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Everything posted by scojack

  1. If only i'd had some warning 😭
  2. Waaaaaaahhhhhh that's my old Betsy in the front !! Waaaaahhhhhh, i had that bass man and boy!!!! It was originally built for Steve Stroud from Bucks Fizz. Im off for a big cry ! I should never had let this bass go .....sniff sniff !!
  3. It's a DI out, i had a Pangborn for many years. Never ever used the DI out though (Did anyone?). Pangborn Electrics were typically 'hand made' by one of Ashley's friends..he hated paying full dollar for electrics, i think margins were tight without adding an expensive preamp (cost wise a production pre-amp could cost as much as ALL the timber !) I played mine passive most of the time as the pre-amp wasn't very good anyway. I loved my Pangborn for the way it looked and especially felt, not for the ahem cough cough electrics. 😉
  4. Great source for Korina & mahogany https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/iana1174/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=
  5. Hehehe that takes me back Andy...my old man was just the same
  6. Aaaaah ...thought so 🤗
  7. Brilliant stuff.....was wondering if you were going for the full Gibson Tenon Join. Methinks there's more to you than just an amateur bodger Christine ( like Most of us in 'ere! ). Ian 😊
  8. Welcome Christine...looking forward to seeing your builds
  9. Nope should all be fine.
  10. Aye Wishbass are not the purdiest of things.
  11. Usually is Owen's fault .........he's just likes a nice bit of good Wood ! Anyhooz i'm completely off this idea due to the overpricing of the hardware. Still want to do something different so mibbies do a single cutaway 5 string instead (If i can get a design i'm happy with ...most SC's are fuglybassas ..imho) Ian
  12. Eejits 😄
  13. Brother wanted small headless travel bass to take on his hols but it has to be a 5 'er, this takes the cost of materials to a new level. Hard to justify the expense, especially when you can get a reasonable 5 string steinberger copy for a few hundred quid off t'interweb.
  14. I could take the tuners and saddles as you say Bastav then mill a casing from the finest 24ct Gold..and it would probably still be 50% cheaper than an ABM !
  15. First place i looked .....(i remembered you'd done some legwork on this already !) Ian
  16. Anybody come across any good priced 5 string headless systems (ie chinese knock off's ). Can see a few 4 string bridges but nothing for 5 string bridge. Monorails would be good too. I can only find branded stuff (ABM) etc for 5 string and they are awfully expensive. Ta Ian
  17. scojack


    First Class Bastav looks fantastic !!
  18. Very Nice Indeed
  19. scojack


    Nice one Bastav ! Been on my TODO list for years, looking good
  20. Proper Lush !
  21. Very nice
  22. Never got any lacquer on it before the cold weather...it'll have to wait till spring has sprung.
  23. Cracking build Jez, giving Mr Allen a run for his money
  24. Here here ! Always had a soft spot for the Moodies saw 'em at Edinburgh Playhouse in the early eighties (still have the T-shirt although thoughts of ever putting it on again are just a pipedream!).
  25. Fantastic work Jez
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