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Posts posted by FuNkShUi

  1. Finished playing a gig on the weekend, and a couple of guys from the audience said they enjoyed my playing and wondered if i'd come have a pint with them and talk about all things bass.
    Always happy to talk about the bass, so we were chatting and he asked where i had learned to play? What equipment i was using? My influences? All the normal things.
    Then he asked "How would you describe your playing then?"
    I didn't really know how to answer. All the answers i gave were more characteristics of how i sound really (my EQ preferences), not how i play.
    Never much thought about it. I'd guess it's heavily influenced by the person who taught me, but i couldn't describe it as such.
    What's your playing style? Can you describe it?

  2. We played a club gig on the weekend. A rare occasion for us.
    But it meant we used the clubs PA.
    They had three monitors upfront and one separate for the drummer.
    We were all set up and soundchecked when the engineer got to our drummer and said "what do you want in your monitor"
    Our drummer said "A bit of sax and guitar please"
    Says it all really doesn't it!!
    On another note, it was the first gig in a while i couldn't use my InEars and i missed them. A lot!!

  3. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1475068783' post='3142765']
    I presume that's based on the volume displacement (Vd) of the drivers used. The driver used in the S112 has about the same Vd figure as one of the drivers used in the two10 (from the specs I've been able to find), so the amount of air it can shift in the lows before it starts to distort should be similar between one two10 and a pair of S112.
    But a lot of perceived loudness happens higher up in the mids, where Vd doesn't tell us as much. From the published specs, a pair of S112 appears to be more efficient than a single two10 so might well sound louder in some circumstances, dependent on how much amp power is available and how low-end heavy the desired sound is.

    That's interesting. Thanks for the info.

  4. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1472081779' post='3118441']
    One thing worth noting is that a single two10 will move as much air as a pair of TKS 112 so a pair of two10 would sound massive.


    I firstly want to say I've had a 4ohm Two10, and loved it. No problems there at all!! Great sounding cab.

    Not trying to troll here, but genuinely interested what spec you've read or know of (i know you said you were an engineer later down the thread) that qualifies this?
    I have 2 X S112s . To me, it felt they were louder. Maybe to do with the amps they were paired with?

  5. Depends who you're comparing yourself against to whether your average anyway doesn't it?
    I'm piss poor compared to Victor :rolleyes: :lol:
    But I don't ever want to be average/mediocre at anything. That's just me. I think it's more of a mindset than a measuring stick though if that makes sense?
    That's not me saying i am the best at anything, i'm obviously not. But i'm not willing to "settle" for mediocre.
    If i'm into doing something, i always want to be best I can be at it.
    Saying this though, there is definitely nothing wrong with going about things your way.
    If you're happy, who's to argue?

  6. If you're relocating to Cardiff, seek out Jon Caulfield.
    Easier than Skype lessons and you don't need to take your amp.
    I had lessons with Jon for a long time, and can thoroughly recommend him.
    He is on here, but don't know how often he checks in. If you're interested give me a PM and i can send you his number.
    No idea about Skype though sorry :D

  7. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1474447322' post='3138027']
    As I said above I'm hoping the end point will be just using a sansamp and nothing else. I think the main struggle for me will be giving up my other effects. It's really only a splash of distortion here and there and occasional octaver. First gigs of attempting to strip back are this weekend..

    Ah see, i dont use any effects. So cant comment on how successful it would have been if i did.
    I dont even use a sansamp. Just EQ on my bass, with a touch of compression off the board. Job done

  8. Not all that many amps can go down to 2 ohms, so that will be your limiting factor probably.
    I have a Little Mark 2 as my back up. I can get a great sound from that, although i don't use overdrive.
    Super lightweight and they go for really cheap second hand at the minute

  9. [quote name='markmcclelland' timestamp='1474280456' post='3136687']
    You're absolutely right mate. And keep an eye out for the coda which happened exactly a month later so it should pop up on Wordpress in a week or two. And believe me, this was a rare case of me leaving quite a lot out of the story. I could have gone quite a lot further in what I actually told but held back a little.

    Ahhh shame. I like the juicy bits :lol:

  10. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1474280834' post='3136696']
    Cheers matey, I've been through various sections of that thread a few times on my way to making the decision, plus Kert lives near me so I can tap him up for advice too :lol:

    Ha! Well i can offer my experiences and you're more than welcome to try my gear out.
    But mr EBS_Freak is the yoda of IEMs and can answer any technical questions you may have.
    It is a great feeling leaving with just a small rucksack and a bass though. Wouldn't be without my IEMs now

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