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Everything posted by M-Bass-M

  1. Mods - apologies for updating within 36 hours, but I wanted to update the thread with some important information. I have now found a box that I could pack the bass in, and so shipping within the UK is now an option. The weight of the bass is 3.4kg / 7lb 7oz for those interested. Thanks Mark
  2. You could always try Sims Custom - [url="http://www.simscustom.com/"]http://www.simscustom.com/[/url]. I made an enquiry about a year ago on the possibility of having an Explorer body made which could take a Precision neck, and Martin happily quoted a price.
  3. I think I had this same issue with Pro Tools a while back. I found a solution for it - can't remember what it was - but I seem to think it may have been either the IK Multimedia or Avid forums. Although you're using Cubase, it may well be that the solution for Pro Tools works also for Cubase. I seem to recall it having something to do with the directory in which everything was saved?
  4. Bump with a price drop to £300.
  5. It's usually better to plug in via XLR. At the simplest level, the DI out usually has a pre/post EQ switch, which means that you can use the preamp on the GK to change your signal before going into the mixing desk. Useful if your amp provides some character, for example a tube pre-amp. At a more technical leve, the DI output offers two advantages. First, you can run XLR cables much further without noise interference than 1/4" jack leads. Second, the DI output will be higher than the output from your bass, which is more useful in the mixing process. I'm sure if you wanted a fuller technical answer, then a search for "unbalanced line vs DI" would probably help.
  6. Bump back to the top. I've had a few PM's regarding postage, I'm usually happy to post but unfortunately I don't have anything suitable to post the bass in!
  7. Not that I am aware of. There is definitely no reference to Stu Hamm anywhere on the bass, and the colour scheme is probably a bit too tame
  8. And replied.
  9. J7 of the M62, but would be prepared to travel as far as Knustford services on the M6 (or equivalent distance from other directions).
  10. Bump with a price drop to £320.
  11. Go on, somebody must want to be tempted to give a fretless a go!
  12. Sold my Trace Elliot pedal to Ryan, prompt payment and friendly comms - all good! Mark
  13. Bump.
  14. An Enfield Fusion with carbon fibre neck. Hopefully I'll be able to order one soon, just need to shift some basses first
  15. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1390916911' post='2351219'] The you have to give your audience something in the live performance that they can get sitting at home listening to your tracks that they have downloaded. Too many bands/musicians still think that standing on stage playing your songs is sufficient. It's not. If you can't entertain your audience you probably shouldn't be clogging up the venue. [/quote] It's hard to disagree with that. When I go and see massive established bands, you don't want to just listen to them play a note-perfect imitation of what they have recorded, you want some interaction, something different, something unique. Inevitably though you're still at the same point - you have to get the punters through the door before they can see how different you are on stage.
  16. [quote name='pnefc42' timestamp='1388741542' post='2325386'] John Deacon P? [/quote] Came here looking for this. Not sure which version, both the home-made natural finish and black/black pickguard look awesome and characteristically Deacon.
  17. I see part of the problem as being that these days, your average Joe Public cares far less about new music than they used to years ago. In the venues I've played around and about Liverpool, I never got the impression that there were people in the audience who were there just to experience new bands; they were usually friends of other bands on the bill. I'm sure the reason why there's less interest in new music probably has a lot to do with reality TV shows, and the increased availability of music on the internet. How many bands put anything they record on the internet for free download? We certainly do, and I wonder if the impact is that people download the music first and then decide if the band are worth watching. Years ago it used to be the other way around. The other issue that I see is the false promotion and advertising that is Facebook. I can understand that Facebook promotion makes promotion cheaper, but I know myself that it's really easy to act a certain way on Facebook, but my intentions otherwise are completely different. So when a promoter thinks they have loads of people attending, the reality is massively different. I'm not sure what you can do to encourage people to sample new music in the good old fashioned way. I think new music venues do need to take a hard look at how the structure evenings, and which bands they allow on the bill - as somebody said earlier, if 80% of bands are crap, then as a punter it's highly likely that any evening I go to will feature a load of crap bands, and very little quality.
  18. Bump. If it helps, then I could meet up at a location up to 30mins drive away from J7 of the M62. Cheers Mark
  19. Bump. If it helps, then I could meet up at a location up to 30mins drive away from J7 of the M62. Cheers Mark
  20. Replied, sold pending!
  21. Legendary compressor pedal made by Trace Elliot, powered by 2x9v batteries (not included). Rugged construction, velcro strips on underneath to attach to pedal board. Can be powered by a power supply, but these are extremely difficult to find. £50 including postage. Cheers Mark
  22. In excellent condition, save for the velcro on the underneath. £130 inc postage. Cheers Mark
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