  15. I hope this isn't one big farce. I'm a +1 on the faking your own death isn't cool. A guy I know actually did the unmentionable a little over a week ago and it's quite blatant that it's not only himself that's been hurt. To fake it over a forum for money would just be down right despicable. I certainly hope this isn' the case. On a lighter note... Taggart only ever said "there's been a murder" once in the whole series. It's a shame really haha Chris
  16. [quote name='0175westwood29' post='725525' date='Jan 26 2010, 06:08 PM']isn't this something you do before buying? ive heard there ok, bit of a pain that to get full power you need 2 4 ohm cabs or 4 8 ohm cabs tho. andy[/quote] Only if you're smart and you've got the time haha we all have our moments when we're not and i guess this was one of mine! I'll keep the turn out posted chops chris
  17. I've just purchased this head and I am looking for a little bit of feedback on it. Anybody familiar with this product? Chris
  18. I saw the sign- Ace of Bass
  19. we call my drummer squirrel face because he looks like a squirrel going for a nut when he drums although saying that i've recently noticed i have the 'My Name Is Earl' eyebrow when I'm hitting the high notes :|
  20. There goes my idea for a nice brickwall shot hahaha I've setled for ye old live shotage. I guess if I truly wanted a better picture I'd bring a better face haha :ph34r:
  21. hahaha I wasn't sure anyone would get that (I pressed enter before I meant to) I'll +1 on the bored bassist or skankin'. I tend to sway allot aswell. I don't even know if i'm gunna fall over or not most of the time (i'm slightly top heavy) IMO if your hands are moving enough it shouldn't matter what your feet do Chris
  22. Power Stance? Ants in your pants? Head bangin' rants? Skankin' dance? Sissy prance? What's your weapon of choice when your on that stage slap, tap or pickin' away?! Do you run around the stage like a headless chicken or do you keep you head down and let your hands do the talking? I've seen 1000's of bassist and everyone seems to have they're own style but, saying that, there are deffinently some moves that you see over and over again. So, yeah... What's your style? Chris
  23. Eden 6x10 Cab. Guitar Guitar do the 8x10 for £899 and I've dropped them a line just now asking how much they would charge to get the 6x10 in. So i'll have to wait for that reply to see what is going down. It's probably going to cost me a bomb no matter what I do haha. I'll give the maker a shout cheers! Chris
  24. Lol at the [quote]Stick a mast on it and sail it home[/quote] I reckoned she'd go down like the Titanic haha, I'm a big lad and it's the sound I want so I just gotta deal with it I think it'll probably cost a fortune aswell but it would cost me double over here anyway. So I thought I'd least find out how much the 'minimal saving would be. Every little helps! Chris
  25. I plan on purchasing a 6x10 when I am over in the states any suggestions on the cheapest fastest way to do so? I live in Scotland and I am going to Florida the cab weighs 130 pounds What do you think bass chat?! Chris
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