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Everything posted by mikeh

  1. [quote name='TheRev' post='72620' date='Oct 11 2007, 09:27 AM']Good choice sir. I've only had mine for about six months and I'm loving every minute of it. It's a bit like learning to play all over again but already knowing what you're supposed to be doing. I'm also playing more gigs and sessions than you can shake a stick at - there's something about upright bass that makes people take notice. Sweet.[/quote] I really cant wait now. Wanted to do it for ages, and suddenly decided now was the time. I will have it by Christmas as Im saving for it.
  2. Well after an interesting visit to my LGS today during my lunch break, he's given me a really good price on the Aria SWB so Im going for that!!
  3. [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~Stagg-EDB3-4-Electronic-Double-Bass~ID~7296.asp"]http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~S...ass~ID~7296.asp[/url]
  4. Thanks for the replay and superb idea!!! New pickguard and badass II here we come
  5. Do you think adding a Baddass II and PuP cover to this Would devalue it in any way?? BTW this through my Gk head and Epifani cab = Tone nirvana!!!
  6. Has anyone tried one of the new stagg EUB's? Im looking at getting my first EUB and the top fo my list so far is an NS WAV 4 followed by the Aria SWB LITE ONE. But I didnt know whether the Stagg would be worth getting to try first then upgrade later? Or would that just be wasted money!!! Are there any other EUB's available in the country for around the £700 mark? Cheers Mike
  7. nice, she kind of reminds me of Carrie from the Myth Busters!!!
  8. go on you know you want to, it'd hold that 6 string overwater nicely!!!!
  9. BTW mine is all Aluminium not black, looks the dogs
  10. I bought this a while ago and its only been out of the house twice!!! TBH Always travel by car and handle my guitar myself so its a bit of overkill. [url="http://www.basscentre.com/cat/product_info.php?cPath=176_217&products_id=1013"]http://www.basscentre.com/cat/product_info...roducts_id=1013[/url] Looking for £55 will not deliver as Im sure it would cost a fortune!!!
  11. Theres nowt at all wrong with your listing Ebay is just full of numpties!!! Out of curiosity how much do they normally go for? Tempted to bid myself. If I win how do I know which one I'll get ? is it pot luck?!! I'll get my coat Mike
  12. If that was on last time I was looking I wouldve snatched that up. I love the ehad less series ones!! Very nice
  13. [quote name='onehappybunny' post='68404' date='Oct 1 2007, 09:58 PM']Very pleased with my 'new' UL310 (thanks to Ari) based on experiences over the first few days... very light, powerful, punchy sound with a solid low end. Only tried in the house (at non-divorce inducing volumes ) so far, but really, really looking forward to band practice tomorrow [/quote] Omy god you're in for a shock, lthe more watts you push through it the better it sounds!!! Crank it and try and stop smiling!!!
  14. [quote name='jwbassman' post='68378' date='Oct 1 2007, 08:56 PM']I bought into the Epifani sound (from kjb on here) a few weeks ago when putting together my new rig - must say that so far I'm very impressed... I'm 'only' using a UL112 but it sounds great... been jamming with it over the weekend but really looking forward to next weeks rehersal to try it out properly in a band setting. By way of comparison I've been using an EA iAmp 200 combo with the wizzy 1x12 for several years now and the Epifani is certainly as good if not better that the EA - (bettter is clearly objective) they're different in as much as the Epifani seems a bit fuller and warmer, less hi-fi than the EA in my opinion. Would like to try a bigger Epifani maybe a 310 or something but for the gigs I do I couldn't justify it and there's hardly room in the car as it is (I also look after the PA too)... Very happy with my purchase - thanks again Kevin [/quote] Hey mate I'd love to try that 112 out some time if you fancy getting together I could bring my 310 for a comparison, may ask homer along with his neo 212? Cheers Mike BTW we're playing a retirement party at the beaufort hotel ina month or so, any tips on the room?
  15. I tend to use gig bags, I bought a Flightcase but its a nightmare getting it in the car with it loaded full. So I tend not to use it that much.
  16. I really dont know why these havent sold, mine went in about an hour!!! Superb cabs folks, whoever buys these will NOT be disapointed. IMHO a better natural sound than my Epi 310 Free Bump
  17. They're VERY good!! Easy one lift, up stairs down stairs, anywhere. They really do like to be pushed though, mine sounded really good at an outside gig a few weeks ago, well in a marquee. Only had my amp on about 11 O'clock without PA support. I do prefer the natural sound og the GS112's I used to have but you cant beat the portability and loudness of such a small cab.
  18. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='60989' date='Sep 15 2007, 09:52 PM']If you can do the BSW for £30 I'll take it can paypal right now. Cheers[/quote] Im afraid it'll be £30 + £5 for shipping and paypal. or £33 by cheque to cover shipping.
  19. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='59550' date='Sep 12 2007, 09:57 PM']Trade tou a one eyed bed-snake?[/quote] lol no thanks mate!!!! How was Crete? I may be after a lend mate?!!
  20. Bump I will take trades on all of these, a 2 or 4 U rack case would be good
  21. Keyboard players are like the proverbial rocking horse poo
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