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Everything posted by bottomfeed

  1. My daughter had a nickel allergy... piercings, belt buckles even coins would set off the most horrendous rashes.. after doing all the 'suppressant creams' we eventually got her a referral to the Homoeopathic hospital in Bristol.. where after one lengthy consultation, she was prescribed some little tablets & a powder.... In a few days it started to clear up, until it completely vanished!..... We were amazed! Over the next few years the rashes came back a couple of times.. We phoned the Hospital up & they sent us some 'top up' powder by post.... Again it did the trick... These days she doesn't have a problem with it at all.. I don't know what the stuff was & it may be that it wouldn't work the same for other people... but the principle of homoeopathic treatment is to stimulate the bodies natural defences by introducing minute amounts of the very thing that causes the reaction... Rather than just suppressing the symptoms...... It certainly worked for us...
  2. Well I was thinking that I would be looking for a[b] G & L[/b] L-2500 in the new year (as a spare/change from my stingray5) if you've still got it early next year... I'll consider it then.......
  3. ...an interesting thread indeed!... I can relate to the 'light' & 'dark' sides of this [i]business they call show[/i] As a kid, I could never imagine me dealing with the 9 - 5 game, it just wouldn't suit me... sounded like a prison sentence! ...so I avoided it. For the last 30 years my income has mainly always come from 'music related diseases' ...Bands, teaching, recordings etc.. consequently I have had times of poverty & also [i]relative[/i] wealth ... I've bought up 2 kids (..for several years as a single parent) It has often been very tough making ends meet... but it [i][b]definitely[/b][/i] has been an adventure!.... I have no pension! [i]I'll be 48 in march 09[/i] I've just got back from playing a week in Cyprus with a funk/soul covers band, to find a royalty report for $303.17 for my share in a Sample CD that was recorded over 6 years ago on the door mat.... that gives me a glow! it's not big ([i]or clever![/i]).... but it's my life... & for the most part, I enjoy it... I don't think I could do anything else.....
  4. That's pretty tempting!.... ..& your in Bristol too!.... hmmm, if it wasn't that xmas is commin' on......
  5. fook!¬... if this was a few months ago... I probably would be well up for it!... but I'm all cabbed up now & happy!
  6. [quote name='Ray' post='318617' date='Oct 30 2008, 07:14 PM']Here's mine. Passive bass through a quality rig. No effects. Simple but effective. [/quote] Sweet!...... is that the set up you used on 'The Fantastics' myspace tunes?
  7. I think this is the 3rd rig I've posted in this thread!! ...I hope this is it for a while!.... I think so.... it's sounding Phat & it's been tickling my bass bone these last few weeks!.....
  8. [quote name='BassManKev' post='314952' date='Oct 26 2008, 12:00 PM']the bottomfeeder is especially for bass[/quote] ... I thought my DOD FX25B was for bass as opposed to the FX25... or does the 'B' stand for [i]blend [/i]?
  9. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='314936' date='Oct 26 2008, 11:34 AM']Ha, nice user name! Buy it! I've got one, awesome envelope filter.[/quote] Ahh.... yes, envelope filter..... thought it probably was.. but not much of a hint in the name... I currently have a DOD one (cheap & cheerful!) & used to own & really like the Electro Harmonix Dr Q!... now there was an eccentric quack box! Does the bottomfeeder manage to avoid cutting the bass frequencies a bit when you stand on it?
  10. ..I feel strangely drawn to the[b] Bottomfeeder[/b]!!.... What kinda funky sounds does it actually do? [i](...the voices in my head!.... they tell me things... must resist!)[/i]
  11. [quote name='molan' post='311667' date='Oct 21 2008, 11:02 PM']Who are you calling fat?[/quote] heh heh!....
  12. Just heard back from Roqsolid..... £30.50 each!.... bargin! ordering 2 immediately! Thanks for that BC-ers appreciate it!....
  13. Thanks for the suggestions so far.... have sent the dimensions to Roqsolid, not heard back yet... also Bass Merchant has PM'ed me....
  14. have a BUMP! on me....
  15. Okie Dokie.....[b] SOLD[/b] [b][i]pending the usual[/i][/b]...... Thanks for all the interest .. the show is as good as over.... (..the fat lady is warming her vocal chords up!)
  16. I've recently acquired 2 Aguilar GS 112's & want to get covers for them.... Thought this would be a simple task really!... but after wasting a slice of my life, trawling the net, going round in circles... I'm getting a bit fed up with it all! The sites where you can get the actual Aguilar covers from are obviously all American & it seems $99 each is pretty standard across the board... but I hate the way they assume everyone lives in the states & their bloody forms are impossible to fill out without a zip code etc!... they're also loaded with hidden shipping charges.... 'Music 123' has a good deal, but I can't even find an email address on their site, to ask if they ship to the UK... 'Silverstone' is a UK company but although they claim to make to order, GS 112 seems impossible to get a quote for... & they have union jacks on everything... which I don't really want! ... I'm resigned to the fact that they wont be cheap but I don't really want to pay over £100 for them... [b]Has anyone got any suggestions?[/b]
  17. ok, close to a sale here!...... anyone else?.... before I divide them up?....
  18. A great amp... I have one myself, but not the 2 0hm version... a fair price too!..... snap it up someone!
  19. Okie Dokie!... I've gone and brought myself the Aguilar GS112's.... ( 1st gig with them last night.... they seem to suit me well...) So ready to sell them lovely Bergies right now!.... BUMP* .[b] £330 each 0r £650 the pair[/b]..... [b]Fooking bargin![/b] Interested?
  20. Bump! & a reminder of the amended price.....[b] £330 each or £650 the pair![/b] Now that has gotta be a great deal for these cabs!....
  21. [b]chris_b[/b] - I'm interested to know why they took a while to get used to?...... Anyway.... I've done some camera pics, put them at post #1 Here's a few more....
  22. [quote name='chris_b' post='302832' date='Oct 9 2008, 10:52 AM']Sounds like you should be getting Aguilar cabs. They do sound good. Can you get to hear some Genz cabs? Their owners seem to love them! Anyway, good luck with your search.[/quote] Yeah.... the Aguilar 112's would be portable enough.... hopefully will try soon, not tried the Genz ones as yet... & I've got an interest in the [b]Dr Bass[/b] & [b]Zoot [/b] stuff.... especially the Dr Bass 1260 + 112LF cabs.... they [i]LOOK[/i] like they'd be lush!!.. & very adjustable, blend the 12", 6" & tweeter to taste in the 1260..... proof of the pudding is in the eating, as always... I assume you use your AE112 with the AE2x10...(bet that sounds very punchy!) ...I'd considered that combination but because I'm so [i]'shallow'[/i] (!?! ...looks not personality!! ) I didn't like the ascetic value of how they stack (...or don't as is more the case... very well anyway!)
  23. [quote name='chris_b' post='301324' date='Oct 7 2008, 12:48 PM']I don't think you'll get better than the AE112 cabs and if they are "killing" the kick then I would have thought that all other cabs will do exactly the same. What amp are you using? Maybe a less bottom heavy amp would "improve" the sound. There must be a way of placating your drummer; could you EQ the bass around his kick drum, move the cabs away from him or slightly behind him so he can't hear the ports or put something between the cabs/ports and him to deflect the sound? I use a Thunderfunk and regularly play with about 6 drummers and they all think the Bergantino cabs are the best yet. I've not had a single bad comment.[/quote] I'm using a Genz Benz neo-pak (really liking it!....) & have experimented greatly, including running the EQ flat .....the bergs do seem to be able to push out a lot of bottom! ..& small variations make a big difference... my stingray 5 is flat on the EQ too.... I have also experimented with position to appease the mighty Lord of 'hitting things' !!....(he can be a little 'precious' about his sacred kick drum sound! ) sometimes it works fine.. more often, I am still left wanting to hear something that I'm not getting..... I had no problem when I used the Aggie cabs, though ..we were both happy.... (I've played with this guy consistently, in different projects, for over 10 years!.... & it's never been so much of a problem as it is now.....)
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