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Low End Bee

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Everything posted by Low End Bee

  1. Me too. Sounds great through Happy Jack's rig.
  2. I'm very happy with my Thumper.
  3. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='754875' date='Feb 23 2010, 12:11 PM']No matter what the bridge, your sound is all in the fingers[/quote] Sharper fingers should sort the problem out then.
  4. Love your T-40. Mmmm.
  5. I've got two precisions. One wth the bent bit of tin and one with a badass II. I prefer the BBOT for 'attack'. I truth there's not a noticeable difference. I'm not sure its worth shelling out if you're on a budget. Strings seem to be the thing that affects this sort of thing most in my experience. How about a Wilkinson with brass saddles if you really want a new bridge?
  6. The Mekons Even if they are from Leeds
  7. I would have an old one for it's historical value. If I had a windfall, one from the year I was born would be a nice thing to own. As much as a Victorian chair say would be nicer to own than a modern repro one that'd do the same or a better job. My 3 year old one is miles better than my 1969 one was. I think the vintage tone thing is generally guff. It may have relevance on purely acoustic instruments I'll concede. It's a sentimental thing related to supply and demand. Plus the majority of lemons from that era probably ended up as firewood so mainly it's the good ones that are left.
  8. This is never gonna end. There's only one way to settle this.......Fight! Precisions are perfect if you're a noisy b'stard but can do more too. Not that I try. Jazzes. Well it's got Jazz written on it. Like a Honda Jazz has.......
  9. Very enjoyable. Nice relaxed venue. Nice to see 4 BC'ers lined up at a table in the first row. I thought you were going to hold up scorecards after each song.
  10. [quote name='RussFM' post='753531' date='Feb 22 2010, 09:57 AM']Is it just me, or is that Fender not a Fender? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FENDER-SUNBURST-PRECISION-BASS-GUITAR-1979-1981-VGC_W0QQitemZ250582988669QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item3a57e8f77d#ht_674wt_1165"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FENDER-SUNBURST-PREC...d#ht_674wt_1165[/url][/quote] That is 100% Faker.
  11. [quote name='vmaxblues' post='748616' date='Feb 17 2010, 04:23 PM']I always see music as shapes - what does that say about me?[/quote] It says lay off the blotters for a bit.
  12. People notice me (and compliment me) far more at the gigs where I jump around like a div and play a few bum notes* rather than the ones where I'm more restrained and spot on in the playing department. Most people just seem to like a bit of a show. *I will now pass these off as Jaco memorial licks.....
  13. That's interesting. I can't see the notes as colours but I'm happier with the concept of identifying them as colours rather than alphabet letters. I shall tell the guitarist. "This new song goes maroon - red - yellow"
  14. I love you Jerry B :wub:
  15. I don't idolise anyone apart from Mrs LEB and the nippers. Meeting a few former 'heroes' has sorted that one.
  16. [quote name='discreet' post='746096' date='Feb 15 2010, 04:55 PM']Hmm... OK then, how about one of these? [url="http://bit.ly/neonpink"]http://bit.ly/neonpink[/url][/quote] Now we're talking
  17. [quote name='discreet' post='745752' date='Feb 15 2010, 12:26 PM'][url="http://www.vovox.com/neu/content_e/04_02_15.html"]http://www.vovox.com/neu/content_e/04_02_15.html[/url] ...if you budget £122 for the 6m version (!)[/quote] That's a bit steep!! and they're not even in funky colours.
  18. I like that as it is. I'd have a punt if I needed a back up.
  19. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='744797' date='Feb 14 2010, 02:02 PM']The only good 80's song I can think of is, erm....[/quote] erm.....is the only on I like too.
  20. Then - Shergold Marathon through a HH VS100 bass head into an 18" ex sound sytem bass bin. Woof Woof. Now - Precision through a Sansamp BDDI > Trace Elliott 715X combo. Bark Woof.
  21. I like fabric covered cables like that. They don't tangle so much. Bass tone ...Shmone. Anyone else do nice ones?
  22. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Limited-Edition-Ibanez-Iceman-Bass-Guitar_W0QQitemZ190370426453QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item2c52f62e55"]ebay chequered thing[/url]
  23. The opening song has a sort of Chuck Berry'esque bass intro. I must have played it at least 9 different ways and always something's wrong. Including a different key once. It's tradition to cock it up now. It'd throw the rest of the band if I nailed it.
  24. I had one that was great for nearly three years. I did lots of gigs with it. Plenty loud enough for pubs. Good value for money at £180. In the end it spontaneously caught on fire! I was ready to move up by then though.
  25. [quote name='thinman' post='741381' date='Feb 10 2010, 07:47 PM']Ronnie Wood's playing on "Maggie May". Sometimes I think it's naff but mostly brilliant - it sounds to me like he winged it rather than studied it.[/quote] I'm betting he was tired and emotional after a couple of light ales during the recording. Sounds great to me. Doesn't matter to me a jot if it's technically correct or not.
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