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Low End Bee

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Everything posted by Low End Bee

  1. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1377267874' post='2185621'] who's the bass player? I remember a guy in a hat? [/quote] Hats are so 2012...
  2. Two sets in a pub. Like a proper covers band but without the covers. We haven't done a pub gig like this for 2 years. Should be a lot of fun. EP Four gets launched here. 2nd October - 12 Bar, Denmark St. on the Fallen Leaves Club Night. 25th October - Grey Horse, Kingston. With our very own Lozz's Tuesday Club on the bill. Basschatastic. 30th November - Deeside Inn, Ballater. Our first gig outside the M25. A looooong way outside the M25.
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1377250709' post='2185245'] Why do premiership footballers drive Bentleys? [/quote] Because they now class when they see it. Just look at El Hadj Diouf's Lincoln Navigator...
  4. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1377087583' post='2183154'] I bought an early 70s Maya Precision (classic Japcrap) from PsychoAndy of this parish. Body and neck were really lovely pieces of wood, the hardware & electrics were appalling and had already been badly modified. My guitar tech re-modded it for a P/J configuration and slotted in a set of Lollar pickups I got from Beedster, then we fitted new hardware throughout plus a classic anodised scratchplate to hide the dog's dinner of routing, rounding it all off with a set of LaBella FLs. The conversion/upgrade cost significantly more than I paid for the bass. Result? The bass is now an absolute tone monster and a genuine delight to play. I am lucky enough to own a number of high-end P-basses including a genuine '57 and a genuine '65, and the Maya is right up there with them despite costing me (all up) less than a tenth of what the '65 is worth. But it says "Maya" on the headstock, so no one will ever nick it at a pub gig or a jam, and other bass players sometimes think I must be really good (I'm not) because I can make such a crap old bass sound good. [/quote] I can confirm this. It's a wonderful bass.
  5. Just thought I'd update as I've got used to the beast now. I only use the both pickups on setting with V&T full on. The neck pickup is nice solo but there's extra growl and definition with both on. It sits much better in the band mix with both on too. The bridge pickup on its own is still just plain horrible sounding to my ears. New Prosteels have perked it up nicely. I've decided to leave the bridge alone for the moment as once you've set the thing up you don't notice the faults. Playability wise. Balance is good. It's pretty light and the neck and frets are very well finished. Used it at a couple of gigs now and it's behaved very nicely. I still love my Precison to bits. But the clown whore in me ( ) needs a Stormbird on stage.
  6. Only one waste of time. A Badass. No discernable difference. Good stuff. Schaller strap locks, Wizard Thumper and a Black scratchplate. That's about it. If I get a cheap bass I upgrade the pots and switches first before I do anything drastic. Nearly always makes a big difference.
  7. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1377002483' post='2182017'] I've stood next to punters in the toilets at my own gigs and not been recognised ... [/quote] That must have stretched the curly lead a bit...
  8. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1376996181' post='2181899'] You could always try Aaron Armstrong for your rewind. I'm going to ask him to clone my Ripper pickup - cheaper than getting a Seymour Duncan replacement over from the States. [url="http://www.armstrongpickups.co.uk/repairs-rewind-services/"]http://www.armstrong...ewind-services/[/url] [/quote] Thanks. I'll get in touch.
  9. Kicking myself that I was too lazy to get my Shergold Marathon pickup to him for the re-wind we discussed. The Thumper in my Precision is still the best for me of all the many pups I tried.
  10. Just back from holiday and the other 2 released our EP without me! 4 tracks available on iTunes, Amazon, etc. Plus physical CDs. Sounds a bit different to the last 3. The tracks are much more balanced to each other if you get my drift. All concern the darker side of London life. It's a power pop concept EP.... We let the producer have a free reign on this one. I've got a very old school sitting in the mix bass sound on this one. All done through ancient valve DI's and a a 70s 24 track mixer amongst other engineering. Voodoo. Not like my usual sound at all. I like it though. [url="http://thejetsonics.com/fr_home.cfm"]http://thejetsonics.com/fr_home.cfm[/url] Hope some of you like it.
  11. [quote name='mart' timestamp='1375455013' post='2161674'] Ok, I think I'm starting to see the problem. I find it baffling that people who make gigbags (and cases) don't feel the need to advertise what the actual shape and dimensions of their cases are internally. So it seems that if you have any non-standard shape of intrument you're mostly reduced to buying blind. The best info I've found is the Warwick catalogue. They've got loads of different bags, and the catalogue gives some of the dimensions, and the diagrams might help you figure out what'll fit. Of course, then you've got the fun of finding somebody who sells it, but if you've got a catalogue number then that's a start. The catalogue is here: [url="http://www.warwick-distribution.de/en_GB/"]http://www.warwick-d...ution.de/en_GB/[/url] [/quote] Ta. I'll have a look. All I really need is a bag that will fit a Precision with an extra 4 inches (vicar).
  12. I might have a go on a Rowie. Now to the important stuff. What's the beer to ask for?
  13. [quote name='mart' timestamp='1375453967' post='2161655'] ... and then two seconds later I thought: "put your bass in upside down". [/quote] I thought that too, But I think the angle the neck sticks out from the body might make it a non starter.
  14. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1375433449' post='2161097'] [url="http://www.thomann.de/ie/thomann_gigbag1_bass_heavy.htm?sid=90432e636b39c0c58c65096d42c97020"]http://www.thomann.d...c65096d42c97020[/url] Next question please. [/quote] That's for upside down ones...
  15. Well it's an Eastwood Stormbird really. Same shape though. The huge oblong case it came in is too cumbersome for general duties and it pokes a couple of inches out of the top of my Fender sized gig bag, Help!
  16. I have the same bass. I swapped the scratch plate for a black one when new that now has a fair bit of wear around the adjuster slot from where I've tweaked the neck over the past 6 years. I could easily have remedied this by taking it off or putting a cloth on it. I would expect a paid tech to do that. I'm too lazy and I'm not that bothered but it's my bass and I'm not being paid to fix it.
  17. Andy the tech does great set ups for me and likes working on basses. Often got a bass back from him and he's done extra, uncharged work that's improved the bass. It's true that they do have a certain 'old school' way of customer service on their retail side. I've bought the odd expensive thing from them with no problem though. I can sort of see the point of the OP. Although one mans set up is another mans unplayable. I doubt if silddx and me could comfortably swap basses
  18. I've had enough of boring, predictable radio in the office. Ipod dock whipped out and... ...my co-workers are getting a reggae education,
  19. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1374783225' post='2153265'] Sorry, I was away for a few days so missed this. Good to hear you got sorted - Captain Tom sort you out? I'll try and keep the evening free and come see you play. Where in Ballater is your gig? Need a translator? [/quote] Captain Tom is indeed the man. It's at a place called the Deeside Inn. I might take you up on the translator if you can understand West Lahndahn?
  20. I think I'm sorted now. At a very reasonable price too.
  21. Bugger. We've been hired for a private party that night. Would love to have gone.
  22. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1374437786' post='2148798'] ..and far above it you'll be, Mate. If they talk in the local Aberdeenshire venacular, you'll have fun trying to understand them. It took me a while! Unfortunately I'm 10 miles south of Glasgow or you'd have been welcome. G. [/quote] Ta G. If we get something near Glasgow I'll give you a shout. I'm sure the accent problem will be a two way street. Gor blimey guvnor. Apples and pears, etc.
  23. We're playing a gig in Ballater on the 30th November. I wondered if any BC'ers who live near the area and have a PA would like to do sound duties for a consideration? We can bring our own PA but we would have to hire a bigger van and that would turn a tiny profit for band funds into maybe a small loss. Any suggestions gratefully accepted. The Jetsonics have never played further North than Kentish Town before so we're really looking forward to an adventure far over the border.
  24. Well done old git
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