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Everything posted by Basska

  1. lol. I'm not at the sex,drugs and rock'n'roll stage (for the camera at least ) I'm a bassist in a Ska/Punk/Metal band who needs some PROMO (for those with the dodgy eyes ) pictures to go on (hopefully) the front of the Washburn website and or the David Eden website. I'm 6'5, 15 stone with a full set of hair and (for fans of 'Hot Fuzz' "[b]a [i]great[/i] big bushy beard[/b]" I'm the only person in this type of band that is an endorsee as well (everyone is rock/metal/country) so I want to stand from my colleagues Thanks for the help so far Chris
  2. [quote name='OldGit' post='686726' date='Dec 16 2009, 07:48 PM']That guy in the dress is funny and, great player that he is, I'd probably not call him first for a session.[/quote] Lol. Classic. It's (as far as I know) to go on the Washburn website and possibly the Eden website. Chris
  3. All very good answers thank you! Apart from the Dean one... You think I have that kind of money haha:P
  4. Well basically, I need to take some promo pictures of me and my bass. I was just looking for a BC perspective on the subject. What catches your eye when you see a picture of a bassist (apart from the bass of course haha) and what do you feel makes you interested in finding out who that bassist is after seeing the picture Example The japanese dude who plays bass dressed as a woman in that video Answer (to me anyway) seen a dude dressed as a woman playing a bass and i thought i'd see if he was any good What do you think Bass Chat? Chris
  5. Personally I don't mind a little damage done to my bass... BUT that is on one condition.... THAT I DO THE DAMAGE MYSELF! It truely grinds my gears, that I know for a fact, that most of the damage done to my Shecter has been done by a band member. Whether it be my brother running around stabbing me with his SG, or my trombone player hitting me with his trombone or somebody knocking the bass over, it truly is the bain of my existence haha. Otherwise, Belt Rot, sweat erosion, pick scratches, all sacrifices for your art imo. Also, how can you justify selling a Fender P Bass for nearly double the price because it's 'vintage' and 'gig worn' and you can see the wood where the paint has gone. That to me is ludicrous. If I spend £2500 on something, I wanna damage it myself! (I seen this bass outside of basschat) Chris
  6. I work in the Glasgow Barrowlands right down in the pit (the front of the stage for those who don't know) and every band I see there suffers with that same problem. It's always good down where I am sound wise, probably because I have ear plugs in and can hear everything on the stage, but I know that if you go back to the sound desk (even when the venue is full) it sucks major BLEEP. 8 years ago or even 5 years ago I wouldn't have said that. But these days it's painfully true. I reckon it's the PA's and the engineers that are being used these days. I say that because, I bet you the light show was good. Chris
  7. Thanks
  8. Had some trouble, but I finally got there and boy am I happy! I'm now officialy a Endorsee of Washburn/Eden:D Gunna get myself a 8X10 and a WTX1000N I already have a Washburn that I'm happy with so I don't think a new one will be necessary. Especially when I'm getting an Alan Cringean (ACG) custom build next year anyway I'm overjoyed and super excited for next year! eeeeeeeeee Chris
  9. I tend to do both, so I find that i'm more impressed by what the fretting hand is doing. The reason asked this question in the first place is because I tend to find I get more interest from people when I'm not using a pick (even tho I am doing the same thing as I would with a pick) and it makes me wonder!
  10. cheers YouMa, real deep haha
  11. I seem to get the impression, that people are generally less impressed when they see a bassist using a pick and not giving it laldy on the slap front. Is it just me or is my impression accurate? What's your opinion on the subject BassChat?!
  12. I named my bass Roxanne years and years ago. I don't actually call it Roxanne when I describe it. I don't ever say thing like "I play her", etc, etc. Wouldn't say there was something wrong with me for it tho haha. It's like naming a car. Some people do, some people don't! To me, I guess it just gives a sentimental value to the object really. Thunderbird's are absolute spac wagons
  13. I totally met you at Sonisphere Alex haha. We talked about hearing equipment! I live in Scotland so I can't help you dude. Unless you need help when you're up herethan my B string could be of some assistance! Scotland unlike England has no music infrastructure. So in other words the gigs are usually S**T if you're not in Kerrang! every other day
  14. Cheers for the help I'm actually a little clueless to be honest on this subject! I'll give maplins own a shot if I can get some in time thanks. If I hadn't of asked my dad earlier it would have been WD40 all the way haha :| Chris
  15. The H/H IC-100S Head. Does anyone have any experience with these heads? I've borrowed one and the pots are dirty so every time you turn a knob it makes that horrible crackly sound. An efficient way to deal with this problem that isn't buying whole new pots would be sweeeeeeeeeet chris
  16. Anybody have any opinions?
  17. [quote name='leschirons' post='667933' date='Nov 28 2009, 01:50 AM']Not a big payer, £300[/quote] Dude, 300 quid in a night sounds like a big payer to me! I'm too gobsmacked after reading that to tell a story haha
  18. I've been so busy thinking about me ska to even mention the punkers! Karl Alvarez is the bomb man and so is the Anti Flag bassist (can't remember his name) I'd Recommend A New Kind of Army if i was to choose a good Anit Flag album example and for Karl Alvarez I much prefer his work with ALL as apposed to the Descendants but saying that 'I'm the One' by the D's is a amazing song with a tricky as bass line! I know of Fishbone but don't know any. Any album recommendations? We've nicely progressed to the more British side of things! Capdown bass lines are fairly mediocre in my opinion! Amazing band nonetheless I'd recommend 'Civil Disobedients' or if you like it a bit heavier 'Pound for the Sound' or if you like it a bit more progressive 'Wind up Toys'. Some of the best of the Skacore genre, again imo Howards Alias bassist is an awesome player! I'd say try any of their albums that isn't the newest one. The band has actually split up now sadly If you like your Dub/Ska I'd recommend The Skints. Played with them about an hour ago and they're awesome. They're first cd isn't that good of quality tho the songs are good. They've got a new album out aswell but I don't know anything about it Chris
  19. Keep up the good work guys! Some amazing replies! I'm just walking out the door to play a show so i can't get into it properly but, off the top of my head some albums to check out! i'll start with Ska and get back later! Leftover crack (ska/punk/Rocksteady) F**k World Trade or Mediocre Generica or any Victim Any Less Than Jake album really apart from 'In with the out crowd' (we don't even class that as an album in our band) Operation Ivy self titled (Matt Freeman and Tim Armstrong before Rancid) No doubt self titled or Tragic Kingdom and a song called 'Total Hate' off the Beacon Street Collection (No Boubt/ Sublime split) Any Reel Big Fish Album Any Catch 22 album (my favourite is Keasbey Nights) that's just a few manager is nagging me eeek! gotta go!!!!
  20. see... haha. Thats a comment I can work with! In the previous comment I was trying to cover all bases including Reggae and Rocksteady sorry. Isn't Reggae classed under 1st wave Ska? Correct me if I'm wrong please! See I'm an American myself so the appeal probably starts there haha (big Bosstones fan it must be said!) I think that if you listen in depth to each one of them they all have allot to offer and get allot more technical (bass wise) to the Bosstones brigade. Are you an Eric Wilson fan? Could you give me some Reggae/Rocksteady bassist examples? and btw, do you mean sound as in all together or are we still talking bass wise?
  21. As long as your playing Bass there is technically nothing wrong with you haha! All tho... Nobody likes a Dyslexic Drummer!!! Makes their innumeracy twice as difficult to deal with haha
  22. Every time I meet or read about bassist or guitarist they're usually either in a Indie/Metal/Rock/Jazz/Funk/Fusion* or any of your other bog standard varieties of music. Is there any bassist out there flying the friendly skies of Ska (in any form/from any wave/era) and Punk (also of any form/from any wave/era) Matt Freeman, Matt Wong, Pat Kays, Roger Mangenelli, Tony Kanal ring any bells with any body? IMO these are some of the best bassist that are left behind in the world of bass and I feel that they deserve a little more recognition. We all know who Flea/Victor Wooten/Jaco Pastorious/Carol Kaye/Roco are (and if you don't, I suggest you find out haha) But do you guys know the people I'm talking about? You may not like Ska/Punk and you may never will! But you should check these dudes out. I feel it may open some minds to some technique and writing styles that you won't see in the more mainstream genres. Join me in revolution if you feel what I'm saying haha! Or just leave a comment for the banter haha Chris *for the record, I have no problem with any of these genres of music and "bog standard" is for lack of better words. If it's done well then, to me it speaks for itself. This has just been an observation.
  23. The Reel Big Fish at the Barrowlands in Glasgow strangely enough i work the pit there now! never seen it coming
  24. Strangely enough, I have never ever ever came accross a woman sound engineer in the whole entirety of my musical career! but, saying that... We've been without a sound engineer a few times and used my mom to do the sound and its turned out great! We just tell her what does what and what not to do and she does a magic job i'll keep my eye open and post again if i come accross any female sound people!
  25. yes to all of the above and Can i have a job haha
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