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Low End Bee

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Everything posted by Low End Bee

  1. Out of interest. What's the guitarist/s using? My earlier reply was a bit flippant. I do actually get the colour thing.
  2. Progressive band requires traditional bass. Fancy that. The Yamaha Attitude looks very 'Fendery' anyway. The punters won't care. Just get Roger Dean to paint your scratchplate or something.
  3. Alternative = Less Popular Version Of Cinematic Rock = Best enjoyed with a Westlers hot dog and a Kia Ora
  4. Just a bit. I'm up and down the A1M to South Lincs a lot so wondered if it was on my way.
  5. [quote name='Schnozzalee' timestamp='1487706329' post='3242064'] Sometimes they look good in photos, but in your hands they look naff. Supposedly Clive Brown is the best in the business, but I've never seen a Clive Brown in the flesh. [/quote] Clive is 30 but he looks 65. He's that good.
  6. If they were to dip into their past I'd quite fancy a bass version of the Moderne tin opener.
  7. "Why do I always take a spare? I never use it" First gig I went with just the one bass the A string went ping on soundcheck. I took spare strings but it was a time consuming faff changing it. Always a spare since then. Sods Law.
  8. Clear as mud. Expensive mud.
  9. Non watch, music stand. clip on truner related comment. Waffle. That bit between songs when someone has to do something to avoid the awkward silence. As an audience member I can happily do without a few of things. Band in-jokes - Keep them for rehearsals. Personal non gig related stuff - I don't need to know about your life. Originals bands - I don't want an in depth analysis of what the next song is about. In fact any big gap between songs that stops the flow of the gig. I used to be guilty of this too until we played with a band who went on before us who went on endlessly 'This songs about the time I was at low point in my life. My cat knocked over my beer. My aunty had a hip replacement...Hey Gary on drums could do with one of them....etc." I saw myself but much worse. I limited myself to very brief, relevant intros. The drummer moaned about not getting enough time to wipe his sticks but it was a much punchier gig. Obviously as with all gig things context is king and working an audience is an asset. But if I'm watching a band I don't want to know if the clutch on your Astra needs replacing.
  10. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1487347135' post='3239197'] [b]I'm sure a Bass exists that I like the look of less[/b], but I can't think of any right now. To me that really screams home made by a 14yr old. YMMV! [/quote] What about this one? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/custom-bass-guitar/222395051977?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D41415%26meid%3Db0043ad104684357bbded57798c3d3e5%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D5%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D192088053032"]http://www.ebay.co.u...%3D192088053032[/url]
  11. I bet it plays like a dog but it looks damn cool.
  12. They're updating the Marathon bass. It will be called the Shergold Snickers. Seriously even a nod to the old models with zero frets, pickups with loads of polepieces, modules and a bit more character might work. Apart from the rosewood neck and inlays (which I like) they're very generic.
  13. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1487246013' post='3238312'] Excellent! Is there going to be a CD version as well? [/quote] Only if we get enough download revenue. It's on Amazon Music and Spotify too now.
  14. The compilation LP of the 4 EP's we recorded plus a couple of bonus tracks is now up on iTunes. It's better value.. [attachment=238290:extender.jpg]
  15. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1487177250' post='3237798'] It might say Shergold on the headstock but they ain't Shergolds. [/quote] Exactly. Where's the bloke on the headstock carefully handcrafting the body with a dirty great mallet and chisel?
  16. I stumbled across this [url="https://www.shergoldguitars.com/"]https://www.shergoldguitars.com/[/url] My first 'proper' bass was a black and maple Marathon I bought new in 1978. I loved that bass. I got carried away with branding and replaced with a '68 P bass which I didn't like as much. Anyway it looks like they're re-imagining the Shergold line as a kind of hipster tw*t accessory. Apart from the Shergold'ish body shape I don't care for the guitars much. They really need a maple neck for a start. I wonder if basses are on the agenda?
  17. Mott the Hoople. After just finishing re-reading Diary of a Rock n Roll star.
  18. I quite like the roadworn/light relic ones. They're not over the top and remind me of those 'lived in' jeans you can buy. The full on impossible extreme relics are akin to stonewash.I just don't get the impossible levels of wear. I have a ten year old Precision that's got loads of chips, dinks and scratches. I wanted to re-finish it as I'm not a fan of sunburst but the thought of a pristine body with everything else looking a bit tired and emotional is a quandary. Do I get it re-done and then have the actuel wear replicated?
  19. Random thoughts. I've only ever been in the originals game so some may not apply to covers bands. Bring gaffa tape and a multi tool. Have your drink ready before you have to go on. Water of course... Don't waffle on in between songs. Nobody cares what the song is about or if you've taken the cat to the vet this morning. Have an encore of one or two songs ready. You may be surprised that people sometimes want more. Don't get into arguments with other bands on the bill. Even if they are being dicks. Just never share a bill with them again. Don't go over your time slot. See above. Remember you're there to entertain. Bring a set list. Can't believe how many times I've seen bands scribbling one out with 5 minutes to go.* Try to look like a band and not like you've been picked randomly from the audience. Watch the other bands. It's nice to show support and you can get an idea of what's going down well and what isn't. *and don't write it in pink highlighter pen and find yourself staring at a blank page under the stagelights. True story and not spotty teenagers but a band that had been on TOTP a few times in the past.
  20. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1486970345' post='3235868'] Agreed, but the subject's Tina. [/quote] Or 'great' because what she plays adds to the songs and in many cases makes them. That's pretty creative. I'm not sure what ability she lacks for doing that? Should she slap a fretless 6 string left handed to make the songs better?
  21. Just bought a couple of things from them recently they were both delivered earlier than specified with no problems and good comms.
  22. [quote name='Phil Adams' timestamp='1486712207' post='3233969'] any Bob Dylan song [/quote] Beat me to it
  23. I've done a fair few. As long as you are prepared to put in the graft, have endless patience and very low expectations you should be alright. Not sure about mixing bands with an open mic thing. Potential to detract from both. I'd put two or three bands on and keep the open mic seperate. As long as everyone on the bill buys in it can be a lot of fun.
  24. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1486046744' post='3228778'] Crazy price and a bargain for a super-rare bass! These sound absolutely epic. Somebody buy it before I get into trouble... [/quote] I know. What I ws thinking too. Halves on a timeshare?
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