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Everything posted by Jigster

  1. what does W.H.Y mean in the advert title - can't be bothered to look in the Glossary - it's sunday eve and I'm a chillin'
  2. [quote name='Musky' post='724874' date='Jan 26 2010, 09:45 AM']Yeah, but you manage to list your stuff without meaningless hyperbole, crappy pictures, stupid mistakes or pulling the auction before the end! [/quote] i wouldn't say he has written anything hyperbolic (? ) - I have a Blazer, they are extremely well made, as he says, and they do punch above their weight price wise, which I was what I think he means - I've gigged mine a lot and they are good punchy basses with great sustain
  3. [quote name='oldslapper' post='724175' date='Jan 25 2010, 03:42 PM']you're not missing anything ! It's either for trade, and he's made it clear what he wants (USA Fender Jazz) Or it's for sale ....but there is not a price listed, in which case one needs to be put on, or the "for sale" bit needs to be removed. Makes no odds to me as I haven't got a US Jazz, or any money, but would love this baby sooooo much, I could pretend to be Ronny Lane and play Itchycoo Park.[/quote] John what are you doing on here - you said you and Basschat were over each other
  4. [quote name='Clarky' post='715497' date='Jan 17 2010, 10:40 AM']Although I am in general not in favour of fretboard pyrotechnics, I do enjoy the occasional bass solo. Which one(s) are the most well executed, cleverly constructed and beautiful to your ears? I am guessing there will be plenty of votes for Willy Week's 'Voices Inside' from the Donny Hathaway live album, Jaco's "A remark you made" and "Havona" and from the punk contingent (Wayne!) Rancid's "Maxwell Murder" I will throw in a left-field one - the gorgeous double bass solo on "Topplue, Votter and Skjerf" by Miroslav Vitous on Terje Rypdal's album "To be Continued". Here is a link to a free (slightly lower quality than MP3) version, the solo is at 1:27. Just click on "Prelisten Track" [url="http://ligamusic.com/Lyrics/2943917/Terje_...f/download-mp3/"]http://ligamusic.com/Lyrics/2943917/Terje_...f/download-mp3/[/url][/quote] that is some track - haunting and epic - acoustic bass I'm guessing? wonder what he plays it thro
  5. [quote name='baronfloyd' post='723268' date='Jan 24 2010, 04:37 PM']Just bought a Zon from Chris - great guy to deal with. Nice to meet you eventually Chris.[/quote] pleasure - thanks for the sale - hmm nice, Knutsford services in the rain
  6. if you're close to them, i'd meet them - always best cos you feel like you've done the right thing. otherwise i reckon 1 is the best option by far, you're in control of how long the call goes on for and you don't have to hover around waiting for people to assemble etc drummer's a right one isn't he? doesn't attend rehearsals!!
  7. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='720512' date='Jan 21 2010, 08:43 PM']This has been posted on here before, but I think it deserves it's own thread. One of these chaps is a font of knowledge on all things Fender. The other is called Leo. Oh, aye.. forgot to mention that one of them is one of BC's own. [/quote] FS/FT Pre-Ernie Ball MM, natural finish, 2eq, OHSC - everything all in for those pens, that belt, and those PANTS, I just gotta have those PANTS!
  8. [quote name='leschirons' post='716116' date='Jan 17 2010, 10:46 PM']Listen mate, this happens to most people once in a while. It certainly has to me. Normally, when things go pear-shaped. You quit a band, or it breaks up, or you can't find anyone to play with that suits your needs. Believe me, something will turn up, usually sooner than you think. If you sell your gear, you'll regret it and then end up buying it all again and if you're happy with what you've got and can afford to keep it, then do because the chances are you won't find the right stuff again at the right price. I don't know if you were in a gigging band or a just-for-fun band. Try to get something going with a couple of mates to keep the fingers moving and the brain cells turning over. Try and use the time you now have constructively. Practice your instrument, get out and meet some musos in pubs / clubs / jam nights etc. Check out the music shop ads and the like. I don't want this to come across all Norman Tebbit, but this is a common thing you're experiencing. Something always comes up. Best of luck.[/quote] yes to this - especially the jam nights and meeting other musos - also, any local music forums can join? also how far prepared to travel, Leicester's in shouting distance of quite a few places that might have other bands
  9. prob get more interest with photos
  10. When Harry Met BUMP
  11. the jury's well out for me on this - remembered now that the model i tried out has a replacement Basslines pup
  12. [quote name='Mykesbass' post='713757' date='Jan 15 2010, 02:00 PM']Was in retail when these first came out and stocked them. Originally, they were using the previous Fender hardware - i.e. when they updated the standards the Highway One inherited the old pick-ups etc. Now, by the look of things the pick-up is the same but you get a BadAss on the cheaper bass. Also, the BIG difference is the satin finish on the Highway One - was a big issue among a lot of players who wanted their gloss. (oh, and a gig bag, not a hardcase, so add another £80 for a Hiscox). [url="http://www.fender.co.uk/products/view_specs.php?full_partno=0190460&name=American+Standard+Precision+Bass%26reg%3B"]http://www.fender.co.uk/products/view_spec...n+Bass%26reg%3B[/url] [url="http://www.fender.co.uk/products/view_specs.php?full_partno=0111360&name=Highway+One%26trade%3B+Precision+Bass%26reg%3B"]http://www.fender.co.uk/products/view_spec...n+Bass%26reg%3B[/url] Get out and try some - as with all Fenders (all basses?) some have "it" and some don't.[/quote] well yeah I tried one out last week - it's a used model but had a nice tone - not sure this had a Badass - kinda liked the satin finish - the pups were my main concern, what sort of output tone quality
  13. what do people think of these - they're US made I believe, where down the spec do they differ to the Standard? Ta
  14. [quote name='Mzungu71' post='712672' date='Jan 14 2010, 03:34 PM']Would you take a bass as a trade? I have a Fender Ambiguous Arf[/quote] or an Adam Clayton Reverso Signature bass
  15. We're called Motherless - purveyors of a dirty rock n roll that's raw, loose, and loud. On at 10.45pm if any BC'ers are local to the Birmingham area and at a loose end!! £5 www.myspace.com/motherlessmusic Actress and Bishop Ludgate Hill Birmingham B13 1EH
  16. [quote name='henry norton' post='711531' date='Jan 13 2010, 04:36 PM']Old double basses get repaired and altered (4-5 string for example) all the time, and they're expected to last for centuries. If it's been repaired well enough then it shouldn't be a problem - just don't pay 'perfect condition' prices for it.[/quote] no, sure - ta
  17. active only
  18. [quote name='ialma' post='711472' date='Jan 13 2010, 04:04 PM']does it have a truss rod ?[/quote] no - is that good or bad for you? btw, you are in Italy I think, if you have any interest, I have omitted to say, and will amend it now, that the free p&p is UK only - best to get that straight
  19. [quote name='bumnote' post='711467' date='Jan 13 2010, 04:02 PM']My precision that I got back in 1969 already had the headstock cracked through the e tuner hole all the way to the end past the g. It was poorly glued back together and hasnt moved in the last 40 years[/quote] wow -
  20. I don't have any issues personally, but there is a guitar I'm quite keen on which has suffered a headstock crack and been repaired - it's a Ricky and was a truss rod issue apparently - but my question, and I know it's different for each case, but how longstanding will a well done repair job be - is there a chance, say, of the crack returning under the duress of the guitar being regularly gigged? Ta
  21. [quote name='robocorpse' post='709665' date='Jan 12 2010, 04:03 AM']Sooo tempting, but can't justify it while I'm still looking for thru-neck graphite! Have a free bump anyway![/quote] well you could wait forever
  22. had a nibble, but fish just fell off the hook so back in the pond
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