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Low End Bee

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Everything posted by Low End Bee

  1. I had to have the power supply input fixed on my programmable BDDI. Caused the same issue as the OP. Cost £25 at a guitar shop about 4 years ago. Been absolutley fine ever since.
  2. It's as much a sociology experiment as it is a musical venture I find. Balancing personalities is more difficult than writing/performing songs. My lot have packed it in until next year and I'm desperate to get back into a band. But not as desperate as I thought. I've turned down the 4 offers I've had because I didn't hit it off with the prospective band members. You've got to be happy with your lot in the band. Whether you're the one who gets the gigs, looks after the money, is the musical director, drives the van, makes the tea or whatever. If you're the bass player you probably do the lot
  3. This week it's Graham Maby Errol 'Flabba' Holt Martin 'Youth' Glover Peter Hook John 'Segs' Jennings Paul Simonon Colin Moulding Martin Gordon Boris Gardiner Dave 'Shuffle' Steele Maybe I should get a fancy nickname like those 4 above? I'm not normally too fussed who the bass player is though. I like songs on their own merits.
  4. I haven't had proper GAS for anything for a couple of years but that's on the list for when I'm back in a band again.
  5. I'll wait for the valve phone.
  6. A Play Bass Guitar book that came with a flexi disc and playing along to the Ramones Rocket To Russia LP. That's it. Never had a lesson. A bit late to start now. I'm comfortable with my level. I'm as good/bad as I want to be.
  7. Used Happy Jacks Barefaced cabs with a Terror a couple fof times at gigs. A really good match. Lovely old school beefy sound. I tried my TC Electronic head through the same cab and it sounded rank.
  8. Eagles of Death Metal. For Lozz's reasons too.
  9. I like their new P Bass shape a lot. I had a go on the configurator and a black with maple jobbie would be just the ticket.
  10. Sheffield Wednesday at home. You need to arrange these events around the fixtire list. Never been able to make one yet!
  11. I've just had a reply to one of my bass player available ads. From someone wanting to start a Pink Floyd tribute band.... I replied that I'd only be up for it if it was Syd era with an oil wheel light show. No email back yet.
  12. Sunburst. Yuk. Exactly what my main bass is finished in too. It's a love hate thing,
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1436188873' post='2815708'] OK then, another sideways step - nut width 42mm... anyone tried these? They are quite affordable... MM-style humbuckers are switchable to singe-coil too, so should be possible to get J-type tones, if necessary. [url="http://retrovibe.co.uk/vantage/white.html"]http://retrovibe.co....tage/white.html[/url] [color=#FFFFFF]M[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]M[/color] [/quote] I did indeed have an RV4. Really good value for money. The neck felt extremely close to the dimensions on my P Bass. I converted the tone controls to one master tone and and a rotary coil tap. The pickups had a lot of output so even wound all the way down to single coil mode they were a bit beefier than a weedy, I mean growly jazz bass. Great fun bass. I wish I hadn't moved it on. I've got a P bass with a jazz neck. It doesn't sound all that much different to me. It does make my left hand ache after an hour or so though.
  14. [quote name='sykilz' timestamp='1436184559' post='2815660'] Yeah, this is just wrong.... [/quote] Hot pants are fine. Morecombe & Wise cast off boy scout shorts are not.
  15. No shorts. Unnaceptable stage wear. Band t shirts too.
  16. If you've got ears you can have an opinion.
  17. As has been said. Have a wee before you go on stage. Remember to enjoy yourself. Write the key the songs start in on the set list. Don't tell the audience you're the worlds greatest living rock star. Have a spare cable handy. Keep going if you make a mistake. Everybody makes mistakes.
  18. Start a Sex Pistols tribute too and you only need to buy one item of stage gear for both. Might need a bit of gaffa for the Floyd Shows though.
  19. I miss my old RV4. It was huge bang for the buck. Some cheap mods and it was a winner. The Super-P is very interesting. I really liked the MM style pickups in the RV4. Very punchy. If the neck pocket is the same as a Fender I have a lovely old maple Jazz neck I could drop in to confuse all the gear spotters.
  20. I've got one too.Mine's not very loud. I really have to wind the wick up to get it heard. Very good value though.
  21. My band the Jetsonics are on an extended sabbatical leaving me at a loose end. All the gear, transport and inclination. I just need a new noisy project near West London. Those of you in bands I like please leave them immediately and I'll take over.
  22. I do this all the time. DI out the sansamp and amp as a stage monitor. Always sounds good FOH.
  23. Miles better than Pink Floyd...
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