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Low End Bee

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Everything posted by Low End Bee

  1. [quote name='silddx' post='721221' date='Jan 22 2010, 02:28 PM']I should add to the list Keep Music Live stickers on sunburst Precisions.[/quote] also
  2. How about texting all the other band members saying that you despise them and the next big (contracted) headliner gig is your last ever with the band. Then mention that you are going on holiday without your phone until the day of the gig. Then turn up late for the sound check to stress the band out to the max. Yes it was a guitarist/frontman. Just let them all know ASAP and be straight about it is my advice. Option 1 for me.
  3. [quote name='silddx' post='720021' date='Jan 21 2010, 12:31 PM']I just checked Chapter 4 out, excellent! I think I shall invest. Thanks.[/quote] I got them again recently in a nice little box set. They really are top stuff. Not a duff track on there.
  4. [quote name='fissurette' post='719990' date='Jan 21 2010, 12:01 PM']the pickguard finish is a bit...how to say that...[/quote] 'Orrible
  5. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='717615' date='Jan 19 2010, 11:21 AM']How does it sound, does the J neck make a difference?[/quote] It's got a brutal 24k Dimarzio on it and a maple body so direct comparisons are not possible. Sounds beefy but not got as much growly zing (technical term) as the other one. I find the Jazz neck feels a bit too skinny for my agricultural style. I find it more tiring to play on the left hand too. Even though I'm not blessed with large mitts.
  6. That's a very nice thing indeed.
  7. This week it's been mainly. Joe Gibbs and the Professionals - African Dub Chapters 1-4 The Lurkers - Fulham Fallout For Your Pleasure - Roxy Music
  8. I masked the appropriate bits on the body of precision no. 2 and gave to to my car bodyshop (who have all the expensive kit) for an apprentice to practice on. I took pot luck on colour and it's now resplendant in metallic Honda Nighthawk Black with some lovely flecks that show up great under lights. There's not a drip on it and it's glassy smooth. Even if it wasn't perfect (which it is) it's 10x better than I could ever have done. I only specified for the finish to be as thin as possible. Only cost me a drink. Worth a try at your local big car dealer/ repair centre.
  9. Sex On Fire and Mr Brightside. We're playing the drummers daughters 18th and have been asked as a special favour to do these two straight and as recorded. I keep wanting to play them differently. Now I know why I hate young peoples music and doing covers.
  10. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='717474' date='Jan 19 2010, 08:33 AM']I always wanted a P with a J neck, but they always seemed to do versions the other way around.[/quote] I've got one that I put together. Doesn't feel as right to me as the one with the standard neck though.
  11. Low End Bee


    As per above. I have mine on all the time. Goes from a warm valvey type sound to extreme distorted filth.
  12. Dunlop Gator Grip 1mm. Don't slip out of your fingers at sweaty gigs. If I run out I rough up the grip are of Tortex ones with a bit of coarse sandpader. I play quite aggresively (I seem to wear picks out quite quickly) but not excessively fast.
  13. Fluffy Erection
  14. the Wine Duffs
  15. The Upsiders
  16. The Fabrications
  17. [quote name='Musicman69' post='711134' date='Jan 13 2010, 11:57 AM']I use a handtruck with pneumatic tyres for my Trace combo.. all terrain![/quote] I've got a handtruck for mine too. Fits the guitarists combo on as well so I get him to push it.
  18. A nicely made precision (wouldn't have to be a Fender) in a darkish red with a matching headstock, black scratchplate, white competition stripes and a rosewood board with block inlays.
  19. Gig cancelled. Anyone know any venues that may want to put a couple of bands on short notice for the 21st
  20. Still cheaper than some hobbies. It's low cost compared to when I was biking. I spent £170 on a pair of gloves once!
  21. Sounds like jazz to me
  22. [quote name='4 Strings' post='710007' date='Jan 12 2010, 02:08 PM']I would therefore suggest that for the string-through-body types a lightweight bridge is beneficial, for the top loading type a heavier bridge will be the better compromise (losing the benefits of the string-through-body design).[/quote] That makes a lot of sense. I've got a BBOT on the string through and a badass on the top loader and it feels right that way.
  23. [quote name='thunderbird13' post='709852' date='Jan 12 2010, 11:59 AM']whats a proper dry slap - is it something kinky ? [/quote] I used to work with an ex boxer travelling gent who was wound up something rotten by an idiot colleague one day. He told the bloke "if you don't stop I'm gonna give yer a proper dry slap" The bloke didn't stop. An open hand punch is the best way to describe it. An almighty slapping sound and the bloke fell like a sack of spuds with half his face livid red for hours afterwards. He told me a dry slap was used as he didn't want to break anybodies bones at work with a punch.
  24. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='709853' date='Jan 12 2010, 12:00 PM']Take one self centred narcissistic guitar player. He recruits a band, pretends he wants to perform and move forward but really just wants to have a free backing band. He only wants to play his style of music that is narrow and quite bigoted, he won't learn the words or the chords, he won't listen to advice at all and continues in behaving in a way that winds everyone up.[/quote] That's him!
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