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Everything posted by mikeh

  1. SOLD. I now dont own a Bass or an Amp!! I've got a decent Tribal Planet rigid gig bag I'll be sticking on later
  2. Alright Ped, nah thats it for me, for now atleast. I've not even picked a bass for a week or 2, and only played it once in over 6 weeks. Just dont feel like I even want to bother atm. You never know in the future though eh
  3. I've reopened this thread as Im also selling the Schecter Model T P bass. No point keeping it if it isnt being used. So £250 cash, no trades. I can supply this with a Gig bag so collection prefered.
  4. I bought this from this very forum just incase I wanted to play with a band. I now know this isnt going to happen. I really dont think I'll play in a band again. So a complete clear out, as I cant stand having anything that doesnt get used. This was Russ's original thread I hope you dont mind Russ? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=23009&hl=roland+db500"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...hl=roland+db500[/url] I would also sell the Schecter P Bass I have, the thread is around here somewhere.
  5. Cheers Al, Im glad it got there safe and sound. Mike
  6. Geddy SOLD and Schecter withdrawn
  7. [quote name='Toasted' post='254827' date='Aug 4 2008, 08:32 PM']1KW 10x10 Aguilar and Bergantino sounds pretty good: [/quote] Bloody Hell Joe, thats one HELL of a rig......
  8. [quote name='Beefy' post='254525' date='Aug 4 2008, 03:38 PM']I want that Geddy.[/quote] I'll sell it to you if you want Thanks for the Bump MB1 Im just dealing with some PM's now
  9. Cheers Russ, you where right I couldnt really decide which one Id keep so I'll leave it to the BC masses....
  10. Bump for pics, prices and bass added!!
  11. As I said this was taken in a 2 for 1 trade for my DJ, with the intention of only keeping one of them. The Schecter has a 1/4 pounder in it and sounds huge so thats the keeper for now. It was a hard decision as the Geddy plays ssoooo well!! Pics this evening when I get back from terrorising straw targets.
  12. I've just taken these as a trade for my DJ with the intention of keeping just one of the 2 basses. I cant decide which to keep, I only need one for playing at home. Once one is sold, I'll withdraw the other. First up Fender Geddy Lee, superb bass. One of, if not the, nicest Jazz neck I've played. Sounds great plays great. Is standard apart from the F neck plate that has been added. [url="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y133/thunderthief_31/DSCF0895.jpg"][/url] [url="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y133/thunderthief_31/DSCF0894.jpg"][/url] [url="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y133/thunderthief_31/DSCF0893.jpg"][/url] [url="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y133/thunderthief_31/DSCF0892.jpg"][/url] Next the Schecter Model T. Easily as good as any P I've owned or played. has a Quarter Pounder in the neck position and sounds HUGE. IIRC the Jazz Pup is a Seymour Duncan Hot Jazz, but feel free to correct me!!! Best thing aobut this bass is you can actually play either Pup on its own and it still sounds great. [url="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y133/thunderthief_31/DSCF0899.jpg"][/url] [url="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y133/thunderthief_31/DSCF0898.jpg"][/url] [url="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y133/thunderthief_31/DSCF0897.jpg"][/url] [url="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y133/thunderthief_31/DSCF0896.jpg"][/url] Both basses are in excellent condition with no noticable marks, apart from very slight buckle rash on the back. Which ever sells can will be shipped in a used but ok hardcase. £370 for the Geddy and £250 for the Schecter. Offers considered.
  13. Im just glad it stayed in the circle Russ has it now, I traded it for a Geddy and a Schecter P bass, Model T IIRC
  14. [quote name='Rayman' post='248861' date='Jul 27 2008, 12:22 PM']I can't watch this hanging around any more, I want it.[/quote] Deal Pending
  15. This truely is a superb amp, and if I had the cash would probably buy it back. Good luck with the sale.
  16. I will also trade for a quality multi effects + cash.
  17. Im now going for the record on bumps before a successfull /sale/trade Although I wont be too bothered if I dont get it!!!
  18. It does seem like a very slow market atm. Im jamming with a blues guitarist on Sunday, and have been contacted by a drummer about starting a band, so this may be taken off then if all goes well.
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