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Low End Bee

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Everything posted by Low End Bee

  1. I have one allergy and it's nickel. Stainless all the way for me not surprisingly.
  2. Not sure about being a musician. But I do consider myself a 'pro' as I play a P Bass.
  3. Hey Joe. It was on a flexi disc with a no bass (or vocals?) backing track. It came with some 'teach yourself bass guitar' book I had. Also had Sunshine of Your Love and a 12 bore blues in A. Probably the only covers I could play at the drop of a hat even now.
  4. Play with your back to him. He'll never know the difference. I had exactly the same thing asked of me in the distance past and he couldn't tell without looking. As an aside I've always been a plectrum monkey. I use Clayton 1.07 big triangles. I've never dropped one either.
  5. Slapping whilst wearing a chain mail glove.
  6. Tried a lot and I've got a Wizard Thumper in my main P bass. Sadly I don't think you can get them any more. Like a proper old school growly P sound with a bit more girth. I've got a Dimarzio Model P in the spare which I really like too.
  7. That is brilliant. Love it. Wish I had the spare cash. GLWTS.
  8. Looks like a 70s ET280 to me £200-£300 Possibly?
  9. Stiv Bators leaving Lords of the New Church. He found out the rest of the band had secretly placed an ad in the Melody Maker for his replacement. He had the advert printed large on a t shirt and wore it under another shirt during a gig (the Astoria from memory). He took the outer shirt off and did the reveal during the encore and thanked his band mates for being good pals and bid them a fond farewell, etc.
  10. Folsom Prison Blues. Dead easy C&W 12 bar. Although my brain hasn't got the country timing module installed. Got it in the end but the grey cells were fighting hard against it.
  11. Peavey here too. I had one of those Ashdown Electric Blue things for a bit when I was between amps. Was very muffled sounding and none of the extra features/knobs helped. Before I could flog it it decided to set fire to itself in some sort of protest. Peavey TNT's have provided the house amps for a few venues I've played for a reason.
  12. Must not post....Must not post... Self imposed NDA.Or it could get litigious. I'll regretfully let others tell their tales. If we ever meet up over a pint . That's a different matter.
  13. Keeping in the 60s icons vein. Mate of mine was a guitarist for a famous drummer's band. He used to change the set list on the fly and he was meant to know by the power of telepathy. He would regularly get a flying drumstick in the back of the head as he intro'd a song and then the drummer would mouth the title of the song he wanted to play instead to him.
  14. Transforming neck dive into derrière dive.
  15. A boost pedal like the TC Spark would be my solution. https://www.andertons.co.uk/guitar-dept/guitar-pedals/boost-pedals/tc-electronic-spark-booster
  16. Lots of nice basses on here. So how about a drop to £220 including the case? It's a bargain for one of these rare beasts. Looks good onstage.
  17. Kill it with fire....Erm....
  18. Play it how you want if it sounds good and the 'feel' is right. Only you will know it's not an exact facsimile. Only the guitarist will care. The audience will just be having a good time.
  19. I really like the look of the bass and the bridge never worried me until it was pointed out. Now I will not be able to un-see how the BBOT looks wrong... Maybe covering it up with an ashtray would work?
  20. There's 'Euroman Cometh' by JJB with this corker on it.
  21. As I've just had a massive lottery win of £30 I might be inclined to trade now. Something short scale or a fretless of similar value if that floats anyones boat?
  22. Hells teeth. No wonder I don't do jam nights! Tell A lie. I got got dragged up on stage in Washington State US of A a few years ago for a couple of numbers as someone had spilled the limey bass player beans. What are we playing I asked? "Chicago blues in C" How is it different to other blues? <shocked look> "It's... you know....Chicago blues!" It was the same as any other blues to my ears really. What's the other song? "Suzie Q" Never heard it before. <even more shocked look> "It's E A C B. You'll be fine" I was. But only just. Although the musicians were lovely and friendly I found it a very uncomfortable experience and was relieved to get off. Put me off the 'jams' thing ever since. I prefer to be rehearsed before I play in public.
  23. If everybody's having a good time I see no problem.
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