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Posts posted by FuNkShUi

  1. I am like you, and probably overthink it.
    Took a lot of time to come up with something we all liked.
    Strangely, we thought some of the names were better suited for originals bands, rather than function bands. I didn't even realise that was "a thing".
    The one i came up with that i really liked, but was more suited to originals was "All the kings horses".

  2. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1491826584' post='3275616']

    Apparently, the recording session will be instruments recorded seperately, with drummer first to a click track, then me, etc

    No problems then.
    If you're confident you know the songs, doesn't really matter if you've played it as a band before or not (for this recordings sake) as you wont be playing it all together anyway.

  3. If you have learnt the songs for the set ( i'm going by what you've said), i don't see how the recording will be too much of an issue for you?
    As long as the songs you are set to record are out of the 25 you've learnt.
    I agree with you it's not ideal, but it's a studio session so if you don't nail it first time, you can always have another go.
    They know you're pretty new to the set, so i doubt they'd expect perfection 1st take.
    How is it being recorded? A live take? Or drums down first and everything else on top?

  4. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1490933008' post='3269129']
    Blue, you remind me of me 5 years ago after 20 bottles of cider. You talk sh*t. Tell you what, pack one up, ship it off. ill get it by monday


    Bit harsh?

    I'm in a situation where i have to sell a lot of my stuff too. Not nice at all, i feel your pain.
    Fingers crossed your situation changes for you

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