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Low End Bee

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Everything posted by Low End Bee

  1. My guitarist uses this with an approximation of that bridge. It has no 'lock' and roller saddles. We were all expecting him to have to avoid using it but no matter how much he abused it last week in 30 degree heat it refused to go out of tune. My mate Sam from the Transmitters also uses an old early 60s Jazzmaster that puts up with all sorts of nonsense and stays stable. I'm thinking it may be set up issues with others or just a myth?
  2. [quote name='Prunesquallor' timestamp='1373629390' post='2139841'] This argument seems to come up every time there's a punk thread. There seems to be two ways you can define 'punk': only music coming from the original 70s punk scene (which was very diverse, incidentally - Sex Pistols and the Damned, but also including the Stranglers, Buzzcocks, Siouxie & the Banshees, Bauhaus, etc - some of them could actually play) vs all what has retrospectively been labelled punk music (you know the sound I mean). Either definition's fine by me, but I think it's worth bearing in mind that the second definition is more usual these days and people will immediately get what you mean if you describe the Cockney Rejects as a punk band. To call them an Oi band IMHO is tiresomely pedantic. YMMV [/quote] Indeed. When people ask me if I like punk I pedantically reply the I like it if it's mainly UK based 1976-80'ish and as long as it doesn't involve mohicans and studded leather jackets. I don't much care for other music carrying the 'punk' description.
  3. Just seen this thread. I went Sansamp into the PA on an outdoor gig on Sunday. It was OK for the first song. Then the guitarist asked for a bit more vocal in his monitor and my bass got totally lost in the on stage mix. I played the rest of the set on instinct. I asked for some more bass in my wedge but it didn't work. Every gig I've played in the last 2 years has been DI. A lot of the places the amp is just ticking over as an additional stage monitor but I've often had my drummer say he can't hear me and look to see an empty space at the mixing desk where a sound man used to be. So in those cases it's nice to have control of my on stage volume. I normally just take a little TC head and RS210 though. I can't see the point of anything bigger on a DI gig.
  4. I have a big birthday the day before. I will be too hungover to contemplate leaving the house/police cell/brothel I'm afraid. Have a good one all/ I'll make it one year.
  5. [quote name='brucew' timestamp='1373489694' post='2138304'] . . Most of The Rezilos, especially 'Top of the pops' . . [/quote] I'm not joining in this debate . But that is great. Flying Saucer Attack would get my Rezillo's vote though.
  6. Any ideas on a gig bag for my Eastwood Stormbird? A non-reverse Firebird in shape. The huge rectangular case it came with is a bit much for rehearsals and it pokes out the top of my Fender sized gig bag so I can't use that.
  7. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1373533439' post='2138620'] Do we have an ETA for the UK? I might actually have to go and try one of these... (shock horror!) [/quote]
  8. I can't contribute. I get angry at the definition of 'punk' I prefer New Wave myself.....
  9. Excellent work and good luck Mr C. A proper album and everyfink. I shall have a listen soon.
  10. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1373359512' post='2136548'] Excellent! Pretty much all of those made me LOL. If you aren't can't going to use AeroSmiths can I have it? It would annoy Morrissey so much... [/quote] It's all yours!
  11. These are all mine for when I retire fronm the originals scene. [b]Boy Division[/b] - High energy version of Unknown Pleasures sung by four lads in tight PVC pants. [b]Codplay[/b] - Tedious, droning, accountant music played by a band of slightly whiffy factory workers from Young's in Grimsby. [b]AeroSmiths[/b] - Cock rocking versions of Morrisey and Marr's back catalogue. [b]the Psychedelic Spurs[/b] - Hoddle and Waddle sing Pretty in White and Sister Europa League. [b]Numan League[/b] - All your Synth needs in one band. [b]World Of WarKraftwerk[/b] - Teutonic machine elves. [b]Smashing Bumkins[/b] - Pa Larkin transposes Chicago alt rock to a Kentish farmyard. Pullet with Butterfly Wings, Perfick', etc. [b]Captain Sensible & Tenille[/b] - Love Will Keep Us Together sung naked apart from a red beret. [b]U2pia[/b] - Todd and Bono mash it up..... [b]Stiff Little Richard[/b] - Flamboyant rock n roll with an Ulster accent. [b]the Nicholas Parsons Project[/b] - Prog tracks that last just a minute [b]Bjorkwind[/b] - Icelandic space ritual. [b]Canon & Ball Corpse[/b] - Comedy duo go dark. Death metal on Tommy. [b]Emerson, Lake & Carlton Palmer[/b] - The audience wonder how the one with no talent managed to get in this group? [b]The Rollins Stones[/b] - Paint it Black Flag. [b]Promised You the Miracles[/b] - Smokey sings New Gold Dreams. [b]Thieving Sponging Benefit Scum[/b] - Daily Mail readers UB40 tribute [b]Good Vibrators[/b] - Beach Boys style punk bandwagon jumpers. [b]UK Dubs[/b] - Sly & Robbie supply the riddim while Charlie Harper toasts. [b]Bruce Forsyth and the Range[/b] - Thats the way it. Way it is thats. [b]Frankie Howerd and the Teenagers[/b] - Why do fools....oooh matron. Now listen.... [b]Mumford & Sunn (0))))))[/b] - Indie doom folk
  12. I'm the bass player for One Direction*. When I'm not dealing with Harry's cast offs I low end for West London original new wave power poppers the Jetsonics. [size=1]*Possibly a lie.[/size]
  13. Thanks for the lovely pics Silvia. Pity no one captured the granny zooming past the front of the stage on her mobility scooter... Haven't done an outdoor gig for ages. No amp and DI via a Sansamp worked pretty well. Shame I couldn't see the LED's on anything or the fret markers on the new bass in the sunshine. The Eastwood worked pretty well. There's a bit of an adjustment after being a P Bass player for so long. But it's feeling more comfortable now.
  14. 3 of us got sacked by the 4th member and we didn't even know it. We thought he'd just left. A fellow BCer narrowly dodged a bullet with this fellow too. Or was he sacked as well?
  15. I can't remember the last non DI gig I did. So I go straight out the back of the amp with the eq switch set to post and treat whoevers doing the sound as a human being. Seems to work mostly.
  16. We're playing the Twickenham Green Fair on Sunday 7th July. On about 4pm. Expect small children dropping their ice creams and running away crying.
  17. I'm sticking with 'ignorance is bliss'. I'm happy for you but don't get all preachy
  18. Yes and no. They have to fit the music and sound good. They don't have to be Shakespeare or anything for me though as long as they're appropriate. A clever phrase or a sung rhythmic device can lift a song a couple of notches. My lyrics are written to fit a song and then to please me. I don't mind them being chopped around to fit if needs be.
  19. Hope you have a good one Clarky. I don't do Hoxton or Monday's but I'll be there in spirit.
  20. Interesting. Voted. Might have a go next month.
  21. [quote name='the_skezz' timestamp='1341939623' post='1726632'] If they're your cup of tea, the Stranglers - Black and White. The solos in Curfew and Walk on By, the intros to Toiler on the Sea/Enough Time/Death and Night and Blood, the lines on In the Shadows and Do You Wanna...and of course Nice n Sleazy! All fantastic, IMO the best album of theirs basswise. [/quote] Yep. I'll go along with that. But you forgot Tank.
  22. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1371812344' post='2118384'] Got married last weekend, so first. Im guessing this is what you meant? [/quote] Nah. Mine. 1st - Some mariachi band playing something Mexican chosen by the ex. Seemed like a good idea at the time. As did the marriage.... 2nd - Maybe I'm Amazed - the Faces live version chosen by me and my current wife who was also my teenage sweetheart .
  23. I only ever play bass at gigs, reheasals, recording or when working out a bassline for songwriting. The mere thought of sitting down with a book is making me yawn. I would say you're in a phase of being a band member and songwriter who happens to be the one who plays bass. That sounds pretty good to me. Learn something new when you need it for the band.
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