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Low End Bee

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Posts posted by Low End Bee

  1. I got dragged up on stage once in a US bar a few years ago. I asked what we were playing. "Chicago Blues in G" I asked if it was different to a normal 12 bar progression. "Yeah. It's Chicago style" It wasn't. I just played with extra cheese anyway.

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  2. 90% plus of the gigs and recording I've done since being on BC have been my sunburst (Love the way the bass plays. Still hate sunburst) Precision with a black scratchplate. No point putting it in this thread. It'd be like turning up at a concours de'elegance with a white Transit.

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    • Haha 2
  3. I'm thinking of getting my first band back together. I will need a ouija board and a parole application...

    Last band I didn't form myself I found through an advert in the back of Guitarist magazine. "Wanted bass player. No nutters. No stalkers. No political activists." I lied and got in. 


    • Haha 1
  4. Just out of curiosity. What makes you go yeah and what makes you go meh no matter how well the bass plays and sounds? My personal list witout apologies below.

    Yes Please

    Black pickguards - Solid colour finishes - Chrome hardware - Passive controls - 4 strings - Old basses that have been modded interestingly - Racing stripes - Precisions - Mustangs - Rickenbackers - Weird short scales - black strings - Silk wraps on strings - Chunky necks - Mosrites - Lollipop tuners - Graphite necks


    No Thanks

    Gold hardware - Natural wood finishes - 5 or more strings - Jazz basses -  Loads of knobs and switches - active electronics - Pointy 80s - Black hardware - Neon strings  - Warwicks - Fanned Frets - Skinny necks - Multiple exotic wood coffee tables - EB3's - Cherry sunburst - D tuners - tort pickguards - ramps - Alleva Coppolo headstocks - headless basses

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  5. Overend Watts is the first one I can recall as being a bass player in a band. Rather than there just being people with different sized guitars.

    As I have bored people with before... In 1977 I knew I wanted to be in a band. I was flicking through a Rose Morris mail order catalogue. Guitars, drums, bass, saxophone, stylophone, etc. The newly released Rattus Norvegicus was on the turntable and as I opened the page for basses JJB's bass announced itself very forcefully on the intro to Hanging Around. Sold. Thank you Mr Burnel for starting me on a 40 plus years journey of expense and dissapointment with the occasional brilliant bit thrown in. 

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  6. I love writing lyrics and I'm not bad at it. I was given the job out of neccessity and now it's one of my favourite band related things. As to listening to lyrics I love a great line or even an inane lyric if it fits the feel of the song. They are probably always more important to the people that write them than to the listeners which is hard for an ego to accept I'm sure...   

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  7. I hate flats on my Precision. I've tried 3 or 4 different brands. I know they work for a lot of people on here but they just sound insipid with my style of pick playing. I got a few sets of DR Black Beauties when they were £25 on Amazon and will go back to D'Addario Prosteels when thety wear out. I love the raspy clanky aggresiveness.

    On my Mustang I can make flats work and love them on that though.

  8. Marmite.

    I looked him up on youtube a few years ago and thought I'd stumbled across one of those shred videos that had started doing the rounds.

    There's no denying that a lot of better players than me admire him and have been influenced by him so I will doff my cap to the fella.

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