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Everything posted by Jigster

  1. Innit tho! [size=4] [/size]
  2. The Nighthawk basses look the business http://www.sandberg-guitars.com/basscat-overview/calt-series/cal-nighthawk-tm
  3. [size=4][quote name='Mexicola' timestamp='1369237326' post='2086741'][/size] I placed an order about 3pm yesterday with the cheap next day delivery option and it arrived this morning. Amazing service! I placed an order with Bass Direct last Friday and it still hasn't arrived yet... [/quote] Not sure what you ordered - and it's always horrible to wait - but in fairness to BD it's pretty much a one man band there.
  4. Probs been said already, but GREAT service from these guys. Ordered online Sunday eve - arrived twenty minutes ago, Tuesday. Get on it. [size=5][url="http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk"]http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk[/url][/size]
  5. These are great basses - I had one myself - amazing price for a hand made instrument, neck is v cool
  6. is there much neck dive on these with the bigger headstock?
  7. How heavy is it?
  8. Don't think you ever posted the weight of this gorgeouosity?
  9. Got some nice feedback on our ep http://echoesanddust.com/2013/05/those-amongst-us-are-wolves-chaotic-love-stories-and-irrational-behaviour/ http://www.thesirenssound.com/2013/04/29/those-amongst-us-are-wolves/
  10. I already told him I dont know where it is!! [size=4] [/size]
  11. Just caught up with this... I bought a Squier jazz from Marcus a few years back - I'd say a King bass suits him fine - seemed apparent to me the guy can play. And clear he's optimising the market to get back to what he lost. It's a traders forum. Give the guy a break
  12. Liking this - very fresh and orignal sound - how do the tunes evolve? do you jam stuff out, or is it brought to the table so to speak?
  13. I hold with the shoegaze approach -
  14. thanks Ray - taking Hawkwind, thanks [size=4] [/size]
  15. Cheers Nige - thanks for having a listen -
  16. Cheers Clarky - damn good of you Also available on itunes and Spotify
  17. When you say West Midlands - where? Coventry being the centre [size=4] -[/size][size=4] where are you from there?[/size] [size=4]Welcome dude[/size]
  18. what has the courier offered as an explanation?
  19. Come to this thread late. It's a tough one but we're all in a market together - I had a whinge about paying fees a few weeks back, but I increasingly appreciate this pov - I personally HATE the idea of market, per se, it's the root of all evil today (thanks P. Floyd), but 'market' works on all levels, ie. realistically, why should someone provide a service for free if they offer expertise and time? I'm prepared to pay someone for their time and to do what[i] I[/i] can't do, same as I expect people to pay me the going rate for my time (and expertise...what little I have ) (ha ha)
  20. I've played his other one - very nice - quite tempted myself [size=4] [/size] [size=4]But I won't.[/size]
  21. [size=4]Mate of mine is selling this - all hand crafted Eggle from 1997[/size] [size=4]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Patrick-Eggle-Berlin-Pro-HT22-1997-One-Owner-/121082682085?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item1c31171ae5[/size] [size=4]Sorry mods, not sure where else to put something like this[/size]
  22. Alister bought my Westone Thunder - really easy guy to deal with and good comms. Thanks for the sale!
  23. A chance to meet Ian Tilton - the photographer behind loads of seminal Roses photos - also took iconic images of The Smith and Nirvana... This should be a cool night [url="https://www.facebook.com/events/478679028852059/"]https://www.facebook...78679028852059/[/url] [attachment=130571:Shop-Talk-Ian-Tilton.jpg]
  24. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1363714367' post='2016459'] My favourite band name (taken, sadly) is [b][size=5]Ken Dodd's Dad's Dog's Dead[/size][/b] Really trips off the tongue. [/quote] Nearly as catchy as Edward Woodward Wouldn't He?
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