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Everything posted by scojack

  1. Love Eberhard Weber, seen him a good few times with Jan Garbarek and his own band Colors back in the 80's. Funnily enough too ...... i was having a nostalgic listen to some of my old stuff the other day and happened across Little Movements which is my absolute favourite, couldn't recommend this enough. Oh and Colours of Chloe is another. Ian
  2. Bet Nick Smith's got it (Doctor Bass). I think MK had a Pangborn with some special inlay work on the neck .. a dragon.. if i remember. Ian
  3. The attention to detail on this (and there's a lot of it !) is just outstanding. As it all comes together ....it keeps getting better.
  4. That's the knobs on and it's now completed ! Crappy pics though..bit dark in Sco Towers. Barely put it down of late, my youngest (who it's for) can't get near it ! Very happy with the EMG pickups in the end. Loads of Bass response. Switch to the bridge pickup and it honks away like a good 'un. Nearly came out of retirement to do a demo ......but .......naaaahh ! Going to have to do one for myself i think.... So ....... Spent Saturday milling some[b] Golden Ebony[/b].. One piece neck with matching FB. The board on the left is the neck blank, one piece which is quarter sawn. Middle board -- fingerboard, more figure on this one. The board on the right is an example of how this wood darkens over time, it planes quite light to begin with. . Ian
  5. Going to be a beaut m8, love the rosewood idea (going to do something similar myself soon ). They are doing some seriously tasty stuff at Alpher . Looking forward to this ... Ian
  6. Turned out brilliantly ..love the look of that ebony FB
  7. Don't see any reason why not. Never used myself though i'm afraid. Ian PS We haven't had a Tonewood war on here for a while ..just sayin! Ian
  8. Yup..thought so .......stunning! Especially love the body shape
  9. That looks really nice, let's see that birds eye maplyness
  10. You can go up to 12000 grade, then on to a burnishing cream although TCUT might be a bit rough (not really sure). Check out micromesh for the fine grit. Rothko And Frost (ebay) do a range of burnishing creams too.
  11. I started playing by just picking up and copying what i heard and developed a pretty good ear. Years later i decided to take things a wee bit more seriously and learn to read. (I was never given the opportunity to take up an instrument or do 'proper' music at school). I found reading music and practising my sight reading very difficult. Every time i got through a piece (were not talking anything major here btw) i would remember it, so next play through i wasn't sight reading it any more just playing from memory again. Now i know this is what musicians do all the time, when you know the dots your only really using the music to keep track of where you are but i really feel it was more difficult for me than it needed to be, reading a new piece straight from the music seemed to take me back twenty steps again. My advice would be ...if you are serious, develop your ear but start learning to read early on, you don't have to be able to rattle out C minor prelude off the bat but it will be better for you later on in your career to have that basic grounding to build on.
  12. Nearly there, frets levelled/dressed, pickups in ...EMG Hz's, looking forward to trying these, hopefully get time with the soldering iron this weekend and thinking about knobs ...
  13. Nope sorry andy, can't help but there must be some samples out there somewhere .... Ian
  14. No Pics...No build Bo'ness !?...nice one !... ............i'm just up the road (My mum is from Boness)
  15. Im sure Heath could be persuaded to do you another m8 (I Love Heath's stuff...hasn't been on here in a while).
  16. Thanks RK 4 Strings --- i had these lying around really so decided to give them a try. After putting them on i was swithering on a 'proper' bridge as i wasn't keen on how they looked TBH. But....i have the beast strung up and really like what i'm hearing. Now it's just a 'feel' thing at the moment as there's no electrics in it yet but the very old strings seem to be ringing surprisingly brightly, ..........not what I was expecting at all. So i will keep them for the time being .... see what it sounds/feels like when i get it the electrics in. IanM
  17. Hello Lee and welcome, was in HW myself in the early 80's ......Heady days at the Nags Head.
  18. Glad you asked that Owen Looks like Brazillian Mahogany but is actually Jacareuba or Santa Maria. I was looking for some nice quarter sawn maple but stumbled across this. What first stuck me was the lovely straight grain this wood has, there was plenty of good quarter sawn stuff available but i thought feck it, i've been spouting off about using qsawn wood for years but haven't actually built a neck using purely flatsawn material so thought i would put it to the test. Bass is now strung up and feels really good.... neck hasn't moved South in the slightest. It is lovely to work and finishes really really well. It's lighter in weight and stronger than mahogany and relatively inexpensive. I'd certainly recommend it. In fact i'm going to order a few more planks for the Stash, there is plenty on fleabay at the moment. Oh it's a rosewood board with a flamed Eucalyptus binding. IanM
  19. Cheers Simon, glad you like it You might see it sometime, my bro does a fair few gigs in 'burgh. Shame no one has asked about the neck wood yet.
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