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Everything posted by mikeh

  1. mikeh

    BOSS GT-10B

    I was going to buy one as soon as they come as I loved the GT6B, infact I loved all 4 I've owned But since I ended up with a Digitech BNX3 which is quite. BUT I would still like to try the Boss unit. If they're now out in the shops i may have to go and find one to try.
  2. As new in the box with instructions. You all know about these. £60 delivered although if you want to use Paypal I would ask that you cover fees.
  3. I've just taken delivery of a Spider medium sized pedal board Flight Case, and first impressions are VERY good.
  4. Started off with a Carlsbro Viper 100, Sold that and bought Peavey TKO 80, expremely loud for a 80 watt amp, but I saw an Ashdown EB150 1x15" in a local shop at a good price so bought that. Side by side the peavey Kicked its arse!!! Sold both the Ashdown and Peavey and bought a Laney RBG500, I thought at the time it would be all Id need 300 watts with a 2x10 extension cab added. But when i played my first gig it was no where near loud enough!! Awful amp. Sold that and bought A GK700RB 115 combo, which I thought was stunningly good, when paired with a 115 extension cab sounded huge, but then I joined bass world and the GAS set in. I traded it for a Trace Elliot 200 watt head, 2x10 and 1x15 cab. Loved the cabs hated the head, always sounded wooley and undefined. So I sold the head and bought a Ashdown Mag 300, which lasted 2 days before disapearing under a cloud of smoke!!! Sent that back and got a Hartke HA4000. Enter the infamous LOUD!! i sold the trace cabs and bought a LOUD 410. Sold the hartke and bought an Eden wt500, and ordered and LOUD 2x12 which Im still waiting for !!!! Next rig was a Warwick ProFet 4 and Marshall VBC 412, probably one of if not the best live sound I've had. Sold the VBC and bought Tech Soundsystems 412. Sold the Warwick and ordered a Mark Bass SA450 after a LONG wait changed my order to a GK1001RB II homer enters followed by GAS and I bought his pair of Aguilar GS112. I later bought his Epifani UL310. Sold the Gk and now my current right is Aguilar AG500 Sc and Epifani UL310 currently GASless amp wise....
  5. In my experience the Laneys are very underpowered for their rating, youd be suprised how loud that Rumble 100 can get. I used a Rumble at a gig once, it was to about 250 people without PA support and it was plenty loud enough. Id say out of the ones suggested best bets are the fender or Ashdown. I've been meaning to buy one of the Fenders for years as a back up but something always comes up!!!
  6. Not overly keen on the King Bass, but I LOVE the other 2. Id really love to own a Series 2 /S2 some day.
  7. He bought my Electro Harmonix Pedal board bag. Top guy, deal with confidence.
  8. I've got a bit of a story in reverse!! I used to go into my local music shop in Ormskirk, but I always found the guy unwilling really to do anything to help. It was like cutomers where a pain. Well it was recently bought out by another guy and from the moment i first met him he's always been very helpful to the point that I've probably spent £1200 there in a bout 6 months!!! You're dead right to take your business else where.
  9. Im going to be like a broken record now!! lol but in that budget id have a look at the fender Rumble 100 115. I've played one and it sounded really good, and easily loud enough to do gigs with. IIRC they come in at around the £220 mark new.
  10. Good stuff mate, let me know your paypal and i'll sort it tuesday
  11. Well Id like the tapping one, just need to pay some money in on Tuesday, unless you want a cheque?
  12. Firstly welcome to the mad house. You're going to get a load of people recomending what they use, the best way to find whats best for you is to try all the gear you can. Now Id recomend cab wise an Epifani UL310 hard to beat on weight, power handling and volume. I use mine with and Aguilar AG500, a superb amp, very clean sounding with tons of power.
  13. This came with my Digitech BNX3, but have just ordered a flightcase for it so this is for sale. I will take measurements and pics asap. but for now, its has a detacheable top cover so pedals/multi stay on the bottom. [url="http://www.privatereserveguitars.com/Electro-Harmonix-Pedal-Bag-541410-i1151656.guitars"]http://www.privatereserveguitars.com/Elect...1151656.guitars[/url] Im not sure what to ask, so lets say £20 delivered, and of course I will listen to offers.
  14. mikeh

    Block Inlays

    A few years ago I asked a local luthier for a quote on retro fitting blocks to a Jazz I had and was quoted £200. Now that was a good few years ago so Id imagine it would be more expensive now. +1 on buying a new neck ans +1000 on the look, I love blocks on Jazz basses.
  15. [quote name='craigjf1969' post='186318' date='Apr 27 2008, 09:58 AM']Just lately mastered Sir Duke and most recently Hit Me with Your Rythmn Stick....and now i feel like i have got arthritis in my fingers [/quote] I love Sir Duke, one I always play when trying new gear. Im very embarrased to say the 2 I learned where, When the Sun Goes Down and I Bet You Look Good on the dance Floor by the Arctic Monkeys. I also learned Club Foot by Kasabian.
  16. mikeh


    [quote name='andy67' post='186177' date='Apr 26 2008, 09:23 PM']No more gas buying for me except...the new Yamaha BB714 of which I have major gas for![/quote] Im sure I've heard that before, infact I've said that before!!
  17. I cant remember how i found Bass World. But when I joined i think there where only 100 or so members!!
  18. Cheers ThunderThumbs, email sent.
  19. After a few lineup changes and various hold ups, we've possibly left it to late for getting gigs for this year as most places are booked up. Can anyone recomend places we can contact to try and get a gig, even last minute gigs. We a covers band, playing a wide range, and can provide demo if needed. [url="http://www.tunnel-vizion.co.uk"]www.tunnel-vizion.co.uk[/url]
  20. Diamond Geezer. Bought and collected my Gator 4U rack case within 2 hours of the thread going on!!!
  21. [quote name='peety' post='184504' date='Apr 24 2008, 01:45 PM']You have a pm sir[/quote] And thats got to be a record. SOLD and Picked up
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