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Low End Bee

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Everything posted by Low End Bee

  1. Happy Jack's OTB recruited me to the cause. Picking up mine at lunchtime <kidinsweetshopsmiley>
  2. [quote name='bobpalt' post='775111' date='Mar 15 2010, 12:12 PM']I have a TC450 amp and 2 x TC 210 cabs, and was slightly disappointed with the sound, until I bought one of the single 12" matching cabs. Wow! Its night and day. Now I just use a single 210 cab and the 12" together, and the sound has filled out beautifully. Have a try with your combo and a 112 cab, you will be amazed. Cheers, Bob[/quote] Good stuff. I've ordered a RS210 and a RS112 to go with the Bass Terror I've just bought. Sounds like they'll fit the bill.
  3. [quote name='Marvin' post='785981' date='Mar 25 2010, 04:11 PM']You need to find venues with higher ceilings for your mate on guitar. [/quote] I know. He's 6'9". The first question when we go to any new venue is stage headroom.
  4. [quote name='Mrs Tinman' post='785786' date='Mar 25 2010, 01:24 PM']The new Craig David album [/quote] Proper Bo Brain Capers - Mott the Hoople. For moi.
  5. [attachment=45625:jslive.jpg] Stadium gig
  6. Points 1-4 are what we always aim for live Mr Funk. Very succinctly put. We saw too many miserable bands who hardly acknowledge that they're playing to an audience. We want to put on a bit of a show. It is entertainment after all. Hell we even get some 'let me see some hands' clapping going at most gigs. No shame us.
  7. Any takers for this before it goes in the shop on consignment? Incoming Orange Terror Bass and 2 TC Electronics cabs are paid for so I'm on me uppers until this gets sold. [url="http://www.trace-elliot.co.uk/product_detail.php?flag=GB&lan=UK&key=2700"]Trace 715X specs[/url] [attachment=45600:DSC_0056.JPG] The positives. It's got that trademark Trace sound. If you like a great clean sound with lots of glassy top and chunky bottom you'll be happy. Unfortunately I've realised I really do like a dirty old school overdriven tone so that's not the sound for me. My PA man tells me we are a loud band but I've never had this past 3.5 out of 10 at a gig. The compressor is brilliant on it and the green glow looks great on gig shots. It's in very good nick. Comes with cover, footswitch, manual and over 4 years warranty left. On the negative side. It had a couple of issues. The pcb had a dry joint that was reflowed and serviced under warranty and what I thought was a horrible vibration noise recently on the amp when the octave F sharp was played at volume turned out to be a loose chassis on the aircon unit resonating on the note in the rehearsal room! If you don't rehearse where I do you'll be fine. No getting away from the fact that this is not a compact and bijou amp either. I paid £650 for it last June. I'm after £400 to make a dent in the £1150 of the banks money I've just spent. I won't post/courier this. The amp is residing at LEB Towers in Brentford, West London. It's all Happy Jack's fault. If he hadn't let me use his Terror at a gig. Ad
  8. There's the Big Block. But it's got a funny pickup, control plate and bridge thing going on. Oh and on binding.....It's me age.
  9. King Tubby - Dub Fever Class.
  10. Bridge Adds Density. Alters Sound? Scam?
  11. I use a Line 6 KB37. Hum free. Garageband is brilliant for knocking out a quick demo.
  12. Perfect Really Except Certain Ingrates Suggest It's Only Nostalgia
  13. Me too. Sounds like a sports drink.
  14. [quote name='4-string-thing' post='783882' date='Mar 23 2010, 07:55 PM']I've got a Le Marquis violin bass in black, which looks great and for £90 new (when I bought mine) was an amazing buy! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Electric-Violin-Bass-Guitar-LE-MARQUIS-N-Y-LM-VB-BK_W0QQitemZ120388979579QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item1c07be0b7b"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Electric-Violin-Bass...=item1c07be0b7b[/url][/quote] Do it. Then sell it to me.
  15. I quite like it apart from the headstock which looks very budget bass.
  16. [quote name='OldGit' post='782541' date='Mar 22 2010, 03:08 PM']The recurrent theme here is that just about everyone but the guitarist knows he should take responsibility for his tuning without disrupting the flow of the gigs. How do we get through to them?[/quote] A middling length of 4 by 2.
  17. Dano Longhorn or a cheap violin bass with a silver sprayed top.
  18. Pretty Vacant the Sid way followed by Peaches followed by Sunshine Of Your Love and Hey Joe from a teach yourself bass book with flexi disc backing tracks. All with an Avon EB0 through a 5 watt WEM guitar amp.
  19. [quote name='SteveK' post='781610' date='Mar 21 2010, 12:57 PM']Probably has less to do with tuning, and more to do with nerves.[/quote] +1 If it's a tiny bit out on the G for a song who's going to give a monkeys really. I'm pretty sure my guitarist does this as a way to calm himself for the next song (I can see him mouthing the opening lines to the next song sometimes while he's adjusting a tuner by 1/128th of a turn) so I just have to give the audience the benefit of my finely honed stage banter while he's tuning. It would be nice to bang one out straight after another sometimes but as he has the singing duties as well I don't mind taking a bit of the front man burden off him too much.
  20. Sorted the Trace out and it worked perfectly at last nights gig. My back is looking forward to the new rig though.
  21. Stick a Badass on it
  22. the Members - Chelsea Nightclub LP Sounding remarkably good. Lotds of fun.
  23. [url="http://www.rockandrollconfidential.com/hall/index.php"]Band Promo Shots From Hell [/url] For anybody who missed it last time I put it up. Here's how not to do it.
  24. Had a quick blast through a TC Electronics cab. Very impressed. Now have a Terror Bass an RS210 and an RS112 paid for and incoming next week. Can't wait. Mrs LEB is insisting I make some money out of the band now!
  25. What about TC Electronics cabs? I've been offered a deal. I can't wait a month or so for a Barefaced cab. No patience and I've gigs coming up. Plus I can get these locally which I like. I was thinking of the RS210 plus an RS112. The full lot for bigger gigs, just the 2x10 for smaller ones and just the 1x12 for rehearsals.
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