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Everything posted by crazycloud

  1. You've sone comparisons of the same system, with simply different enclosure construction, ie same driver, same tuning, same net volume? Otherwise it's apples and oranges.
  2. The best value class D module is the HB Block 800 which is an IcePower AS700 module. Keeping the EQ flat and the comp off it seems flat to me, but as I'm building a new workshop ATM, I'm not set up to easily measure it. Going in through the FX return is almost certainly flat.
  3. Providing the cab itself is properly designed, there is no reason why this should be so, and it is far easier to brace well a moulded cab than a simple rectangular cuboid wooden one. I'm basing this on doing a lot of speaker design over the years, including measuring cab resonances with accelerometers.
  4. crazycloud


    All of the above. I've been using wide bandwidth, high fidelity type cabs for decades simply because I don't want a baked in tone from an amp/cab but the flexibility to create it, and vary it according to my needs. Next year I might be getting back together with the girls to gig again and I might be using bass, electric and acoustic guitar and baritone, depending on what we actually play musically. Add a clean amp, a 'FRFR' cab and a modeller like a Stomp and I can get all the bandwidth and clean SPL I need for any type of music in the one rig. I design and build my own rigs, but the best I've heard in a single box is the Yamaha DXR15.2.
  5. Vague tilt a a Rick bodyshape and PG, but nothing else is Rick-like about it.
  6. And NONE of that relates to what I actually posted, which was around the manufacture of a specific design. I know how pickups are wound, as well as how to design them.
  7. Hissy fit and/or wanted to believe he was early Entwistle.
  8. Then they're not the same designs. Pickups are incredibly simple items. Once you have the design down, it makes no difference where and who makes the actual pickups. Or, people are making decisions with their eyes, and it's not like that's ever happened in human history.
  9. One more string, and a different colour, and I'd be interested.
  10. ^^ Nice. I have a 706 and would like to find a 705 one day.
  11. Use the full excess length and make a bass manbun.
  12. Why? Pretty much every ADC/DAC in existence uses a single rail biased supply for the opamps and you're more than happy to use them everywhere. No, they don't.
  13. Having tried a few FCS and GCS instruments, I wonder. I have a 150 quid, new, delivered, Tele guitar that I'd have over all of them. This annoys me. I'm sure someone else would have come up with what is a very basic concept in the same period. He was just the first to mass produce and market well an acceptable product, and most of it wasn't really his in general concept. It's not like he split the atom in his garage.
  14. And 24377.47 with some smashed avo toast.
  15. Agree mainly on both points, but I prefer the LS Series basses for the most part as I prefer 5s and 6s.
  16. Considering what's found on the streets in many Californian cities, I'll pass.
  17. Not on mine, and I tried moving the strap pins to different locations. My small bodied Series had by far the worst ergonomics of an bass I've ever played.
  18. That's a fine looking bass - I like the 'blonde on blonde' look. Enjoy.
  19. Looks awesome. Then I downloaded the pricelist...
  20. I like the colour, especially if it had a matching headstock, but literally nothing else about it, even for Squier prices.
  21. I used a small amount of household silicon to hold mine in place. Being gentle, and with all the strings removed it would stay in place. And I could access the TR hole from memory.
  22. I have one of those, good bass. As mentioned in another thread, I'm keeping it as my token trad 4 banger.
  23. Because a lot of them were clones or near clones and the market is flooded with them. My Blazer was a superb bass for the time (bought new in 82) but there is little to differentiate it from a lot of others so offers no benefit to the SR/BTB/EHBs in the marketplace.
  24. Nope. I've owned quite a number of both at the same time and the older units are different, but in no way better.
  25. Ibanez SR256
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