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Low End Bee

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Everything posted by Low End Bee

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1473687316' post='3132246'] I saw the latest incarnation of Doctor Feelgood at the Half Moon in Putney about five years ago. Yet again, it was the 'A'. Every time the bass player hit it, the whole room just rang. A few months later I saw The Jetsonics (feat. Low End Bee) play the support slot at the same venue and warned Adam about the rogue A. Didn't make a blind bit of difference, the whole room just rang. Again. [/quote] At least it shows I was in tune for a change.
  2. Low End Bee


    Only conversed via email with Si. But what a total gent he was.
  3. Finally sorted.... This is taking as long as Chinese Democracy
  4. Best laid plans. It is shaping up very nicely but due to Steve's relocation to the West Mdlands we now have a vacancy for a main guitarist.
  5. Happy Jack's Mosrite...
  6. My main P bass since 2007 has got a fair few chips, dings and scratches all over. I remember being really miffed at the first blemish.Now as long as it doesn't affect playability I'm not too bothered. I do like to keep it clean though. Cufflinks and metal cuff buttons on a gig jacket meant I had to actually sand smooth some of the worst on the forearm chamfer. Now it's all actual real life mojo wear but in comparison to the finely crafted fake wear on a high end relic it looks like a half arsed ebay special!
  7. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1453212309' post='2957441'] When's yer first gig then? [/quote] I think it's best to wait until after our first rehearsal.... Probably April'ish.
  8. Very Brian Pern...
  9. Most bands I've seen with two guitarists would sound much better with one. I much prefer it myself. I enjoy the spaces and dynamics, Don't get me wrong. Some two guitar bands really nail it. But you don't really need two people with a similar guitar sound chugging away at A & D.
  10. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1445254446' post='2889925'] West London based. 2-3 minute originals and maybe some obscure covers. Bass and Keys in place. 60s garage band meets 70s punk power pop. Will be a bit lively. Update.... Looks like I just need a guitarist now. Coming together nicely. [/quote] Scratch that. Just vocals and drums now.
  11. Circulus.They decided to not be as advertised 'electric medieval' and do an acoustic set. So acoustic that they refused to use the provided PA at all. Not that they really needed a PA as the band leader bashed on for 15 miutes about tuning to 432hz as 440hz is oppresive for some reason. He then introduced their new violin player in gushing tones for another interminable few minutes. He was of course knocking pointy slippers with her. Then they played some very quiet music that he kept stopping so he could impart more spiritually important knowledge as and when it came to him. I walked out after giving him some of my spiritually important knowledge without charging him £13 for it. It made the Johnny Thunders gig I went to where he only managed to slur vacantly through nearly three songs before retiring the worse for wear seem like bliss.
  12. Blimey. I know the Nellie. I've disgraced myself in there many times. I'd better pop in for a swift half.
  13. An acoustic guitar. Stuck alone on a desert island with an instrument that's only ever fun for me in a group environment would be cruel.
  14. Looks great. Every time I change strings on my Eastwood I curse the flying saddle falling off stupid designed 3 point nonsense of bleeding thing that is fitted (barely) in place of a practical working bridge. Then the strings are on and I forget about it until next time.. Oh for a 3 screw BBoT as proposed earlier.
  15. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1447772868' post='2910206'] One of these.... [attachment=205228:dano-56bass2-970-80.jpg] or one of these.... [attachment=205229:MM GREEN.jpg] [/quote] Minty
  16. Yes. There's one on my TC amp. I Just fiddled around with all the knobs to get the sound I liked. I have it on about 3. Not a thought out decision. It just suits the band sound and the way I play. If the knob said flux capacitor and sounded good at a certain setting I'd have it on too. If I go DI with the sansamp I don't feel I need one as it does seem to add compression with the drive anyway.
  17. Prosteels - 45-105 for me. I have dallied with more expensive strings such as DR and the like but they're not as good. I like a bright zingy string for pick playing. I do miss them having silk wraps on the ends though. I just think it makes strings look nicer on a bass and I am a tart.
  18. It's my favourite Stones LP. I may be on my own here...
  19. Every time I here the intro I can only think 'Satan's ice cream van'....
  20. Look at the album covers list on wikipedia [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Dean_%28artist%29"]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Dean_%28artist%29 [/url] I swear I can smell patchouli.. I have depped at rehhearsals for one of those bands too!
  21. I'm with Xilddx's reply earlier in the thread. Only a few bass players care if the bloke on the big guitar can do a zillion note per second arpeggio or are playing in the phrygian dominant scale or what have you. The rest of the audience are listening to the song as a whole and enjoyimg it or not on its merits. I still don't get how Adam Clayton is 'bad'? I don't like U2 but he seems like he's doing exactly what they need and loads of people love them.
  22. I had a feeling they won't last long.
  23. I got a couple of sets as a present recently. I'm a pick player too. The coating comes off when attacked with Clayton 1.07 big triangles but it doesnt look too bad.They're a bit less 'clanky' than RS66's but still pretty 'zingy' if that makes sense. They feel a hell of a lot kinder to the left hand fingers as well. I will use them untill they wear out and then probably go back to D'Addario Prosteels. Black strings do look great. I loved DR Black Beauties until they changed the coating and ruined them.
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