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Everything posted by descendent87

  1. Thanks, not too keen on the Reggie Hamilton (not a fan of active). Some of those jap ones were nice. Still trying to find a UK site that sells the new Mark Hoppus ones to see what prices are like
  2. Really don't like the daphne blue (or any of the other colours) but the new black and olympic white ones look gorgeous
  3. Starting to look for a new bass and I love the look of Jazz basses but the sound (and neck) of P-Basses. So was wondering are there any Jazz basses with P pickups (would prefer P neck aswell) apart from the mark hoppus sig? Also does anyone know any UK sites that sell the new [url="http://www.fender.com/products//search.php?partno=0138300306"]Mark Hoppus Jazz Bass[/url] (in black or olympic white)? My other thought was buying a cheap Jazz and Precision then modding them (would end up with a precision with a jazz neck aswell) but how would I go about filling the old pickup holes in then cutting out for the P pickup?
  4. thanks but i'm in south-west wales so bit far for me
  5. Used my new ER-20's at rehearsals this weekend, was really expecting everything to sound muffled but it was great. The biggest plus was that for the first time my ears weren't ringing afterwards, will be wearing them for every rehearsal/gig from now on, £10 well spent
  6. yeah does look like it's a guitar hero body, not too keen on the heart either. Finding a shop with one of those jack casady epi's seems like it's going to be a bit of a task. Especially as my local music shop has about 4 basses (usually 1 squier, 1 fender, 1 ibanez and 1 unknown make)
  7. yeah thats the one, got it for £150 from soundslive as it had been dropped and was a small chip on the body (after playing it at every gig for the past year it now has a few more to go with it) really good bass though
  8. yeah I've got a Squire VM Jazz and my next bass was going to be a P but fancied something a bit different
  9. I'd rather have more Jay Bentley-y over Tim Armstrong-y
  10. Nice! but I'm guessing the price tag is quite a bit more than an epiphone (not that it matters as I can't afford either at the moment)
  11. really want to try one now, yeah it would have to be black if i got one and would probably take the pickguard off aswell. Only thing i'm not sure about is the tone, might have to swap out the pickup for a more punk sound
  12. yeah process of belief has to be their best album, love the bass on epiphany
  13. wasnt expecting a reply that quick, thanks guys. looks like I know what I'm saving for next then. Yeah I knew he used to use Schecters so checked their site but couldnt see it on there Hmm might have to try and find a shop around here with one of these to try [quote name='Epiphone']t's a long-scale, semi-acoustic electric bass with a tone so pure and natural it'll give you goose bumps[/quote] [quote name='Jay Bentley']It's really a natural, beautiful sounding bass. That being said, I'm in Bad Religion... and there is no room for natural sounding bass onstage! So I removed all the tone and volume pots (we never turn down!), swapped the pick-up out with a Dimarzio split p, threw on a brass nut and now it just screams![/quote]
  14. Just been watching a video of Bad Religion at the warped tour and I've fallen in love with Jay Bentleys bass, only problem is I have no idea what it is. Screenshot isn't brilliant as he keeps moving about so couldnt get a clear shot, but here's the video Any help identifying this bass would be much appreciated
  15. Can't go wrong for that price, cheers will order a pair soon
  16. Gonna pick up some earplugs soon as starting to notice a quiet ringing occasionally after practice so need to stop it before it gets worse. After reading this thread I'm going to pick up some ER20's (wish I could afford custom moulded but they will have to wait), wheres the cheapest place to pick these up online? Thanks
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