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Low End Bee

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Everything posted by Low End Bee

  1. [quote name='Jazzjames' timestamp='1484839825' post='3218987'] 4-6 hours' practice 6 days a week plus classes 3 times a week (playing there too), plus rehearsals, plus gigs every week. It all adds up I guess. I still loved that bass. A first generation Sandberg California 5 string Jazz. i don't think anything was wrong with it, it was just being played very often. When you have a bass that responds how you like and sounds great on every song without fiddling with the amp etc., it's a keeper. [/quote] There's your battery problem. I doubt I do 4-6 hours practice a year. Plus jazz. All those notes.
  2. If it doesn't require a chiropractor how can it be a Trace Elliott? Looks a bit underwhelming to me. A head with lots of green lights and sliders should be a must too.
  3. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1484746886' post='3218015'] Thing is, the article says it'll still be a live venue and that they've actually installed a whole new sound system. DHP run the Rock City complex in Nottingham and a few other venues around the country, I can well imagine that live music is right at the top of the agenda here. Sounds like they're just doing up the little bar so that hipsters will come and keep the tills ringing/bills paid on the nights that there's no gigs on, which gives the venue a better chance of surviving long-term! [/quote] Don't spoil a good thread with facts. Back to my pint of Hoxton Knee Trembler drunk out of a Smith's Salt n Shake crisp packet. Peace n ****ing
  4. This is too easy. We all have stuff we don't like. Anything by, etc... More interesting would be crap critically acclaimed albums by artists we do like. I love the Clash but I can't stand Combat Rock. Pretend arty fartyness with Alan Ginsberg, Spliffed up Strummer songs rambling on and that bleeding Should I Stay Or Should I Go fluff.
  5. Totally Mexico.
  6. Mine turned up in the post yesterday. Had a brief try out until an unexpected 70s style power cut had me heading for the candles. The sections: Sansamp. Very good as I expected from owning a BDDI. Lots of nice fat bass sounds. Hard to get a bad one. I like having a mid and the character and bite controls work well roo. Comp. Pretty good too. Not too overwhelming and very useable. Octa/Filter. Lots of nice sounds in here. Probably use for outros or middle 8's one or two songs a set at most though. Chorus. As a very rare user one knob is all I need Sounds very useable again. Other bits: Tuner. Nice and bright easy to use and appears accurate when I checked with my TU2. Doubles as a mute. I like this. Headphone out. Most welcome. Boost. Great for adding a bit of drive/volume. The metal case feels very sturdy. I like the lit up controls. I can't wait to hear it in a band mix and use it for recording as that's where the real proof is. I can understand it's not for everyone but it's almost a duplicate of the pedals I use. All the bits are more than good enough for what I want. I'm not going to be playing prog or anything too musical with it. I just need a good solid bass sound with a couple of curveballs thrown in now and then that I can stick in my bass case. From past experience as soon as you say 'can I DI from my sansamp?' to a sound person they all do a sigh of relief knowing they can forget about bass and spend an eternity on the drums so that's a big plus too. Once I've used it properly in anger I shall report back.
  7. That looks like it's straight from the set of Thunderbirds. I'd leave the case unpainted. It looks cool as it is.
  8. I never knew this was an issue. I haven't owned an active bass but I do like the sound of a Stingray for example. As said it's just personal taste. I could get by quite happily with no batteries or control knobs and just have a kill switch. But if you like more than one sound or the sound of a particular active bass I can see how an active eq on the bass would be useful.
  9. [quote name='JPJ' timestamp='1484416880' post='3215361'] I have also heard of filling chambers in musical instruments to fight resonance and feedback. [/quote] I briefly owned an early 60s Epiphone Rivoli that was stuffed with old newspaper in the cavitiy. Took forever to get it all out of the f-holes with a bent coat hanger. I believe this was fairly common practice on semis.
  10. You Fool No One. I like the funky bits.
  11. Hmmm....If I think really hard Blank Generation - Richard Hell & the Voidoids XTC - White Music The Stranglers - iV Rattus Norvegicus All from 77-78. It's that teeage discovery vinyl thing. They aren't the perfect albums. Well. Life's not perfect. I just know every word and note.
  12. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1484239979' post='3213897'] Is this close enough? [/quote] Nearly. Needs more pink and horns.
  13. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1484230740' post='3213765'] I was kind of hoping you'd be asking if you should use a bright pink Danelectro Longhorn with a Hello Kitty picture on it.. [/quote] I want one!
  14. **** it. Just pulled the trigger and ordered one. I'd better sell something to pay for it now.
  15. [quote name='casapete' timestamp='1484217425' post='3213562'] Quite a good deal on these here at the moment. [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Tech-21-Bass-Fly-Rig-Multi-effects-Bass-Pedal/1MK2?utm_medium=display&network=criteo&retargeting_or_placement=retargeting&utm_source=criteo"]http://www.gear4musi...m_source=criteo[/url] [/quote] Very tempting. I'm thinking of going amp free for my next project.
  16. [quote name='therealting' timestamp='1484142857' post='3212980'] You can just change the cover. Literally a couple quid from eBay. [/quote] My Dimarzio is a sealed unit so you can't like the Fenders, SD and the like.
  17. Back to the sound. I agree a dollop of chorus and compression. Tones in the plectrum.
  18. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1484141516' post='3212963'] In my opinion chorus and compression are effects and have nothing to do with tone. Tone comes from your fingers. Maybe the proper question should have been "What effects do I use to get my bass to sound like this?" Blue [/quote] Everybody knew what he meant. Tone and sound are interchangeable in common usage I would say even if it doesn't meet the definition.
  19. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1484047592' post='3212148'] I've had a pair of newer Honda CRVs and it's amazing how much you can get in there...certainly enough space for my rig, a bass, five piece drum kit and three people. [/quote] Got one too. With the back seats down have managed to get in for our Highland trips: Me A drummer RS210 & RS112 cab 1x12 valve guitar combo 2x basses 2x guitars 2x cased pedal board 5 piece drum kit and hardware Lighting rig with 6 par cans smoke machine 2 mic stands box of leads and sundries merch 3 travel bags Guitarist flew of course.... 550 miles each way at 52 mpg with the 1.6 diesel.
  20. Yep. Bass guitarist here too,
  21. I left my usual 1x12 cab at home last week and played through an Ashdown 8x10. It was really a very nice change after I'd sorted EQ'ing the amp to match. I could live with one of those if I had my own roadie. Then again was it just that the sound was coming from higher up in the room? I shall prop up the 1x12 to compare next time. I still don't see what the point would be if you DI'd at all your gigs though.
  22. They called it 'EB' because they didn't like the vote winner Gibby McGibb Bass. I think they look quite smart in the gold finish but they do look a bit too generic to get the GAS lit for me. No idea how they play.
  23. Rough rehearsal recording to give you an idea. [url="https://soundcloud.com/ad-jetsonic/stop-the-world-the-filed-marshalls-rehearsal"]https://soundcloud.com/ad-jetsonic/stop-the-world-the-filed-marshalls-rehearsal[/url] It really is a good band for the right bassist.
  24. I am leaving the Field Marshalls (although they may change the name) as I also have something else very different on the go and I've barely got the time for one band at the moment. Let alone two. A lovely bunch of no fuss ego free people with lots of experience and ability. Female vocals, guitar, drums and guitar/keys all in place. Rehearse Thursdays in Hampton. Originals as of present with a sets worth of songs ready to gig. Some covers may be a possibility too as the previous awkward sod of a bass player is off... Sounds a bit like Blondie, Pretenders, Upbeat new wave pop. It's lots of fun and if you like coming up with your own stuff it's even better. PM me and I'll pass your details on.
  25. I bought a '68 Precision in '78 that was previously owned by Daevid Allen. I never manager to get rid of the patchouli/joss stick/herbal smell from the case or the bass. It still reeked after 6 years of owning it. I even tried shake 'n' vac on the case interior but it was no use. The smell came back. Bloody hippies.
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