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Everything posted by jmanfunk

  1. Hello guys and gals, With the plethora of high end fivers in the for sale section at the moment, I've been very much missing that fifth string so I'm offering up my Sei original. It's in near immaculate condition, save the mark on the underside shown in the pics. Looks like it's had very little playing time. Currently strung with light gauge Elixirs and has a a low action. Specs: [list] [*]Mahogany wings [*]ebony fret board [*]7 piece laminate neck of ebony and flamed maple [*]Burled maple front and rear facing with amber tint [*]Bartolini pups and Schack pre [*]gold hardware [*]Green side leds [*]control compartment with matching wood facing [/list] Pics- Plenty more pics on request. (Hope you don't mind me re-using the pics Dirk. Sun is very much lacking around here a the moment) [b]Trade wise, I'm looking for any high-end fives eg. another Sei of course, GB, Overwater, possibly a Sadowsky or any super J. [u]Minimum requirements are for a 34" scale neck and 18mm or less string spacing [/b][/u]. Also, I'd be interested in frteless fives-a Pedulla would be perfect. Shoot me a pm with any offers. I would sell outright, but with the Sterling/Euro difference as it is, it means a euro price of 1750 works out at £1640 (price includes postage and hardcase). Not a bargain by any means but it is a cracking bass! Jay
  2. Dirk, how much are you looking for the Status? I know i'll regret asking this *edit* I've just seen your separate ad. Great looking bass.
  3. [quote name='nonkel26' post='448458' date='Mar 28 2009, 11:59 PM']Yep! I'm selling it for 1500 euro[/quote] Also, I can vouch for the condition of the instrument. It's immaculate. I bought it new only seven months ago, played it at home and traded it to Dirk for a Sei bass. Considering what I paid for it then, that's a bargain! Here's the exact bass in question-
  4. [quote name='4000' post='446472' date='Mar 26 2009, 08:49 PM']My new Sei Flamboyant 5 (bought used last week).... [/quote] Absolute heaven I'd imagine; no one man should be in possession of two Seis (never mind me, I'm a jealous b****x That flamboyant looks brand spanking new by the way. I never posted my one come to think of it. Et voila- Oh, and if anyone here is thinking of moving on one of their five strings and fancies a trade, drop me a pm. Jay.
  5. I have a newer Dynaverb and A/Bed it against an older 'simulated bypass' version. Both the effects engaged showed no audible difference (both sounded great) but the true bypass certainly made a difference when the effect wasn't engaged. Consequently, I don't mind leaving the pedal in my signal chain. I tried an older bass iq and loved it so the true by-pass will be a bonus. As for the new 24bit circuitry that EBS have included. Any difference will be negligible but it's a great pedal anyway. Get it from one of the big German on-line stores. If you don't like it, send it back. That's what I intend to do with a Stanley Clarke wah soon.
  6. First I've heard of it. I might check it out, cheers for the heads up. Jay.
  7. Tal Wilkenfield, Esperanza Spalding and now her. Where have all these insanely talented female groove machines come from of late!? Great find Julian.
  8. That Warwick is gorgeous I had the pleasure of doing a trade with Dirk recently and he is a gent to deal with. Are Fodera's really that good Dirk that you'd part with a Marleaux or even a Status? Best of luck in your search all the same Jay.
  9. Jerzy Drozd workshop-
  10. [quote name='blamelouis' post='436139' date='Mar 16 2009, 02:39 PM']I've been checking out "Beyond the Missouri sky" by Pat Metheny and Charlie Haden and i have to say it really is a fantastic album . Hadens playing is a breath of fresh air he is so restrained and doesnt get in the way of the progressions and just coaxes the melody lines with his harmonic choices ! Highly reccomended especially to duo bassists ,masterclass![/quote] Possibly one of my all time fav records. A lesson in the art of taste and restraint. [quote name='Rayman' post='436235' date='Mar 16 2009, 04:10 PM']Ha ha....is this thread still going?? Jazz fans, Janek Gwizdala - Live at the 55 Bar hasn't been out of my car CD player for a week, superb album and highly recommended. The track "Mana" is just brilliant, I've never heard a Fodera sound better than that.[/quote] Really great album. I love how he recorded, "got sixty pepole in the control room.... rehearsed on a Wednesday, (we) did the album in one take on Thursday, mixed it in a day on Friday and mastered it on a Sunday and by Monday it went to the disc makers". Very slick. Also, the horn player on that record, Justin Vasquez just released a solo album which is very much worth a listen to. He'll be releasing an eletronic follow-up with Janek on bass soon too. The new York scene is very much alive and well. Jay
  11. That really does look amazing. I'm really starting to favour solid colours over the exotic wood top these days. I'm also tiring of engineers/band members taking the piss out of 'coffee table' No accounting for taste I suppose. Also, how does this feel compared to the body of the Kronos. Looks a little sleeker/downsized. The Kronos looked sleek enough already. Jay.
  12. [quote name='stonecoldbass' post='434326' date='Mar 14 2009, 01:46 AM']He actually did a really good album just a coupla years back called 'Standards' with Patrice Rushen on piano and Ndugu Chancler on kit. Stanley plays upright on the album with each tune being recorded live to two track tape! Very vibey and come great trio playing.[/quote] That's a great record alright, and one I only happened upon recently. I didn't about about the 'live to two track thing'. It makes me all the more impressed. Definitely a record for the jazz heads to check out. Jay
  13. I've waited a while for Stanley to release a record like this. Just him and the upright along with drums and piano featuring Lenny White and Hiromi no less. Hopefully, it'll be a slightly better affair than the aural bilge of SMV. Jay
  14. Not exactly what I was expecting either but hopefully the entire release will be a little more soul stirring. A few lessons from Gouche on 'shout music' would be nice- and thurman
  15. [quote name='Josh' post='433577' date='Mar 13 2009, 01:13 PM']It's something I've been waiting for for a long time now, and it's almost here: Although I can't see how Hadrien, Damian and tBBC's best friend class as Gospel bassists.[/quote] I think this is being touted as a 'leading stars of fusion meets gospel legends' affair. But I suspect it was more of an attempt to shift a few more units. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this-three of my favourite players AND Andrew Gouche, who is just a groove monster. No official release date as of yet but the clip looks very promising. Jay
  16. Great that you got this project up and running Simon and really looking forward to more content. I'll drop a penny or two in the coffer in thanks Jay
  17. [quote name='Hamster' post='418670' date='Feb 24 2009, 07:38 PM']Simple, just wallpaper the whole front of the bass with a heavy flock or woodchip, that way everything will match beautifully Yes, I know, my coat is by the door.......[/quote] Retro is all the rage after all [quote name='bassjamm' post='419031' date='Feb 25 2009, 09:20 AM']Hey, A nice bit of maple could work there I think, maybe even ash or alder for the lighter match up. Then again, Ebony, whilst you may want to steer away from, it'd match up nicely. Check out the Nordstrand basses, the custom jobbies... i'm pretty sure they've done some sweet ramp jobs. If i'm wrong, then you can probably get some great ideas for wood combos as he uses some wicked woods! Thanks Jamie[/quote] A nice quilt would look tasty alright. [quote name='steve-soar' post='419563' date='Feb 25 2009, 08:11 PM']Bastard, I was going to say that. [/quote] The thought had crossed my mind after coming across this-
  18. I had the luthier who made the bass install the ramp later on. It wasn't radiused as the board itself was flat anyway. The next ramp will have a 16" radius.
  19. Ramp devotee here. I fitted one to a Larkin singlecut. It had a major impact on how I play, once I set it up properly. I'm having one fitted to my Sei bass in the next week or so. I don't use Willis' technique but rather the more straight forward, relatively speaking, Garrison approach.
  20. Good evening gents, I'm having a ramp made for my Sei and rather than going for plain old ebony, I was wondering what might work aesthetically for this bass- It has an amber type stain to it and having just decorated the living room, it's woefully apparent that I can't match colours ..... It all depends what Chris Larkin has in the wood store but ball bark suggestions- I'm leaning toward cocobolo or maybe staining some burl poplar- Jay
  21. Fantastic stuff. You must be a happy man!
  22. Great stuff, just what I was looking for! Thanks for the clips. I've been playing around with my Schack pre, setting different frequency points, using the dip switches and loving exploring the different timbres I can get. Downside is the awkwardness of adjusting it. This pre seems like the next logical progression. Shame the ACG01 is only available as a proprietary design but I suppose that's the point. I'll add a Skelf to the GAS list
  23. [quote name='4000' post='412616' date='Feb 18 2009, 12:07 AM']Cool stuff! Unfortunately due to the current exchange rate they're still fairly pricey though....[/quote] I'm in Ireland so it's all good. Ah, the joys of the euro. The name is stilll embarrassing though .
  24. Is that a chestnut top? Seems a great price too.
  25. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='412322' date='Feb 17 2009, 06:33 PM']Thats one of the nicest single cut designs I've seen since the Fodera Beez Elite. Who made it?[/quote] It's by a Dutch Luthier called Adamovic and was co-designed with Frederic Gervais, who operates Fray's Bass Corner, a boutique bass shop. A very nice chap indeed. I'm waiting on some sound samples from him as it's not possible for me to head over to try this design out. I've been gasing for a Matt Garrison for a while but they go for for sillly money and a heck of a long bulid time. He has a cool site too- [url="http://www.frays-basscorner.com/"]http://www.frays-basscorner.com/[/url]
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