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Everything posted by mikeh

  1. mikeh

    Moog Taurus

    Is there anything about now that cab do the Moog Taurus thing? Ideally something that doesnt cost the same as a small country!!! Im sure there was someone on Bass World that had a floor board controller and keyboard module.
  2. Im looking really for users of either or both pedals for opinions. Im after an autowah and the extras both pedals provide would be useful, but which is better?
  3. [quote name='nig' post='32494' date='Jul 16 2007, 01:26 PM']goes in the boot, causes earthquakes.... GK RB 1001 MK2, 2 1X 12 GK NEO'S[/quote] Very Nice, how do you like the GK neos?? I always wanted to try the GK neos, either the 1x12 or 2x12 but have never been able to find any to try. Mike
  4. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='30436' date='Jul 11 2007, 09:35 PM']Looking good Spiderman [/quote] Sounding good too mate. I think sometimes ABing is a waist of time!!!
  5. Nice rig Homer, cant wait to hear it live. Heres my new rig, same head GK1001RB II I've had this now for around a year and am very happy with it. Mounted in a 4U flightcase which Im planning on sticking in a compressor at some point. And the new cab (cheers Alan) and Epifani UL310
  6. [quote name='martthebass' post='29323' date='Jul 9 2007, 08:33 PM']I'll third it.[/quote] This makes 4. I played a few years ago when I bought a GK combo, looked but felt all wrong to play.
  7. [quote name='Bernmeister' post='27531' date='Jul 5 2007, 05:08 PM']Mmm & the plot thickens !!!! i guess Mikeh is the new recipient of your Epi 310's[/quote] Well I guess thats the cat out of the bag
  8. That sh*te one the Cranberries did, I cant even think of the name of the song it was that crap.
  9. mikeh

    Small cabs

    Im using a GK 1001RB II with 2x Aguilar GS112's one being the NT, and although they have been described as 'mid shy' or 'scooped', thats what the eq's for!! With my current bass, a Warwick Streamer Pro M on passive and the amp on flat I have the best sound I've had so far. I certainly dont have any trouble cutting through in a band situation. Tons of volume and bucket full of bottom end. I honestly couldnt be happier with my rig, it does all I could ask of it playing gigs in the pubs and clubs. Mike
  10. [quote name='urb' post='24498' date='Jun 28 2007, 03:52 PM']Just got sent this by a friend - well worth checking out - quite Manring-ish - very mellow and tuneful too - and damn clever to boot! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ddn4MGaS3N4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ddn4MGaS3N4[/url] PS I had a great Glastonbury - I'll try and wite a little something soon - lots of work to catch up on! M[/quote] Now thats good!!! Thanks for the link
  11. Cant wrong with a Korg PX3B
  12. I may aswell reply in here, Pt3!!! I couldnt put all mine in one post so I replied to my own thread to extend it!! Fantastic basses, mate I just wish I got to see the JO5's before they went. But the 2 you have now are stunning, that Nordstand in the Sterling is a bit hot!!! IM thinking of doing an amp one next lol!! And what happened to the MM Jazz
  13. There seems to be a Midlands and South Bass Bash maybe we should do a North West one aswell!!??
  14. Ah someone local, Welcome Chris... Mike
  15. mikeh

    My two

    Ah black and maple, a colour combination that cant be beaten!!!
  16. Ah cheers Mate, its a keeper for now thats for sure. And never mind the JO what about the P!!
  17. Cheers mate, and I have to agree this is THE best bass I've (so far!! ) owned. If you're going to so the same thread, you may as well use the spector pro series and status energy pics!!!
  18. Cheers Garry and Luke, I really wanted a Ray or Sterling after trying Alans, still got them both here aswell!!! And I was watching 4 Rays and a Sterling, all of which ended in my Price range. But when I saw the Warwick on Ebay is was like Bow Chicca Wow Wow. And its the first bit of bass gear I've bought since I caught SAS!!!
  19. AFAIK the other difference would be the Corvette standard has the Warwick two piece bridge and the streamer doesnt. I used to have a Streamer Standard and it was a superb basses, one of the best necks I've ever played. If you dont mess with switching PuPs I would say get the Streamer.
  20. [quote]good to see you back mike[/quote] Cheers Bassmonster, [quote]I like your family tree mike! That's quite a bass family you've had/got![/quote] I used to get alot of stick (along with a few others) for changing gear often, but I'm quite happy as I've had the chance to own some rather nice basses. Plus I now think I know what I like!!! The Warwick has to be a keeper, so its just buying a few others that i want. The Rig Im VERY happy with, tons of headroom, with incredible lowend for a couple of 1x12". The only thing I would do is change the cabs if and when I can afford an Epi UL310. Cheers Mike
  21. [quote name='Buzz' post='18988' date='Jun 16 2007, 11:45 PM']Oooh, Thunderthief's (I think) back. Nice collection of basses you've been through, and how're all the spiders doing?[/quote] Cheers Buzz The spiders are doing very well, another new arrival coming this week. And Im currently looking for a male to breed my adult female B. smithi. I have a few vids here for anyone interested. [url="http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=thunderthief"]http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=thunderthief[/url] Mike (the p**s artist formally known as thunderthief)
  22. [quote name='jwbassman' post='18948' date='Jun 16 2007, 10:16 PM']Playing tomorrow (17th) at the Beaufort Hotel (A59, near Ormskirk) - the latest date in our residency there... Special Father's Day gig, should be a good one, 'Birdland' is in the programme so another work out for your's truly not mention the usual drive and energy required to get these guys swinging! If any of you guys are in the area, come and say hello, it'd be great to meet you John[/quote] Hey John I've actually seen the Swingshift at the Beaufort ages ago. Have you been the bassplayer with them for a while? The reason I ask is we may have crossed paths at the Comrades is Ormskirk, my old band sometimes rehersed there on a Sunday after the Swingshift. Do you have a EA rig?? Mike
  23. Its the 1001RB II, so 700 watts.
  24. I use a Korg PX3B with Audio Technica headphones, Creative Zen MP3 Player and my Laptop. I used to use my rig turned down but it just doesnt sound good that quiet.
  25. [quote name='peted' post='18851' date='Jun 16 2007, 04:42 PM']Wow! That's a super-rare Warwick Streamer you've got there. A wenge neck and some great flame maple too. I'm sure it sounds lovely.[/quote] It certainly does sound good. I've only really played through my PX3B and headphones and for a short time today @ low volume through my rig, but early indications are GOOD!!! Roll on Tuesday when I'll be able to try it at decent volume.
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