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Everything posted by mikeh

  1. [quote name='minty fresh death' post='82569' date='Nov 1 2007, 11:24 PM']How about a Genz Benz GBE 400?[/quote] Can you tell me more? Specs, power/weight.
  2. Well give me an idea of the amount you have in mind Although considering the GK is overkill Im thinking the Iamp may be aswell. But I am possibly interested.
  3. TBH Dave after abing with a MB LM II I found the GK had it on sound, Im just trying to make my rig as small as possible. I will also take cash offers now.
  4. Bump , I will consider other light weight amps with cash adjustment either way depending on amp.
  5. Mines a US made. Very good bass and sounds huge.
  6. Cant really help but show you a pic of mine!!! Black body, black PG, and Maple neck are the perfect colour combo for a P IMHO of course!!
  7. Im looking as possibly trading my GK 1001 RB II amp for a MB SA450. My amp is in excellent nick, and sounds amazing just looking at maybe something smaller/lighter.
  8. oops!!! Been a hectic weekend!!! I'll put some measurements up asap. But its designed to fit P/J basses.
  9. After coming to my senses and realising how much I would have to spend to get this rig back, Im withdrawing it for now. Im just going to buy a combo in the new year for rehearsals and small gigs. Thanks for all the offers.
  10. [quote name='joegarcia' post='77178' date='Oct 21 2007, 01:26 AM']If you'll post it I'll probably take it to go with the one I'm about to buy from Yessikris (which he is going to send by Parcel Force).[/quote] TBH I thought the case would be over the size limit for Parcel Farce, but I can check. Its not going to be cheap though!!! I would have thought about £15 for 48Hr Delivery. Cheers Mike
  11. TBH Matt I thought when you said you'dbe carrying your 6er to college in it I thought it'd be a bit too heavy. Afterall thats what flightcases are!! I promised some internal shots and measurements, I'll try and do that tonight since my gig was cancelled due to the Rugby!!! Just to give people ad idea though, its shaped inside to take Jazz or P basses. Im making my one and only reduction on the price. Now £45 to get shut.
  12. I have to say, out of ALL the Shukers we've seen on here that is BY FAR the sexiest. Its almost what I would pick if I where to have a bass built. Damn thats nice. Congrats Mike. Mike
  13. We where supposed to be gigging but the club owner decided to cancel on us as it clashed with the rugby!!!
  14. Nice one mate, look forward to seeing the DJ as well. Or maybe I shouldnt even pick it up, you know what Im like!!!! Anyone want to by a P!! lol Id be interested to hear how the 2 cabs sound together as I have been offered the offending cabs Either way Im probably going back to the GK gig bag, as I hate the 4U flight case. I've also had cash offers on both the head and cab, so could sell and buy a combo, maybe the Markbass 115 combo?? TBH I really dont know, I'd probably miss having this much power behind me on stage... Mike
  15. [quote name='G-bitch' post='76122' date='Oct 18 2007, 06:32 PM']How much would you be looking to get for the head on its own?[/quote] Not looking to sell at this point, only to trade for a smaller lightweight combo. Something my Markbass maybe or an Epi 112
  16. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='75780' date='Oct 17 2007, 09:23 PM']Mike - I've got a 112 neo on it's way to me if you want to try it, should be here by the middle of next week.[/quote] Love to try it mate. Are you going to use it with the 212? Cheers Mike
  17. That has been considered, but tbh If I was going to change one thing of the 2 it'd be the head!!! Its a superb piece of kit, sounds good and is very powerful with tons of headroom. Its more of a pain to carry than the cab, probably due to the 4U flight case its in!!
  18. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='75490' date='Oct 17 2007, 10:38 AM']Gulp ..thought about doing this myself Mike.[/quote] I've been thinking about it for a while, but everytime I turn it up I reaslise it would be stupid. BUT even on gigs without PA support Im never up past 10 o'clock, so I tought I'd see if I'd get any suitable trade offers.
  19. Stunningly good rig for trade. With the band Im in and the gigs we're doing I find Im so over powered with this rig Im bareky able to crank it. And with the new PA we have everything goes through it anyway. So Im looking to trade my rig for a high end light weight combo. So WHY
  20. I can sort a pic of the inside this evening Matt. Im in Skelmersdale which is 4 miles from J26 of the M6.
  21. Stunning mate, Id keep thst black pick guard on. Black/Black/Maple is by far the nicest colour combo, IMHO of course.
  22. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='73896' date='Oct 13 2007, 06:21 PM']Cor..you have been through a few basses Mike. I remember when that Fender P was still a tree. [/quote] lol its true, since joining bass world in the early days I've owned quit afew basses. Some good and some bad. All in all I think I've been very lucky. Highlites Fender MM Jazz, Spector Euro LX, Lakland 5501 And now this Fender P. I'd say the only bass I've owned that I didnt really like was the Lakland JO 4. Im no where near done yet!!! lol Considering a Custom bass in the year.
  23. After going through a few hifi type basses and wanting (or thinking that I wanted ) a hifi punchy sound I.ve found my tone Nirvana with an Oldish Fender P, through my Gk head and Epi 310. And like you Im sure it wont stop me gassing, infact jus put a deposit on an Aria EUB!!!
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