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Low End Bee

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Everything posted by Low End Bee

  1. Compact stack
  2. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='800386' date='Apr 8 2010, 11:35 PM']Gotta love a P-bass with flats[/quote] I tried it but I really don't like it. Nice feeling to them but they just sounded like they needed changing all the time to me. Horses for courses and all that.
  3. [quote name='4 Strings' post='798511' date='Apr 7 2010, 11:12 AM']My first bass was given to me and, ungrateful wretch that I am, I found it so horrible I broke it. It was an Avon EBO copy. Sounded horrible, played horribly and had a horrible dodgy jack. Better things could have been done with the materials. It was a bad bass.[/quote] My first bass too. I had to save up and pay for the rotten, nasty thing myself though. Even when I was learning on it I knew it wasn't any good. It had an action high enough to afford no challenge to a competent limbo dancer. My precision was the best one for me out of the half dozen or so I tried. But not by much. I could have got on with any of them. They seem to be very consistent these days.
  4. Surely they should have put an Apple in an Orange?
  5. First use at rehearsals last night. Went to a new place with a big proper studio room with great sound (for a change). I'd decided to just go with the RS112 as I was expecting the usual dead box room. No problems at all. Fantastic angry sound out of such a small set up. I've never been so pleased with how I sounded in the band mix. More or less flat EQ and gain at 10 o'clock was lovely. I used a Bad Monkey on a couple of songs that needed some extra dirt and that worked really nicely too. Very impressed.
  6. Pop down to Brentford and buy my 715X BB. Never had it past halfway at gigs even without an additional cab. I've been told by Trace fans it has the Trace sound of the older ones. Unfortunately that's not the sound I'm after. I wanted something far more lo-fi and dirty sounding and it's cost me a lot more thean the TE did to get what I wanted. The 715 without the 'X' has less power. I tried a 715 for comparison when I bought the 715X and it was pretty good but missed a fair bit of the 'oomph' that the 715X had. No denying the weight issue though.
  7. Arty shot of old git © Paul Slattery [attachment=46647:_MG_8791.jpg]
  8. [attachment=46639:100_0861.JPG] Test flight at rehearsal tomorrow. Can't wait. I'm hoping to just take the RS112 in future and just use both cabs at gigs. I can carry the lot in one trip to and from the car then.
  9. Help this wasted long weekend of being in the sick bed be just a bad memory by buying this throbbing piece of bargain British amplification.
  10. Jazz basses. Horrible plinky sound. Skinny girls necks. Only sound half decent with all the bridge pickup rolled off. Can't tell you the number of times (Ok about half a dozen) I've seen a band with a 5 stringer and he never touches the B once all set. What's that all about?
  11. No neck dive on mine. Even the one with huge Schallers made of lead.
  12. These are the cabs you're looking for ...
  13. Is that Brazilian rosewood.
  14. Bleeding Hell. What have I started? Auditions are taking place on Saturn on Ash Wednesday. Bring your own teleport device.
  15. I did it for a fair while. It's worth it to get your band dynamics sorted. It's not the worst music in the world to get you out and playing. It's not as if you're being recruited by a Sun Ra tribute band.
  16. Do the Bump OK £350 now or I send it to the consignment pit of despair. This is bargain money for a proper brick outhouse full of low down goodness. It's got a dimmer switch on the back for the green glow and everything. What more could you want.
  17. Got no complaints with mine. Fuzztastic.
  18. Saw the Specials at the Royal Albert Hall last night. I was in the Queen's Box if you'll pardon the expression! Poor old Horace was on crutches and did the gig sat on a stool. Fantastic playing and bass sound even if it was a Jazz . I was really very impressed. If you get the chance to see them they are one of the best live acts bar none. Absolutely rocked the house. A great lesson in dynamics and stagecraft. The last time I saw them was at the Greyhound in 1979. Thankfully this time I didn't get chased down the Fulham Palace Road by half the British Movement.
  19. They replaced the elderly Trace heads in a rehearsal studios I used to go to with Behringer Ultrabass heads. They lasted about two weeks. Then all the Trace stuff went back.
  20. [quote name='OldGit' post='789252' date='Mar 29 2010, 11:19 AM']well [b]I[/b] didn't smoke my breakfast [/quote] No kippers?
  21. Take one bottle of Rioja add an old Korean Squier Mankocaster and a notepad and pen. Write 5 songs. Realise they are all pants. Take the one good verse and one good chorus from two of the five and shove them together. Take the song to rest of band. Have the guitarist say he doesn't like the verse or chorus. Let him come up with a new and better verse/chorus on the spot and take it like a man.
  22. I'm often puzzled by this 'tone suck' thing. I've noticed nothing noticeably different when I use mine in line. Is it the frequecies? If something takes a way a bit of low end (as somebody said to me recently) or whatever why wouldn't you just adjust the eq on the amp?
  23. Ooh. You get a little carry bag and everything. Just waiting on the TC cabs now.
  24. Bumps are only £289.99 RRP on the interweb. This is way overpriced.
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