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Low End Bee

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Posts posted by Low End Bee

  1. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1485312420' post='3223062']
    This short film was right up my alley. Yes, it's always sad to see and artist in decline but it's a real honest portrayal of what happens to many rock artists that had a taste of being at the top.

    Love the scene where Gene says;

    * "If I don't get paid there's going to be trouble"


    *There is a segment where Gene was supposed to be paid a certain amount of quid which somehow ended up being paid a certain amount of pounds, I know it was less than he was expecting.

    Educate me, pounds, quids?

    £1 = a pound. A quid. A knicker.

    All terms for the same thing.

  2. Anyway. Back on topic. You may enjoy this one too Blue.


    Gene Vincent on UK tour 1969. Touching, sometimes funy and other times quite sad documentary.

    The Teddy Boy thing was quite big until the late 70s I would say. Then there was a Rockabilly revival as it was fading out.

  3. Malcolm McLaren made a few bob on his Rock n Roll stall flogging t shirts.
    Superfan Jesus (he wore Jesus sandals) who is pictured grooving to the MC5 was at loads of the punk gigsI went to in the late 70s.
    Here's some nice background about the event.


  4. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1485135507' post='3221494']
    Ok, cool. Someone tell me a little about Heinz.


    Heinz was bass player for the Tornadoes (Telstar). I believe and Joe Meek groomed him to be a teen heart throb and he had a hit with an Eddie Cochran tribute song 'Just Like Eddie'. He continued to tour the working mens clubs and I'm sure I heard he had a stint as a bus driver too.
    Looking him up it appears he passed away from motor neurone disease at the age of 57.

  5. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1484915885' post='3219641']
    Terry Chapman of TJC Guitars did one for me, Ad, very decent pricing and very good work. Not sure if he still does refins but worth giving him a try, he`s in Stevenage, Herts, so not far from Fenland:


    Contacted Tony. Seems like a lovely chap but he can't do spraying for the moment because he's moving properties.

    Must resist a trip to Halfords for some Ford Wimbledon White.

  6. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1484920671' post='3219736']
    I can totally understand that, good luck with your quest.

    Not used them myself but you could try [url="http://www.retro169.co.uk/"]http://www.retro169.co.uk/[/url]

    Thanks again.

    Bleeding Cowboys. That's not the font I would choose for a company...

  7. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1484917653' post='3219672']
    Just a thought but why not buy a white body from Ebay swap all the parts over and sell the sunburst one, that way could well be cheaper that any refinish :)

    A quick search flagged up this one [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Genuine-Fender-Artic-White-Mexican-Precision-Bass-Replacement-Body-099-8010-780-/381926593575?hash=item58ec995427:g:DVAAAOSwv-NWX~Wc"]HERE[/url]

    Good idea but I really like the sound, weight and balance of the bass. It's also been through a lot with me so I don't want to Trigger's broom it. Just give it a new outfit.

  8. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1484915885' post='3219641']
    Terry Chapman of TJC Guitars did one for me, Ad, very decent pricing and very good work. Not sure if he still does refins but worth giving him a try, he`s in Stevenage, Herts, so not far from Fenland:


    Ta Lozz. I'll drop him an email.

  9. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1484908983' post='3219557']
    This chap does absolutely brilliant work. Not Fens or London but on your route between the two :)


    Looks promising. Thanks.

  10. I've been putting up with sunburst on my P bass since I bought it new 2007. I can take no more.
    I fancy going alpine white. But as the bass is quite well used maybe finished to reflect the state it's currently in. A pristine body when the rest of it is looking second hand would feel a bit odd to me. I hesitate to use the word relicing but it just needs to be lightly bashed up to match.
    I have no idea where to go to get it done or how much it would cost.
    I'm based West London in the week and the Fens most weekends so if there's somewhere local to there that would be good.I don't want to ship it.
    Any recommendations?

  11. [quote name='Jazzjames' timestamp='1484839825' post='3218987']
    4-6 hours' practice 6 days a week plus classes 3 times a week (playing there too), plus rehearsals, plus gigs every week. It all adds up I guess. I still loved that bass. A first generation Sandberg California 5 string Jazz. i don't think anything was wrong with it, it was just being played very often.

    When you have a bass that responds how you like and sounds great on every song without fiddling with the amp etc., it's a keeper.

    There's your battery problem. I doubt I do 4-6 hours practice a year. Plus jazz. All those notes.

  12. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1484746886' post='3218015']
    Thing is, the article says it'll still be a live venue and that they've actually installed a whole new sound system. DHP run the Rock City complex in Nottingham and a few other venues around the country, I can well imagine that live music is right at the top of the agenda here. Sounds like they're just doing up the little bar so that hipsters will come and keep the tills ringing/bills paid on the nights that there's no gigs on, which gives the venue a better chance of surviving long-term!

    Don't spoil a good thread with facts. ;)

    Back to my pint of Hoxton Knee Trembler drunk out of a Smith's Salt n Shake crisp packet.

    Peace n ****ing

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