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Everything posted by Muzz

  1. Bet with those skinny arms he isn't lifting any of that stuff himself.... πŸ˜€ Great bass tone, terrible syrup... 😁
  2. If you’re wanting a physically smaller amp, the Genzler Magellan is pretty much an evolution of the Streamliner (same designer), and though it doesn’t have an actual valve in it, it can do that valve warmth very, very well. It can also do lots of other tones, too; I’d say it was one of the most versatile amps you can buy. I followed a Streamliner with one, and was very happy.
  3. And on that, given that PJ is an experienced film-maker, here's some foreshadowing - Paul and John having a laugh, but look at Yoko's face...she has her chair pulled up to John, right in front of him...
  4. '...for other styles the pick is probably wrong...' Ummmm, you might not have seen much of Bobby Vega's work πŸ˜‰
  5. Valves and iron and an 810...fantastic πŸ‘ Plus, you're guaranteed to be the centre of attention if only because the rig behind you's bending light around itself... 😁
  6. It kinda depends on circumstances, really; if you're gigging with the sort of band that a 300w valve head will be able to stretch its legs in (or even if you just want something totally over the top for your house), then a big old monster is a good thing. Having owned and gigged a V4B and an SVT back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, I love the sound (tho I'm more a Precision/pick kinda player at heart), but I'm much more practical nowadays, and the Mesa Walkabout ticks all the boxes. It might by 'only' 300w, but through the right speakers (I'm talking sensitivity here) it can go stoooopid loud, and it's the warmest, most valve-like head I've used (and I've owned a LOT of heads, AB and D, including Ashdowns, Markbass, GK, TC, etc, etc), plus it's very portable. On the other hand, if it's the sound you're after, rather than Stub's 'experience' (and it is an experience to be standing in front of a loud valve stack, tho my tinnitus would mean that by the time it got to trouser-flapping db I'd have my attenuators in, which kinda spoils the effect), the newer modelling/FX devices are scarily close, too...I've had some tones out of the Helix into the FOH/inears which were superb...
  7. I just wonder if he could have got the bass a bit higher...his left hand at head height and his scrunched up right arm make me ache just watching... πŸ˜•
  8. Nice tone, and an even better bass line; it's what he doesn't play in this that sets it apart - there's air and space in there...I had to learn this a while back, and it surprised me...
  9. That Thunderbird (ish) - no raised section, terrible scratchplate - sounds awful...
  10. Have you ever actually needed both QSCs? I have low-level GAS for a FRFR rig, but I've only ever tried (at shop volume) cheaper wedges (like the Headrush), and they didn't sound like they'd cut it at higher volumes...
  11. Oh, they're too old to change now*, plus it's only a very occasional band....to be honest, the order in which those rigs get used the most is left to right... πŸ™‚ * Though using a rehearsal room up a long flight of stairs and carting their 412s was starting to wear them down more than the db level... πŸ˜€
  12. Oh noooo, no need to apologise; I wasn't snipping - it's just head-scratchingly odd that something so loud sometimes gets described as not loud enough; I'd suspect it was my ears had I not been told to turn down by so many people... πŸ˜•πŸ˜€ Edit: lack of smileys on my part... πŸ˜•
  13. Ooooo, a 3000A - just to put me out of/drop me further into my misery (having sold my VW 3000A a while back and always regretted it), can you tell me the neck/nut size compared to the 414 (that is a 414 on the right, yeah?)? I had a 1024, but thought the neck was a bit big - having Jon Shuker make necks just the size I want (skinny) has spoiled me, I'm afraid... πŸ˜•πŸ™‚
  14. I really cannot understand it when people say that - with the Super Twin it's very, very loud (plenty for hearing-protection-in rehearsals with 2 x Marshall 100w/410 geeetards and a shed-building drummer) and with both cabs it's stacktastically deafening...I had the chance a while back to run it through a rehearsal room Ampeg fridge, and it was huuuge through that, too...
  15. Three rigs (well, actually four) for the price of one 😁
  16. I'm just glad I missed this, for all sorts of reasons...
  17. To be fair, the bodies are Alder and Maple, so the seams would be more apparent. Still a bit odd to have that under a translucent finish...
  18. Yeah, they're much more about the limited edition - strange PMT aren't making more of this... ...and Hooky doesn't even appear on the Yamaha site...
  19. Is it a limited edition? I'm not seeing anywhere that it is, apart from Hooky signing 5 of them.
  20. If they ever do one in Vintage White, I'm buying it. Which is a bit giddy for me, but there you go...
  21. We do a couple of Smiths songs (This Charming Man and There Is A Light), and they're two of my favourite songs to play; the bass lines are great fun, and they always go down a storm. People like to think they're singing along ironically, but they're really not... πŸ™‚ Sadly, Morrisey himself has personal opinions I'd rather not contemplate, although that can be said of quite a few people in the business. That's where the phrase 'Never meet your heroes' comes from... Musically and lyrically, The Smiths were an important band, and yeah, they were very Marmite - at the time, I, like some people in the thread, couldn't get past Morrisey's schtick, but in later years I've come to like the tongue-in-cheek lyrics, some of which are genuinely brilliant. Oh, and it's a measure of the 'love it or hate it, but you can't ignore it' nature of Morrisey's delivery that any time someone sings a Smiths song, they're irresistibly drawn into a Morrisey impression...our singist tries very hard; he starts off in his own voice, and three lines in he's hooting and parping... 😁
  22. And this is making me regret selling mine...for more than one reason... ☹️
  23. Where's the Jaw-Dropping Performances thread? 😁
  24. Oh boy, this is firmly in 'small treat for Xmas' territory... Hang on tho; the pup on this one is in a verrrry strange position...
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