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Everything posted by Jigster

  1. It would be a 400 Big Red as it was deffo shortscale
  2. Sounded okay as it goes - nice fretting action - it's up at £899 which I dunno, feels steep?
  3. Hey yes that's the one! I've just found it on Fly Guitars. Aha so they've got the model wrong then! Thanks for your help man
  4. I've come across a very nice walnut EB3 which is listed as being a 73/74 model - I've had a root around on the internet as I'm confused. Unlike the typical EB3 chrome pickups, this has two black 'Gibson' marked pick ups - one [i]right[/i] at the neck, the other in the P position. Also the controls feature usual V/T but also two black switches, which I guess are p'up selectors, and the controls are all mounted at an angle a bit like the Hofner arrangement. Also no pickguard. I've not seen any EB3s like this - might they be a special run? Can't do pics as it was in a shop. Thanks for any help.
  5. they're not EMGs in this tho surely?
  6. Jigster


  7. bumped into the new year
  8. anything in mind?
  9. an over-indul-ged bump
  10. Mathew is a cool guy to deal with - good communications - and the bass is what he said it would be. Cheers, Chris
  11. This was originally at the Underbelly, but has been moved to The Workshop in Old Street. Fitting that we're playing on the 10th anniversary of the great Joe Strummer's passing. (Mentioned that to our drummer, who's considerably younger, and he said "Who?") We play dreamy soundscapey electronic rocked up post rock instrumental goodness. Gig details here for any support [url="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=413876642013837&set=a.231789536889216.51714.207516622649841&type=1&theater"]https://www.facebook...&type=1[/url]
  12. With your, clearly very honed, organising skills and highly motivated business plan......sounds to me like you should be running this goddamn country Truck Looking forward to the next installment
  13. Not crazy about the new Classifieds - but agree with some above, if you're selling and get a sale then it's only right to put a bit back in the BC pot
  14. Pics will really help - maybe try Photobucket or Flickr so you can get something up?
  15. Sorry HJ have replied to your PM
  16. beyond me how this hasn't been snapped up
  17. I should have added because he prefers his basses to ride bare back - ie. no pickguard
  18. Hi Tom, I took it off because a prospective buyer wanted to know if there were any tooling marks underneath Then decided not to buy! Grrr.
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